This was posted 12 years 7 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Ferrero Chocolates for Free for Doing a Survey (Not bad if you like Ferrero)


Go To above link fill in a survey and eat the chocolates when you receive them.
I am not affiliated with them but a friend sent me the link and it worked for them thought some fellow ozbaraginers might enjoy some nice chocolates.

Not sure when finishes maybe end of July not sure if everyone will like them but free worth a try.

Mod edit: Please note response from Ferrero:

Hello Ozbargainers, we appreciate your interest in our promotion however we wanted to post on this thread to clarify a misunderstanding regarding eligibility. Please note that clause 5 of the terms and conditions states:

To be eligible to claim, individuals must, during the Claim Period, either: (a) receive the promotional eDM; or (b) receive the Linked In message, (in their Linked In account inbox), from the Promoter inviting them to participate and claim.

In short this means that only people who were directly invited by Ferrero via email or Linked In were eligible to claim.

We note that a link to this promotion was posted by an individual, however that post was not authorised by Ferrero. That means that for those of you that submitted a survey from the link on OzBargain, without first receiving the offer directly from Ferrero, your submission is ineligible.

As you can appreciate, this promotion was limited to only 1,430 claims, therefore we are unable to fulfill any claims in excess of this amount to individuals who were not invited to claim.

If your submission is deemed ineligible, we will remove your survey information from our database and will not send you a box of chocolates.

Thanks for your understanding,

e: [email protected]

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closed Comments

  • oh wow an entire box. If this is legit then sugar high here i come!!

    • It looks like a very small box :-)

    • +1

      insulin spike ftw!

  • Awesome, thanks!

  • +5

    Prepared to be ozbargained!

  • Delivery to work and to an unused email address FTW :)

  • +1

    Promotion commences 29/06/2012 and claims close at 11.59pm AEDST on 01/12/2012 or when 1,430 valid claims have been received, whichever is first to occur (‘Claim Period’).

    • Promotion commences 29/06/2012 and claims close at 11.59pm AEDST on 01/12/2012 or 5 min after being posted on OzBargain

  • +1

    Not sure when finishes maybe end of July

    "Promotion commences 29/06/2012 and claims close at 11.59pm AEDST on 01/12/2012 or when 1,430 valid claims have been received, whichever occurs first."

  • +7

    To be eligible to claim, individuals must, during the Claim Period, either: (a) receive the promotional eDM; or (b) receive the Linked In message, (in their Linked In account inbox), from the Promoter inviting them to participate and claim.

    • +3

      6) The Promoter reserves the right, at any time, to verify the validity of claims and claimants (including a claimant’s identity, age and place of residence) and to disqualify any claimant who submits a claim that is not in accordance with these Terms and Conditions or who tampers with the claim process.

  • +7

    Lol. If you choose "IT" from the list, it will tell you it's not available because it's less than three characters

    • IT is the 'Other' industry :D

      Edit: I was expecting it to arrive for Christmas.. It states it'll be delivered within 7 days!

    • LOL its funny how it gives you the option in the drop down, but doesnt accept it!!

      • +3

        It's funny when the obvious is pointed out… oh

        • YEAH thats why its under the same post right and not a new comment in the thread!!! Bad website design why even give you the option to choose it for when it doesnt work and you dont even have any input of characters!

  • +5

    only 8 months to go till valentines day…

  • +3

    Fererro's website is just being ozbargained it won't know what hit them yeah right till 01/12/2012 more like 1 hr.

  • Mmmm… chocolates.

    Delivery is apparently within 7 days.

    Thanks O.P.

  • +1

    "1,430 valid claims have been received"
    I suspect this won't last the hour

  • +2

    Excellent, That's the wife's Christmas present sorted. ;>)

    • +16

      A whole 9 chocolates. Well isn't she lucky!

      • +2

        Just put one on her pillow with a nice flower from the neighbors garden and eat the remaining 8

        who needs darker shades of grey…

      • -2

        HAHA maybe he's poor? chocolate is always good!

    • Pretty early for that..

  • Terms & Conditions

    1. The Promoter reserves the right, at any time, to verify the validity of claims and claimants (including a claimant’s identity, age and place of residence) and to disqualify any claimant who submits a claim that is not in accordance with these Terms and Conditions or who tampers with the claim process. Errors and omissions may be accepted at the Promoter's discretion. Failure by the Promoter to enforce any of its rights at any stage does not constitute a waiver of those rights.

    2. Only one (1) claim permitted per person. Offer is strictly limited to the first 1,430 valid claims received.

    3. If there is a dispute as to the identity of a claimant, the Promoter reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to determine the identity of the claimant.

    4. The first 1,430 valid claims received will each be awarded one (1) box of Ferrero Collection chocolates valued at $6.99 (‘Gift’).

  • +3

    Awful title, sorry :S

  • Must have been done by now :)

    "Promotion commences 29/06/2012 and claims close at 11.59pm AEDST on 01/12/2012 or when 1,430 valid claims have been received, whichever occurs first."

  • lol 100 clicks when I went through and I come back here and its 2300 clicks.

  • +1

    Good site.. it's still up!

  • +1

    lets see how many of us receive it…keep posting friends once you get the box :)

  • +5

    Love it, selecting 'IT' as an industry is not valid as it needs to be at least 3 characters ;-)

    • obviously the 'IT' dept didn't do much testing. I went with 'other'.

  • -8

    filled in 2 surveys…if it clicks then i get chocolate otherwise i still loose nothing.. :)

  • No workies in Chrome here, click "Redeem your gift now" did nothing. IE worked though. shudder

  • +1

    Doubt there's any left: gelastos 46 min ago (2938 clicks)

  • Awesome. Thanks for posting. Looks like a box of 9 assorted choccies. Perfect for one day at the office lol Looking forward to getting it at my work!!

  • Worked for me just then. Should be good.

  • +1

    Hopefully they honour it even if they did get more than 1,430 claims.

    It is good marketing for FR as I have never tried the mixed variety of their products. If I try it and like it, I will buy them as presents for others and for myself. If I don't try them, I wont.

  • The survey is now closed.

    So sad now…

    • but dayammm, over 4k clicks in an hour and a half

  • I don't know if i made it, was filling out the form and then said that

  • They hit their quota, Survey Closed T_T

  • When I selected 'IT' in the Industry box it doesn't allow me to submit with message: 'At least 3 characters'.
    Then I selected something else and got 'The survey is now closed.'

    Guess there's no love for us. :<

  • +2

    Survey is now closed - please mark as expired.

    • ozbargained in just under 2 hours :S

  • damn missed out.

  • Wow and they were thinking of having the survey opened until 01/12/2012!!! lol

    • Well, by the T&Cs probably only the OP was entitled to it.

  • Got it just in time! yeaha time to get fat! >:D

  • -7

    Im still in shock how this got 141 likes today. To give personal details for 9 choclates worth about $3.50

  • Phew! I was in a rush to leave the house earlier but still decided to check ozbargain and fill in the survey before I left. So glad I did, because it's not available once I got back.

    (I tried to edit the post to get rid of the rep tag (I'm no rep) but it wouldn't go away)

    Mod: removed rep tag

  • haha got my self one and send one to my girlfriend just got in though !

  • +4

    Oh for bloody sakes. The ONE DAY I don't go on the internet and I miss the best freebie ever.

    Now I'm left with what? some stupid shampoo sample and corn patches? GAAAHHHH.

    • +1

      But at least you will have clean hair and soft feet ;)

  • +1

    Said that it would arrive in 7 days.
    Looking forward to it. Quick delivery for a freebie.\

  • Any idea when it will be restocked? >:(

    • +1

      How many irrelevant survey responses do you think they need?

  • Woolies have the 9 pack for $6.79…. :)

    • Boooooooo!!! Not really a good move

    • It's a shame that information wasn't clearly visible on the survey website. We wouldn't have all got our hopes up on getting free chocolates, if that information wasn't tucked away in the T&C.

        • Unfortunately there was no thread at the time when I entered the competition. 8 minutes is a long time on OzBargain.

    • Voting down the rep's response which contains important information like this is not a good way to go as too many negative votes hides the comment from other people. It has been copied to the description above.

      Please do not use your negative votes this way.

    • +3

      …and there goes your goodwill rep.

      I think you guys will need to spend more on marketing now lol

    • +15

      Nice one Ferrero, you've just missed out on an opportunity for thousands of people to sample your product and potentially get some goodwill and loyalty out of it.

      Looks like mistake number 1 was bringing on board muppets from Sapient Nitro who don't understand internet marketing. If you employ 'specialists' it might pay for them to understand how to target an offer without opening it up to the ENTIRE INTERNET.

      And now we have desperate backpedalling. I wonder whether Ferrero actually authorised spamming everyone and asking for proof that they are eligible for the offer, or if it's just damage control from Sapient Nitro…

      • True!I feel disappointed!
        And not i am not going to buy any of their chocolate for my family and the work!
        I used to having them on my drawer and to client. I will choose Lindt now!

  • Quick, cheese it!

  • +1

    no good!! got these email with:

    If you received the survey directly from Ferrero via an email or Linked In, then you are eligible. For verification purposes, please reply to this email by Sunday 5th August 2012 and attach the LinkedIn message or email you received so that we can cross check it.

  • Yep got it too :(

  • +17

    Not good for customer relations….

    In situations like this companies can go one of two ways…
    - Embrace the opportunity to greet new customers and leave them with a positive experience
    - Turn new customers away and leave them with a negative experience

    In this case Ferrero have left a sour taste in ozbargainers mouths and provided them with a very negative experience of the company.

    On the other hand, Cenovis left customers with a very positive experience as per this bargain Maybe Ferrero could take note of this….

    • +1

      Agree Matt - many better ways they could have handled it. This ways seems a little too negative - and their message a little disrespectful.

      I wonder when clause 5 was last updated ;-)

  • +4


  • Uh oh, they're onto us.

  • +1

    Got the email too. Epic fail ferrero.

  • +2

    Having also participated in this survey, and being fully aware of clause 5 when submitting, I was only holding onto faint hope that they would just let it through. They (Ferrero) are well within their rights to nulify any submissions that can't verify themselves. This was never a deal - only a possible wraught, and we were caught with our pants down…

    • If that's how you want to word it…okay..

  • This is just lazy from Sapient Nitro…clearly they've done a mass mail out, realised that not all respondents are legit. Rather than give the client bad data, they need to weed it out.

    I'd love to be a fly on the wall in the meeting between the Ferrero marketing manager and the Sapient Account manager.

    "uhhh….yeah, we fked up. Sorry."

  • Not sure what I need to do now?

    I gotta this email :

    Hello and thanks for taking the time to fill in our survey.

    We are writing to you to verify your eligibility to claim in this promotion.

    We understand a number of people claiming the offer clicked through on the survey link from websites unrelated to Ferrero, via links that were posted without Ferrero’s permission or knowledge. We note that clause 5 of the terms and conditions states: To be eligible to claim, individuals must, during the Claim Period, either: (a) receive the promotional eDM; or (b) receive the Linked In message, (in their Linked In account inbox), from the Promoter inviting them to participate and claim.

    If you received the survey directly from Ferrero via an email or Linked In, then you are eligible. For verification purposes, please reply to this email by Sunday 5th August 2012 and attach the LinkedIn message or email you received so that we can cross check it.

    If you are unable to provide this information, your claim will be deemed ineligible. If that is the case, we will remove your survey information from our database and will not send you a box of chocolates.

    Feel free to contact us directly to clarify any of the above.

    Thanks for your understanding,

    e: [email protected]
    • This part from email :

      "If you received the survey directly from Ferrero via an email or Linked In, then you are eligible. For verification purposes, please reply to this email by Sunday 5th August 2012 and attach the LinkedIn message or email you received so that we can cross check it."

      1> Are we expecting to get any more email (survey)?
      2> What details (for verification) they need in reply to above email?

    • +3

      Find an ozbargainer with an invitation, get it, doctor it, and send it in

      They can have fun verifying which of the 6000+ fake invites is legit

      • Sorry, still not getting what they have said in this email…help me to understand ?

        • +1

          They want proof that they invited you to be in the survey, because they aren't capable of verifying it themselves.

          No doubt there will be legitimate customers who miss out on chocolates by not seeing this email.

          Nice one, Ferrero.

        • if thats d case then whats the point for us to reply email (subject line - Ferrero Promotion Eligibility)

          "For verification purposes, please reply to this email by Sunday 5th August 2012"

  • +6

    Anyone happen to actually have the email that was sent out and could upload it somewhere??

  • +4
    With net sales of $9.61 billion. You would think they could afford to hand out these chocolate for free as a gesture of goodwill for participating in the survey

  • +4

    Yes, Ferrero had the chance to turn this into a plus but instead managed to leave an unpleasant taste in one's mouth.

    In future I will think of Ferrero wrappings as officious red tape and enjoy my chocolates in more friendly wrappings (Aldi sell wonderful chocolates at a fraction the price and their hazelnut spread is much better value and at least as tasty).

    • +3

      Good point. I forgot these muppets made Nutella. I might have to try the Aldi spread

  • +7

    I would like prove from the company that my responses in the survey will be destroyed.

    • Hear hear!!

    • and we would like PROOF that you fixed up your spelling :P

    • And by "prove", I mean "proof"

  • -6

    thats very cheap act by Ferrero Team.
    Hope some legal actions would be taken against ferrero for this act.

    • Thats going a bit far isn't it?

      Just don't buy Ferrero chocolate any more. I won't be.

  • +5

    They also managed to piss off the people who did get the email because they can't work out who was entitled to get the offer. Just digging themselves in deeper into disrepute. Time and time again some PR dweeb dreams up a campaign for a limited group but it relies on a link not leaking out. The Internet just doesn't work like that.

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