This was posted 2 years 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Windows 10 Pro US$15.80 (~A$23) (with Free Update to Windows 11) @ SCDkey


Mod: Purchase at your own risk, see previous discussion.

What follows is a verbatim copy of the first section of a Sponsored Content article published on TweakTown. Its contents may or may not represent the thoughts or opinions of TweakTown or its editors. has an awesome February Software Sale on Microsoft software, including Windows 10 Pro for $15.80 and Windows 11 Pro for $22.10.

The big February Sale with massive Microsoft software discounts is underway at software activation keys provider You can save big on Windows, Office, and more.

Any TweakTown reader who wants a great deal on Windows 10 and more can click on the links below. And as a bonus, Windows 10 comes with a free upgrade to Windows 11. To get the most savings, enter promo code TT25 at That will chop an extra 25% off the site's already-low prices on keys for Windows 10 Pro, Microsoft Office 2021 Pro, and more.

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closed Comments

  • +20

    Thanks for the spam

  • -8


  • +5

    If you don't need to use Microsoft Office for business purpose (for the sake of potential compatibility issue), switch to Ubuntu or MintLinux for free, the real OzBargain way.

    • +7

      Like the enthusiasm for open source. However so many things we'd typically rely on windoze.
      There Lubuntu variant of Ubuntu is particularly light and runs fast and snappy on even the oldest loww spec hardware.

      • +4

        think windows is now at 1.3 billion users …. could use linux at home and build up a skill set, but as soon as you walk into an office they expect you to know windows, or a library it will be windows …. my son school has option of windows or mac osx ., i run windows , osx and red hat linux at home ….90% of the time i use windows ….red hat is also free for developers and very common in enterprises due to support ….look at the number of people redhat employs in australia vs ubuntu etc.

        if you invest your time , and you hope it will help get a job , where you invest your time and skill set can be important …

        • Agree with @chyawala regarding the enthusiasm with Open Source software, but with the amount of people (from all walks of life) that still can't even get the minimum stuff right using a computer (Windows or Mac), I don't think adding another Operating system into the mix is going to help, either the person or the situation (work or home).

          Gotta love the "I'm not in IT" excuse people love to use. 😅

  • +1

    Tweaktown stooped to shilling cdkeys?

  • Is this for real?

    • Nope. It's a spam illegal product. There's no way it is a genuine product at this price. Best to stay away because who knows what malware/spyware is in the download.

      • +4

        Except all you get is a serial number. You can download the iso from microsoft server.

        Not saying I condone buying these serials though from these type of sellers. Just saying how it is.

  • How would one upgrade from windows 8 to windows 10 now given the free MS upgrade option has expired?
    (If not by using keys from sites similar to these)


    • +2

      Ask Bing AI

    • +4

      It still works i did it 4 days ago

    • +3

      Nothing has expired - just use the Media Creation Tool from Microsoft to make a Windows 10 USB stick, and then insert it into your Windows 8 machine and do the upgrade.

      • It actually also works in most instances simply copying the ISO to a folder, then mounting it.

        Done a few this way myself.

        • +1

          I have upgraded many a laptop/computer using a mounted ISO. It works.

    • +6

      i peeled license keys from some PCs at the good guys recycle bin ,probably could have just taken a photo and i doubt those PCs will ever be turned on again, office works also has recycle bin … under EU laws windows 10 licenses are transfereable. all MS asked when i turned on the keys from the recycle bins was “has hardware changed recently” said yes and it fired up. because of EU laws machines are scrapped but windows 10 licenses recovered and reused.

      probably why MS now allocates keys to you microsoft account.

      MS makes money from licenses on new laptops people buy, enterprise users who pay annual support, not people who dumpster dive for license keys …small,percentage of the 1.3 billion keys ….

      • +1

        Where are those recycling bins located? At the back of stores?

        • In Brighton store at the front next to walk way between buildings

  • -4


    • Why? Share specifics so we can all be enlightened.

  • +14

    If you’re going to buy shaddy keys, you might as well just pirate. It’s basically the same result except ironically, pirating will generate a legit key. Compared to these shaddy keys, where it’s just a matter of time before they are deactivated.

    • +2

      Agreed, this is basically paying for the convenience of stealing from Microsoft.

      • +3

        Pirating it is so simple now days it’s literally just a single script you run that fakes the old Windows 7 free upgrade path to generate a real license.

        • -3

          Care to share how?

          • +5

            @humbala: Not appropriate to post here, spend the two min searching yourself

    • Never heard of MS deactivating any keys. They definitely could if they wanted to.

      • I dunno how common it is but it's definitely happened to cheap keys. Honestly at this point it seems like you don't lose a whole lot by running Windows 10 without activation so I don't think I'd even bother buying one if I lost access to my current copies on any of my computers.

  • +3

    If your grabbing a key like this you may as well HWIDGEN and be done with it.

    • vlmcsd

  • +2

    You can get the same keys for like $3.
    So far no issues since March last year…and if it does, i'll just buy another $3 key.

    • Or you could spend 20 minutes reading and do the free permanent option since what you’re doing isn’t legit anyway.

      • +1

        My way is quicker than 20 mins though.

      • +1

        Do you have a good link with instructions?

  • +2

    Pro tip windows 10 keys work on windows 11 withput upgrade, i did it

    • +1

      Yes, they're the same keys. Windows 10 keys activate windows 11.

  • +1

    Do it at your own risk. Have a read at others experience.…

    So guys, especially those that suggest this is not the way, what's the cheapest legit way then?

  • Extremely barebones site. I can't find any FAQ. All the other licence resellers I've come across make some effort at explaining the source and the type of their licences.

  • Does anyone really pay $200 bucks for a Windows licence? $339 for Pro. Get outta here. Microsoft is having a laugh.

    • +1

      if you need key for new machine build, you buy an oem when you buy motherboard or ssd at computer store …it’s about $130 for pro last time i bought one for new machine build …. read EU laws ,,,oem is transfereable ….oem vs retail is retail you can call microsoft and they offer support for your mum and dad users ….with oem you go back to who built the PC ….
      if you bin a PC ….keep the keys for next build.

  • +2

    Sorry everyone. This sounded like a genuine sale for OEM keys. I didn't realise SCDkey is shady. Especially since Tweak Town posted it.

    • For money news sites would give their only begotten reputation.

  • Step 1. Get a low power computer (Pi, NUC, Thin Client).
    Step 2. Set up PyKMS (Docker, on bare metal Linux)
    Step 3. slmgr /skms IPADDRESS
    Step 4. slmgr /ato

  • +2

    Whoever considers buying this just google royal CD keys and you will get exactly the same for about a quarter of the price.

  • I purchased a Win10 pro key from an "obscure" source 7 yrs ago for AU$32. Still going strong after 3 major rebuilds plus OS refreshes. Built a system for my daughter 3 yrs ago with $18 Win10 pro. It too is faultless. Can't understand the naysayers objections esp the blatant pirate method. These keys could be legit OEM recycled from the dumpster as old mate suggested doing. Who knows? Who really cares? Works for me. Thanks OP

    • These keys could be legit OEM recycled from the dumpster as old mate suggested doing. Who knows? Who really cares?

      Or it could be volume licence keys thats not for (re)sale.

      Works for me.

      If only it worked for everybody. Yeah?

      • YMMV

        • +1

          What i was getting at.

    • +1

      You paid too much.You can find them under $10. I bought some for about $5 more than 6 years ago, never have any issues.

    • -2

      Because you are paying $$ for a key that is not legit (in all likelihood a volume license key that is being resold). If you're going to use keys that are not legit, why bother paying for them? You may as well go to and be done with it.

    • Correct.

  • +1

    I remember buying Windows 95 on release day (I didn't queue up at Hardly Normal for the midnight launch though). Came in a nice cardboard box from memory. I don't regret the purchase.
    I also remember buying Windows Vista upgrade too. I think it was as a family pack or something. Came in a nice plastic perspex box from memory. I do regret the purchase.

    • At least you didn't buy windows me

      • I remember installing the Windows Me beta on my brothers computer to test it out. His PC was never the same afterwards, even after we uninstalled it.

    • Always thought the Vista boxes looked really awesome.

      Only ever got Vista OEM though which from memory was a DVD case, or maybe that was my copy of Windows Home Server from around the same time.

      Was some pretty nice packaging hitting shelves around then but. Along with those Vista boxes Apple had some really nice iPod packaging hitting the markets. Was a period where PC companies were taking more care about presentation, beige boxes were on their way out, etc.

  • -2

    Mods asleep or can't be bothered?

    • They're buying up all the licences.waiting for them to post

    • -1

      This. They like leaving up shit deals a longer time often.

      Clearly obvious that this should be removed.

      • Mods seem to favour quantity over quality for the last few years. Don’t worry about right or wrong so long as the ad revenue keeps flowing in from clicks. Just like how they still encourage people to share JB Perk codes despite their being reports of people getting banned by JBs because of it.

        Shame there’s nothing that really competing with OzBargain…

    • There seems to be lots of assumptions about moderations on OzBargain.

      Right on this very page you can check past deals on Windows 10 and SCDKEY and you'll see how the moderators handled those CD key "deals" in the past. Let me also point out a similar discussions in the forums in the past, especially my response here.

      In short, we are unable to determine the exact method those keys were obtained, so we left them here. Neg the deal if you don't think it's legit, or don't think it's cheap.

      • Fair points. However, the 15 reports for this deal still haven’t been marked as resolved after 13 hours. This doesn’t really make people who are trying to help by reporting things are being listened to. Marking it as resolved with a quick explanation would help clear things up imo.

        Also, there are comments in this thread directly linking to pirate activation software…

        • Those comments need to be reported.

          I left the reports against the main post unresolved because I am expecting the moderators will discuss it sometime. It's Sunday afterall so tasks get resolved slowly. Also for the community showing others have already reported so there's no need for more.

          • @scotty: Also fair points. Thanks

            Edit: Looks like the comment has already been reported as illegal/inappropriate. But I’ll chuck another one on to it.

  • -3

    $23 for a licence that will get deactivated by Microsoft in like 6 months (if you're lucky)? No thanks

    • -1

      Have to laugh at the dislikers of my original comment, clearly haven't experienced buying dodgy licences from a random site. Might be worth actually doing your research into the reviews before disliking, 35 pages of reviews specific to 'Windows 10'

      Waste your money for all I care, Idiots.

  • Products of questionable legidity should not be posted.

    • -3

      Why? Retailer states genuine, Microsoft supplies & validates product as genuine. The product works as intended for all intents and purposes for an average reasonable person with non-specialised knowledge who is able purchase and use without a guilty mind (mens rea) Ipso facto sufficiently genuine VALID DEAL

      I see this as a mispriced opportunity often posted here on OzBargain. The retailer could cancel the sale but sells the product anyway at less than wholesale or to an unintended target market segment.

      As a third party observer it is not our job to FUD police Microsoft's voluminous policies with dubious 'questionable legidity'.

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