• out of stock

FREE Vita Jellies Sample


New Cenovis Vita Jellies are great-tasting, bear shaped jellies with no artificial colours or flavours and no sugar coating.

No artificial colours or flavours
No sugar coating
Fun bear shaped jellies kids will love

Free Sample
Fill in your details to receive a FREE Vita Jellies Sample.
Residents of Australia only.

Related Stores

Cenovis Health Supplements
Cenovis Health Supplements

closed Comments

  • +4

    Free is good!

  • +4


  • +6

    Says 'Your Free Vita-Jellies sample should be on it's way shortly. We hope you & you children enjoy them.'

    • +5

      They expect you to believe that this stuff helps to improve your child's cognitive functions, and yet their grammar sucks?

    • +7

      Yes my children ;)

    • atleast it doesn't say "We hope you & you're children enjoy them."

  • +4

    Thanks op. Might as well get one.

  • +14

    These companies must get so pissed when free samples get Ozbargained!

    • Went on to get my free sample and it had this message:

      "Hi there,

      Thanks so much for your interest in receiving a vita-jellies sample pack. Due to the huge response we’ve received we’re currently out of sample packs.

      However, we’re making some more and if you fill in your details below we’ll have your sample sent to you as soon as we can.

      Thank you!

      The Cenovis team.

      Fill in your details below to receive a FREE Vita Jellies Sample.
      One sample per family. For Australian residents only."

  • +4

    Also, the website is glitchy as all hell. Very slow to load.

  • +2

    Ooooh jellies!

  • +5

    I'd be so jelly if I missed out on this

  • +3

    Scorer!!!!! Yum!

  • +3


  • -2

    FREE PEN —-> click here http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/70739

  • +1

    how big is this sample?
    1 jelly ??

    • +1

      will someone update of how many when sample arrives? Personally i give it a miss this time. the past tells sample is not a box. thank you monty for sharing the deal.

  • +3

    trying to work out the words in the security box was the hardest thing i did all day..

  • +1

    i have put an entry for these kinds of free stuff all the time like the pen but never get them, anybody can confirm they do get them?

    • +1

      i got the free Stabilo Pen not too long ago.

  • +1

    anyone know how the address thing work? i mean what the different between address and street address? is it like street name and number? the keep telling me to fill in the field
    Edit: never mind i forgot to fill in city.
    And dont know about freebie but it seem i only get consumable freebie like the free vita-wheat, and the free blackmore power. So this should probably work.
    I have never receive anything else that was free and isn't consumable

    • +1

      heaps of freebies are not consumable.. artline pens, kleenex tissue, tampons, pads, blackmore tote bag…

      • highdealer was saying they've never RECEIVED a freebie that was not a consumable.

        • i take that back, i receive my free paper-mate pen today, but after 3 months. I guess consumable got get delivered faster because they have a use by date. With non-consumable product, they can take their time and send it when ever they want

  • +1

    They need to give them away because they taste awful. My kids love the Nature's Way Vita Gummies way more.


      Whoever made these are wicked for deceiving children and disguising these revolting things as cute little jelly bears.

      My niece kept insisting that I try one of hers, saying how good it tastes and all that so I did. I was expecting it to taste just as good as a regular gummy bear the way she was bragging on about it. After I popped it into my mouth and bit into it I started gagging and almost spat it out it was that bad - I didn't though obviously because I thought if she can put up with it then so could I.

      After seeing my reaction she started having a laugh and said something like "see what my mother feeds me?!" She was obviously joking about it's 'great taste' in order to see me eat one. Never again will I trust a jelly bear.

  • i wonder if they do a database check for duplicates :P we will see

  • can't click submit. tried 2 different browsers. Has it expired?

    edit: nvm, used the direct link posted above. The website sucks and is very buggy.

  • It looks like they're packed in a plastic bottle shaped like a chemist's pill bottle.

    DANGER WILL ROBINSON: Kids might want to eat up all the medications they find, ie, in -similar- bottles.

  • Nice freebie, but the active ingredients are pretty ordinary. Might help a little for fussy eaters but apart from that it will be useless.

  • +1

    Why do they need our phone number?
    I can't see any T&C either, I'm not sure about this one.

  • -snip-
    Double post? Sorry.

  • -1

    this is gonna make me jelly!

  • Hehe, registered for a free sample a while back, just commenting now :)

  • Out of interest, has ANYONE received these??

    • +1

      Nope. Withholding my vote until we see whether they or not they actually send them out.

  • +2

    On their page it says…

    Free Sample
    Hi there,

    Thanks so much for your interest in receiving a vita-jellies sample pack. Due to the huge response we’ve received we’re currently out of sample packs.

    However, we’re making some more and if you fill in your details below we’ll have your sample sent to you as soon as we can.

    Thank you!

    The Cenovis team.

  • Arrived in the mail today

  • I got something in the mail today from them and was like… shit yeah Vita Jellies arrived!

    Turns out they sent me mango fish oil. PARENTS WILL LOVE IT!

  • Yes I got mango fish oil as well due to their jellies being temporary out of stock due to an overwhelming amount of requests. But they are still going to send me jellies as soon as they're back in stock. Good Guy Cenovis

  • I got a big bottle of mango bliss while I wait for the jelly that is out of stock to arrive. Big thumbs up to cenovis for keeping us ozbargainers happy :)

  • Expired?

    • Lol, yeah. Says so right there on the linked page.

  • +1

    Another one with the Omega Bliss.
    Pretty fracking surprised and impress by the way they decided to handle this.

  • +2

    And a full 230mL bottle, not a tiny 10mL sample. Well done Cenovis.

  • +2

    I got a bottle of Omega Bliss too and a promise to send the other sample, very pleased with Cenovis!

  • -4

    I recieved a leaking bottle of fish oil which ruined the rest of the mail in my mailbox. I returned to sender (Cenovis).

  • +2

    Received a full 230ml bottle as above today.
    Very impressed as this sells for around $15 everywhere!

  • +2

    Also got the full size Omega Bliss and a note to say when they get more stock, the other sample would be sent out. Great Cenovis!

  • +1

    230mL Bottle of "Cenovis Kids Omega Bliss Fish Oil" FTW!

  • +2

    good on you Cenovis! Love the fish oil. will definitely order more when finish with this one.

  • +1

    Got some fish oil also.

    Fish oil: the power of a fish in a bottle.

  • +1

    Also got the 230ml bottle of fish oil and the promise of the jelly samples once they get more in! Very nice!

  • I got a mango fish oil yesterday and another one today, so I'm twice as happy. I don't recall seeing a promise of jelly samples to come though.

    I'm most impressed the way Cenovis have handled this, I will definitely be favouring their brand next time I buy vitamins.

  • +1

    Order some jelly, got a bottle of fish oil and a promise for a free jelly sample when they get stock. Very nice!

  • Got fish oil lol that's awesome

    • +1

      I read that as "goldfish oil" :/

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