Specs: https://www.citizenwatches.com.au/products/an8190-51l
Cheapest is at Watch Depot $199. Not bad for 60 bucks
30% off at checkout
Specs: https://www.citizenwatches.com.au/products/an8190-51l
Cheapest is at Watch Depot $199. Not bad for 60 bucks
30% off at checkout
yea, all gone
Oos but bloody good find
I bought almost 20 watches from DJs this morning. Everything is going fast
How/where do your store all these watches?
What’s your favourite of the 20 so far?
What’s your favourite of all your purchases (of all time)
Which was your most regrettable Watch purchase?
I spend a lot of time looking at watches (both watch deals from you and watchnerd) and Ali, but I almost always end up at the same conclusion, I’d never have time to wear them as I usually wear my Apple Watch (smart pay, health monitoring, take calls on watch, notifications, controls music/volume etc)
Watch boxes divided between my luxury estates, penthouse apartment, and my hobby farm in the hills
Depends which ones get canceled, but probably https://www.davidjones.com/product/g-shock-g-steel-duo-mid-s…
for $104, or https://www.davidjones.com/product/seiko-prospex-sne575p-sol… for $172
Fave is https://www.davidjones.com/brand/seiko/24387601/Prospex-SRPG… for $177
Prob regret this: https://www.davidjones.com/brand/seiko/24114909/SRPF77K-PROS… but it was only $284
Edit: I also wear a fitness tracker most of the time: Mi Band 3, Fitbit Charge 4 (which saved my wrist in motorcycle accident), Mi Band 6, Galaxy Watch 4 Classic, now Huawei band 7
great taste
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@Jimothy Wongingtons: @Gingura
Lol yes, that was fun to write, but please don't take it too seriously.
Watch boxes divided between my luxury estates, penthouse apartment, and my hobby farm in the hills
What, none kept on board your yacht rosebank!
@alidli: I was in my super yacht cruising around Europe May last year with some friends and we decided to check out the F1 race at Monaco. Once we entered French waters, my yacht was seized. I'm still trying to get it back but my useless lawyer says I can't because of "sanctions". Whatever, I'll just buy another one.
Whatever, I'll just buy another one
Nice…..make sure you replace the yacht's Patek Philippe collection as well.
@rosebank: Any cancellations yet? Got a great deal on a pair of sunglasses, $614 down to $128.10 only to receive cancellation email this morning :(
@nubzy: @Scrooge McDeal @nubzy No cancellations yet, only tracking numbers. The following have been shipped:
DJs always have random sales like this, the prices are always very low, and all the good stuff is gone in a couple hours. If I (or someone else) didn't post it here, you'd miss it because it's so quick.
I've only ever had 2 cancellations - a Timex, and a pair of Common Projects sneakers - which were due to inventory issues, not pricing errors.
@Scrooge McDeal: yeah, the two-tone tissot is growing on me. the side angle is nice; like a rose gold sandwich
@rosebank: What's the go getting these great prices, do you keep checking DJ every day or do they just have these sales in Jan/ February?
Missed it. Damn !! That's what you call a bargain.
Did anybody managed to get these Tissot from $1250 down to $374 plus an extra 30% off ? Unavailable online. But it shows there is one watch available instore at Chatwood NSW.
I got 2 different powermatics for about $500
I wish I knew earlier ☹️ I really liked that Tissot. I would never be able to afford that original price. I didn't even know that DJ had 30% off watches.
Lol I don't even like Tissot, will prob give them away
@rosebank: You reckon it's price error? I would think with that kind of prices. And in your experience, you think DJ will honor it?
@Scrooge McDeal: I guess with every price error posted here. In it to win it. No dice? Move on to the next.
@xoom: 100% agree on that one. But what I would like to know is does in your experience DJ has a record of honoring price errors?
@Scrooge McDeal: I've got some crazy deals from DJs in the past. I think the discounts are legit, but some orders/items might get cancelled because of the buying frenzy.
I bought a lot, but also missed out of a few I really wanted
Anyone have experience with Timex? Decent quality?
Entry level. Look good and decent quality. Eventually the hands on my Weekender fell off..
Thanks! hands off may be a dealbreaker..
I like them. I bought the Peanuts ones. The Qs and Milanos are good too, Fairfield has nice Indiglo
I like the Qs also.
I have 2 already - green dial falcon eye and pepsi bezel, and got the blacked out one and a gold with blue bezel today
@crazycos: No, Seikos are waaaay better, but Qs are pretty solid; the cases are nice and I liike the bracelets (some people don't) and changing the battery is very easy. Timexes are cool fun watches, and i only ever buy them on sale
By the looks of it, you must have a huge collection of watches. I might need to subscribe on your deals. I wouldn't want to miss the next one.
I have probably 10x bottles of whisk(e)y compared to watches. I just buy watches for fun, I wear a fitness tracker 90% of the time.