Nice deal from Good Guys
The deal is pretty attractive for the system specs
Should be able to price match somewhere else
This model is only available to residents in Victoria, Gold Coast & Brisbane
Nice deal from Good Guys
The deal is pretty attractive for the system specs
Should be able to price match somewhere else
This model is only available to residents in Victoria, Gold Coast & Brisbane
Trust me… it’s a pretty attractive price.
Gold coin donation.
Must be free
What are the details of the deal?
Great price! Too bad I don't know what that is
“ This model is only available to residents in Victoria, Gold Coast & Brisbane” ?
Goldy is a different world. So lucky it is included at all.
Limited to Victoria, Gold Coast & Brisbane.
I mean there is a whole template and guide to posting deals and still this happens…
Just like ikea furniture, just wing it no instructions
Always try to make the mods' job as easy as possible.
sometimes you can see a whole post history of a single user making the same mistakes and letting the mod submit all the revisions
Tell em the price son
Good price for a lounge room capacity unit!
In before…
Does this include installation?
Yeah from Mr George's new guy
Not Mitsubishi Heavy, so
i could not agree more.
unfortunately they aren't bulletproof either (i have 2 of them, 1 of which is on its way out) and my neighbour had to replace 2 of his 3 within 5yrs so a few of us wont be going back to them either.
No AC unit is bulletproof. But MHI are better than most.
My aircon guy is all about Mitsubishi electric for the long term service etc 🤷🏻♂️
Yeah same. Top 3 picks from my guy are ME, Daikin and Panasonic
Does that mean he can be sure he'll have plenty of work fixing ME units?
Haha. He told me about lanolin spray for the circuit boards to protect from geckos etc - he gets a lot less repeat business these days thanks to that! (I only spray it on what I can see just taking the cover off)
Yeah ME > MHI
Haven't heard any installer say that
I have a LG ducted system
which is currently dead because a defective part in the outdoor unit is unavailable in Australia with no ETA.
The service agent told me to buy Mitsubishi next time!!
Awesome price. I have 4 LG Splitnsystems in my house and they’re awesome. Built in wifi so no extra costs involved if you wanted wifi controller
Screw these location specific deals
I'm gonna be that guy, but please by Mitsubishi.. it does cost more but the thing never dies.
I’ve got 4 LGs
2 for 5-6 years now and never missed a beat…
They’re cost about the same; this is just on special…
not true at all :( one of my MHI is on its way out and my neighbour had to replace 2 of his 3 in under 5yrs so…..
Mate, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is a completely different entity to Mitsubishi when it comes to air conditioning. You will find the heavy industries is the cheaper crapper version of Mitsubishi… so the original comment is actually true.
All the big companies use Mitsubishi (not heavy industries) or Fujitsu as they last the builders warranty period. LG was being used but LG have recently had major failures and are in court with several different developers Australia wide…
Panasonic, don’t bother.
Are you an installer? Just interested to know your source. I always thought it was MHI over ME?
Mate, you're just short of the usual exclusive installer doing free sales note for Daikin at exorbitant price. MHI, Mitsubishi electric, Pana or Fujitsu are all decent. MHI tends to falls behind lately due to their issue with plastic vibration noise on the avanti series in the last few years but the latest ones seems to be addressed. But to be fair they're quite lazy in terms of model upgrades, models released within the last few years are almost identical except for name. Others tend to do increment update such as adding wifi lately.
The only issue with Pana is the indoor unit tend to be more massive compared to models of the same capacity.
@spy: +1
Every Fujitsu I've put in has been fine too.
No 1. cause of failure is poor installation.
In NSW a lot of AC installers vent the units they remove instead of pumping them down (regulator doesn't ever catch them or threaten to do much if they do). Many can hardly be arsed to make a decent flare joint or route drains properly. Most customers have no idea until the water fills up the wall cavity over a few months or the gas gradually leaks out during the Winter months and causes Spring and summer failures.
I was tempted by an LG the model down from this last time, and although the price was comparable to this, the indoor unit is massive in comparison to the Fujitsu and the Pana, and it only has 4 fan speeds, the lowest of which ticks which makes it crap for quiet rooms.
A friend of mine bought 4 of these for his unit and 2 or 3 had to have LG come fix the installations. Somehow they cover it which I think the installers have cottoned onto, and rely on to maximise their laziness. All of his tick and I think LG only resolved it on one larger one.
The Fujitsu versions OTOH are silent, do half a degree temperature changes, and are better made in every respect.
@resisting the urge: My LG has 5 speeds + a jet mode so that makes 6. The tick sound is probably the fan away left / right or the mouth that sway up/down. Turn them off and you won’t hear any tick sound.
@Danstar: The tick is the fan motor, not any pieces around it like air curtain L/R/ up down. I have had to troubleshoot it, as my friend, and the techs that all agree his ones are poor but only thing is to replace them and that is a big job so many customers live with it, others don't notice… most of these LGs are just cheap machines, little better than the average cheap ACs out there. Every one I've seen has been akin to Samsung build quality, with poor documentation, support, and build. The Fujitsus and Panas OTOH, are all good to very good.
@resisting the urge: 2 seperate electricians I used to install my units all were quite impressed with the build quality of the LGs and never seen a 10 year warranty (on the compressor) on any other units before.
Poor documentation? What do you mean? The manuals are like any other; I admittedly never had to read them cos who needs to read a manual for a split system? Supper is online via the app and the one time I used it was seamless. The app was a little slow a few years ago; but they’ve improved it a lot over the time and it’s very good now.
@Danstar: Fair comment. Sure the machines do not present any physical issue and you can always just install without reading the docs.
By poor doco, the manuals are polluted with pfaff and legalese (most fail at this in similar ways, but LG is def worse than most as the translations are poor). If you install a faulty one, or have to troubleshoot something, you'll see what I mean. The app secretly accesses or contains old versions of poorly written pdfs, instead of relating directly to the matter at hand.
And you must install and use their app mostly because their websites are such a mess which in 2023 says something I won't about the company. In my mind, properly published web-based info is a criteria. But ok even if the tech docs were half baked and impossible to find online, yes the app does get you further- even if it/and or the english in the pdfs is lacking, non-existent or irrelevant to the model you're setting up
@resisting the urge: It literally took my 20 seconds to look up a manual for a random split system ; had a quick look at it and seems pretty straight forward and written in a good English……
The app has a self diagnosis of any connected units you have; which I have never had to use, but seems pretty handy if their ever is an issue as it (should) shows what the issue is…
Access to old pdfs? Not sure what you mean; usually a manual is released once and that’s that…
@Danstar: I should have been clearer, my criticism is NOT about the consumer product guides, but the tech docs used for troubleshooting.
For example, on your link there is not even an installation manual linked, let alone troubleshooting info relating to communications failures, particular module/board/component failures, even out of pressure conditions. All is not shared in case the consumer sees it- but I noticed that one of the apps is linked to (at least) some of this by linking to crappy out of date pdfs.
i know they are different but i also know that those MHI units were builders installs and have seen MHI, Mitsubishi and Fujitsu all in new builds from 2015 onwards. I haven't seen many ppl rate MHI less than ME except for the avanti series.
Have had Panasonic in families home going on 8yrs and personally in a house for 3yrs without any issue at all.
@quikstix: I have a Hitachi split system which is 28 years old and it still works fine although its a bit hungry on the electricity. To my shame I have never serviced it once or replaced the filter. I hope they are still making those when this one eventually flakes out ! It doesn't get used much in fairness, only to cool the place to 24 on hot days 30+ so it only gets used about 10-20 days a year during summer.
@jmc787: Just keep the filters clean, drains clear and the condensor clear of dirt, poultice and other obstructions. Any problems with rust on the outside unit are worth looking at whilst you are there… At 28yo, whatever product you replace it with will be totally different, as will be the company making it.
Fujitsu for me
For those looking to hook up with a hot sparky, i recommend installing a kogan AC in your home.
Thanks, pulled the trigger. No local stock but still worth it with $55 delivery.
Be interesting to see how that goes. I live in the country and no longer buy anything from TGG after repeated delivery failures
Courier just rang me. Is on the way for a Sunday morning delivery. What a deal. Delivered the next day and at a rippa of a price.
They're a major retailer - Even at their shittest, they still deliver the majority of the time.
I've bought a washing machine, fridge and aircon from Harvey Norman in the last few years and they've always come through without a hitch.
Nobody stays in business by stuffing up more than half their orders.
What does a typical single unit installation cost? I've never bought a unit then got an installer. The only time I've bought AC was multiple units installed and total cost and I can't remember the cost breakdown.
Around $800
$500 new home
$650 b2b
Including circuit
Do you have any referral for a good installer? Thanks
Depends. But from memory around $500-$1000 depending if 1 story or 2 story home; and other factors
Ok thanks. In my head I was thinking (hoping) it was around $3-400. Maybe in 1989.
Do we need compliance certificate for insurance? Thanks
From* that would be assuming power circuit is already run
I'd assume with that deal, you'd have to buy the AC from TGG
Been trying to convince my mum, i know this is a broad question but what would rough running costs be per hour on one of these?
They are actually fairly efficient. Once maintaining temp they can tick along consuming only several hundred watts. Much cheaper to run than portable AC and bonus is heating in winter, which will be cheaper than gas.
They are much quieter than portable too. It's a great investment.
Also more healthy than gas
Would most systems maintaining temp be comparable
Several hundred watts to run the fan without compressor (automatically turns off when at temperature)
No, that's with compressor. Fan alone wouldn't be several hundred watts.
I said 'maintaining temp' as they will ramp down once maintaining, rather than running full on to bring a hot room down.
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more stars more savings!
That is an unbelievable price!!
Can we use this as a multi split system ?
You can order as many as you want
No they mean multiple indoor units to the one outdoor unit. I'd say not.
lol they can be the first to try
Name doesn't suit
Seems to have a higher EER than the highest EER model I was aware of in the 6kw cooling range. If you need 6kw to cover an area, on paper this would be a great buy - that is, if you have a ~60 SQM room to cool.
It's this a brand new model?
Not sure how the efficiency is so much better than others in the 6kw range
going by the lack of reviews i'm guessing so - seems odd to have it at such a huge discount though this early in it's life cycle unless there's some big issues.
Is this a 3phase air con?
Ahh ok ☺ tyvm for the reply
What's the reliability like for LG?
Am I right in saying this got a 1* in choice? Can't see the article, so can't verify!
you can see the 1* reviews from customers on choice if you scroll down:…
one is about a specific faulty unit, the other is about customer support from LG so ymmv
This looks like a good deal — I have an existing R410 split system that needs replacing — question for plumbers out there: can this new LG system (R32) re-use pipes from the existing R410 system once they're flushed? Just wondering if this would require a complete removal of existing copper and install of new pipes etc?
They'll replace all the pipes and stuff anyway as part of the install, it doesn't really matter whether you have an existing system or not, except that they'll probably reuse the electrical feed with a new breaker switch.
But if you weren't keen on replacing the pipes? I have an old unit which is located across a corridor (so passes the internal wall, into the roof and then down into the room) which I'd replace for a new, quieter unit - provided pipes can be re-used and not have to be replaced as that's a huge job by comparison.
Can it be done?
Yeah, can be done. As long as pipe sizes are correct. Depending who you get to do the job, they may use a flushing agent to clear the pipes.
Is there a rebate from the government for installing split systems?
Not in VIC - looks like the program finished last december but if you have a rebate token (i.e. you successfully applied before 30/12/22) you can install in 2023 and still get the rebate (…)
Damn!! I told my folks to get one last year!! :(
I have a rebate token - yet to contact an authorised supplier for a quote.
Is it possible to buy the system yourself and only ask the supplier for an installation quote? I have a feeling that you have to buy the system from the authorised supplier themselves…
Not 100% sure if you must purchase the system and install from the authorised supplier. all installs do have to finish by 30 June 2023 to be eligible.
Full terms & conditions for the program:…
How much