Hello Ozbargain community,
I would love your assistance to clear out my stock of eco-friendly bagasse containers and plates. These products have been marked down considerably.
Here are the links:
750 ml containers and lids: https://www.keeo.com.au/products/nonnas-750ml-sugarcane-cont…
8 inches plates: https://www.keeo.com.au/products/sugarcane-dessert-plate-500…
Here are the links to similar competitor products for your reference:
1) Biopak's 750ml base-only: https://www.biopak.com/au/750ml-white-biocane-takeaway-base
2) Biopak's 7 inches round plates: https://www.biopak.com/au/7-round-biocane-plate
Please note that the containers and plates are made of sugarcane fibre however the lids are PET plastic material.
Thank you very much for your support.