This old promo code is back! I'm oddly excited lol Not sure if it stacks with referrals but worth a try.
Edit: order total has gone up to $80 per wisdomtooth.
This old promo code is back! I'm oddly excited lol Not sure if it stacks with referrals but worth a try.
Edit: order total has gone up to $80 per wisdomtooth.
New Customers: Give a 10% discount & get US$10 in Rewards Credit for your referral's first order.
Existing Customers: Give 5% discount & get 5% commission in Rewards Credit.
It’s fine to import. I have done it without issues
Just please be careful with doses. Read up on how 300mcg (0.3mg) is proper dose to take without your body down-regulating endogenous production.
There are some options on iherb for 10MG, which is thirty times what the detailed information says people should be taking. There’s plenty of info on the web about why that is.
Yeah I've seen some of that stuff and user reports are all over the place. Reddit comments suggesting 10mg barely helps but others quoting the .3mg does. I'm 183cm, skinny, troubled sleeper - I think I'd be trying the .3 but I think iHerb's smallest stock is 3mg?
I see 1mg on there.. and then you could possibly split it.
I did see 0.5mg on amazon.
edit: as per the other user, 300mcg is available.
I got mine from Nootropics Depot.
Not sure about prices, but ND are great quality (they have a great rep) and generally prices are competitive. Not sure how they stack hp given the sale, but if it’s the only place to get a ‘correct’ dose, the. I’d say it’s worth it. Anyone reading, please keep in mind that melatonin is a hormone. We’re not talking basic supplementation of vitamins here.
But I do think Life Extensions have a 300mcg option, and they are on iHerb I think.
I'd break it up and take incrementally until I'm at a comfortable dose. Also just because the capsule contains whatever quantity, doesn't mean you will uptake 100%. Some brands might work better for you than others. I believe there are more than just marketing when it comes supplement brands, so experiment with one brand consistently then try others.
Have you tried magnesium (bis)glycinate? Half the daily dose on the bottle (175mg), knocks me off in 20 mins for 8 hours straight. And it seems pretty deep sleep too, bc if I take it too early in the night, say 8.30pm, I wake up too early, like 4.30, fully rested and alert. And it's not a hormone.
Read up on how 300mcg (0.3mg) is proper dose to take without your body down-regulating endogenous production
That's true. Seems many people (including a thread I read on whirlpool) seem to take far bigger doses than what might be necessary.
"Just please be careful with doses. Read up on how 300mcg (0.3mg) is proper dose to take without your body down-regulating endogenous production."
Can you please cite some sources for this? All the info that I have found suggests that is NOT the case.
"By far the most common myth around melatonin is that supplementing with it will cause your brain to make less of it. Taking a melatonin supplement before bed will not affect the pineal gland’s natural secretion of it."…
Don’t go with random news outlets. Go for science outlets.
Here’s one basic example referring to the 300mcg dose, and above that not being good:
There is a lot more info out there with a quick Google search
Read up on how 300mcg (0.3mg) is proper dose to take without your body down-regulating endogenous production
This is not in that source. All sources I've checked indicate commercial melatonin is synthetic, with absolute zero impact on endogenous production. Further, they indicate no long term deleterious effects. As for dosage, of course people who feel the need to take it, should take as little as possible, as with all drugs, in addition to taking all other non-drug measures to fix the problem at the root — screens off at bed time, sleep hygiene, etc — rather than band-aiding it at the top.
@wormarts: I don't know why I'm replying to a very old page but for everyone's reference this a review paper looking at long term melatonin intake that was published earlier this year.
Chronic Administration of Melatonin: Physiological and Clinical Considerations:
In summary, it goes through 50+ papers and draws a conclusion via concensus that "Melatonin at low to moderate dosages (approximately 5–6 mg daily or less) appears safe" and "long-term melatonin administration has found no difference between exogenous melatonin and placebo in terms of long-term negative effect"
Also in reference to Australian standards, the current formulation that is in market is 2mg per tablet.
So would it be recommended to cycle melatonin then instead of taking it everyday? Just to make sure your body is shocked into it's natural function?
@WillKillfor5Cents: Take it every day?? Yeah, having said that,, this seems like a sure recipe for disaster. Even if synthetic melatonin is not biologically addictive — in the sense of down-regulating endogenous production — it may be psychologically addictive, if one just forgets how, or becomes lazy about, putting oneself to sleep.
It's legal to import without a prescription.
Never shopped iherb before, anything worth buying?
Lithium, melatonin and metho folate.
Anyone knows if iherb AU processes payment in Australia or the US (in which case we'll be charged foreign transaction fees by most banks here)?
It is AUD if you choose AUD.
Free shipping now only over $80.
Need to round a few people up to buy stuff together. Now I see the point of having friends lol
I find it easy meeting those minimums with vitamins; they last long enough, and are reasonably easy to store, to buy many months worth of stock at a time.
It would be the case for me too, if I don't also source them from Piping Rock and eBay as well. I mostly get liquid forms of whatever I need off iHerb since they are much easier to take (less resistance from my personality). Liposomal things in the supermarkets have become more competitive in price since covid, and I cultivate a lot of probiotics at home (my witch's brew lol), that takes care of the need for some B vitamins as well. I've just got one of my probiotics to work with honey a few weeks ago, very happy and can be tipsy at times 🤣 If you are down Caloundra some days, happy to give you some starter, but use at your own risk 😆
@Alley Cat: I'm OFTEN down at Caloundra! What's in it? What's that witch's brew? You find better prices on eBay?? Like, of what?! I've so many questions… 😅
Liposomal things in the supermarkets have become more competitive in price since covid
Interesting… I hadn't noticed that. I tend to split supplement purchases between iHerb, Chemist Warehouse and Kunara, taking advantage of the deals on each. I hardly ever buy the brands in supermarkets, but every once in a while Blackmores will have a formulation that is not total crap.
@wisdomtooth: Lol it’s a designer probiotic that I use for Salmonella and the alike. Thought I might as well just grow it and drink often. Also have S. Boulardii to keep other yeast in check.
Depends on what you buy and how much you use, eBay usually has bulk powders that works out way cheaper than capsules. Most of them do not taste too bad, just mix with water. NAC is definitely not one of these tho lol I do also have a capsule maker too when I get sick of measuring.
I tend to only get single things so I can adjust the doses (they vary depending on how naughty I had been with my food and hormone cycles), and a lot of stuff isn’t supposed to be taken together, or that my body doesn’t need or can’t use.
I’ll pm my contact info :)
@Alley Cat: Thanks.
NAC is definitely not one of these tho lol
That's one I buy in powder (in addition to tablets), so I can give it to the little one. Just throw it in salty lemon/lime juice, which we have almost every morning here, but especially when under viral attack, and its taste is barely detectable.
FYI this code is for full priced items only, can't use it for sale items
Anyone who lives in Sydney keen to split an order. I'm just after some melatonin but not really interested in spending 80 to get free shipping.
Awesome, thanks
So what's the legality with melatonin? I thought it's prescription in Aus.