I purchased an Ego mower back in Dec 2019, and a few months ago the battery was showing no charge (Red when button pressed) but when I inserted it in the charger, it showed full bars and didn't charge. But after blowing at the connector, it started working again. But tried charging yesterday, same issue and have done the resets and taking it on and off 10x, didnt work.
Ego have come back saying 'warranty period has passed', am I SOL as its 2 months past? The annoying thing was that if I didnt 'fix' it the first time, that would still have been just within the warranty period. Just feel that its super crappy that a $450 battery fails just after the warranty period. Have seen a fair few posts about the battery problems as well. It was working fine before, no weird discharging or overheating, didnt leave it to drain or anything.
Would 2 months past warranty be an acceptable extended expectation if I go quoting the ACL?
Batteries are a bit of a grey area due to the degradation of it over time - least you could do is try and email them and ask what's their stance on batteries and ACL / reasonable expected lifetime of batteries.