Where are all the eggs? Avian flu and suspicious fires in USA but nothing seems to be on the news about local stuff.
Egg Shortage 2023

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Theres not a chicken shortage - cut out the middle man.
Exactly. Egg stalls at local markets are thriving, they have more eggs now than a few years back.
Did the middle man come first?
He usually does - I've only got two hands.
Did you open your mouth?
It's eggsasperating!
Watched a vid with an English egg farmer a couple of months back, he said there were plenty of eggs but the supermarkets were not willing to pay the price needed for the farmers to produce them. the farmers had been hit with a whole bunch of BS 'climate' taxes for the cost of production up. But then I guess they don't want you eating good protein when they can force you to eat bugs instead?
Haven't corporations been adding wood pulp to mass produced food since like the 50's? At least the crushed bug additive will have nutritional value. Isn't red food dye already made from bugs?
Haven't corporations been adding wood pulp to mass produced food since like the 50's? At least the crushed bug additive will have nutritional value. Isn't red food dye already made from bugs?
It's usually cellulose from a range of sources (basically a natural fibre).
…and from a quick search
Today, cochineals are harvested mainly in Peru and the Canary Islands on plantations of prickly pear cacti, the bugs' preferred host. There, the insects are sun-dried, crushed, and dunked in an acidic alcohol solution to produce carminic acid, the pigment that eventually becomes carmine or cochineal extract, depending on processing. About 70,000 insects are needed to produce a pound of dye.
Yeah no I know I'm just having a gentle dig at the whole 'they're gonna make us eat BUGS!' conspiracy.
@Cheaplikethebird: What's the difference between a 'conspiracy theory (lols)' and the truth?
About 2 weeks.https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/810770/mac…
@EightImmortals: When's meat being pulled off the shelves? A new product coming to market does not make a conspiracy.
@Cheaplikethebird: I never use the word 'conspiracy', that's more of a normie term. I've learned that with most people if they slap a slogan on it that gives themselves permission to not have to worry if the claim is true or not.
No, meat isn't being pulled off the shelves, but have you checked the prices lately?
And we have the OP's egg shortage as well.
Not to mention the great hash brown famine of 2023.So between shortages (artificial or real) and inflation there will be a LOT (but not all) who will have to consider eating ze bugz because they wont have much choice.
@EightImmortals: yes my friend yes you tell them! i heard that bugs isnt even the end of it… in 2 weeks their going to be putting EDIBLE PLASTIC on the shelves and REMOVING ALL OTHER FOOD. we have 2 weeks and then the EDIBLE PLASTIC will be the only food we can buy!!!
@[Deactivated]: Haha, I hadn't heard of that so I'm sure you're setting me up for something. :)
"The winners of this year’s Future Insight Prize, which comes with €1 million in research funding, converted end-of-life plastics into edible food."
Mmmmmmm, bug'n'plastic sammiches!
@EightImmortals: thats just the tip of the ICE CUBE you wait to see what happens two weeks AFTER the two weeks itl make u WISH u were eating bugs n plastic
converted end-of-life plastics into edible food
Anything is edible if you don't exceed a harmful amount, it's just that for some things that harmful amount is exceptionally small.
Plastic also offers no nutritional value, so why convert it into food apart from padding out volume/weight?
It's funny how narratives change - melamine in milk = bad; converting plastic into food = good?
Lastly - does the plastic get broken down any further (or at all) or are we just slowly trying to flood the oceans with microplastics, since I'm not sure if municipal treatment facilities could remove it from wastewater.
Pretty sure some theoretical UK ‘climate tax’ isn’t impacting AU eggs.
My speculation is higher feed costs and ongoing labour shortage slowed growth in production, and some increased demand, as eggs are cheap protein if you are cutting back on more expensive meat etc.
Yep, all of the above. :)
Edit: also seems like a global thing rather than a local one:
U.K. https://www.bbc.com/news/explainers-63778665https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/markets-by-sector/agricul…
France is currently experiencing an egg shortage, and it is the largest egg producer in the Eurozone. The 1,500 billion eggs seen in production in 2021 are expected to decline for the first time on record this year. Reuters estimates that egg production will decline 8% in France, 3% in the EU overall, and 4.6% in the United States. Eggs were previously a favorite staple, especially in economic hardships, as it is a cheap source of protein. French groceries have reported up to a 20% rise in egg prices since the start of the year.Locally I suspect the weather is playing a part, our chooks have gone off the lay completely and a local mate's have slowed right down as well.
Look at you, citing actual sources and non-conspiracy talking points. This is a proud moment for us all.
I mean, sure, on the second pass anyway, but still a good sign :)
ha ha
classic 0.008Immortals
Wow, people are really upvoting this nonsense?
Eggs are not expensive due to (conveniently unspecified) "climate taxes". If that were so, why are they expensive in Australia, the US and other places as well as the UK?
I like how you slip in the far right conspiracy theory that there is an agenda to force us all to eat insects, too.
As for the wisdom of English farmers, the Brexit that they so desperately wanted is now costing their nation 100 billion pounds per annum, so I'm not sure they know the first thing about economics.
lam so tired of living like it's the 1600s.
Can I afford eggs at the market? Are my friends gonna die in the plague? Puritans coming for my sinful lifestyle?
I want some modern problems.
👏Modern 👏 Problems 👏
"lam so tired of living like it's the 1600s."
I'd probably be dead by nowWhat was life like in the 1600’s?
Life in the 1600’s for most was full of toil, misery but mercifully short. Illiteracy was a near all pervasive affliction, causing large swathes of people, concerned primarily with their own survival to be easily made pawns of.
.So now our misery is long and we can read? The future sucks, bring back the middle ages I say
Yes, we should all be able to marry our cousins.
Illiteracy was a near all pervasive affliction, causing large swathes of people, concerned primarily with their own survival to be easily made pawns of.
Oh how far we've progressed….
:/Really depends where you lived. If you lived in Camelot you had it pretty good thanks to King Arthur. Although the raids by Maleagant did cause some issues.
People are grossly misinformed about how hard life was in the middle ages. People didn't die at 35, the average life expectancy is low because a lot of people die young due to now curable disease, however there is no reason you couldn't live into your 80s if you avoided plague and war.
We work a lot harder now than our medieval ancestors, the people built all the churches, painted all the art, and wrote all the music in their free time.
"On average a medieval peasant would be expected to work around 1080 hours per year. This is an average weekly work load of about 20 hours.
Economic historians such as Nora Ritchie calculated that medieval peasants would only work up to 120 days a year due to fluctuations in the farming seasons and church sanctioned holidays. During these farming days the medieval peasant could expect to work from sun up to sun down.
During the peak of the farming season this would be 16 hour days, 6 days a week. Sunday was reserved for rest. However, historians have primary sources that detail that during these 16 hour days the work was not consistent.
The local church wanted to keep the peasantry happy. As such there were a lot of mandated breaks for medieval peasants throughout the day.
There was an hour break for breakfast, hour break for lunch, a one to two hour break at noon for a nap, and another hour break for dinner. "
The 1600s Ozbargain forum was pretty basic.
What was the 1600s equivalent of Eneloops though?
Warming ourselves against the daily witch burning
The clapping made my day
The aim of the modern left wing is to force everyone except the elite to live like mediaeval peasants. Modern policies are designed to increase scarcity, which increases costs, which means poorer people have to do without almost everything.
The climate change / global warming left is anti-prosperity and anti-humanity.
This is ofcourse to make us all fully reliant on the government for our survival. If we are reliant on the government then we are easily controlled.
this is what i binn saying ever since L GOR invented GLOBAL WARMING. the profit driven motive of COMMUNISM has ruined our planet and the elite MARXISTS that rule the world only care about making as much money as they can. its the MEDIAEVAL TIME all over again
I just bought a dozen from Woolies, so that's twelve accounted for.
.Amateur. Just bought 60 from Costco. I don't even need them. I'm just going to sit on them.
Step 1 - buy eggs
Step 2 - ……
Step 3 - PROFITI'm just going to sit on them
Let us know if any of them hatch. You could sell the chicks and make a buck…buck…BUCKAAAK!
My apologies, I'll let the team know.
Don't you mean you'll get to work?
It's a collective effort.
Live up the road from an egg farm. No shortage of eggs there but when I go to the local Coles or Woolies, sometimes there are no eggs. So can’t quite understand what’s happening.
It's like a blocked hose; water comes out of the tap, water doesn't come out of the hose, so clearly something in the middle is to blame
I reckon if you followed the truck, you'd find it
Points to supply chain issues as much as anything. And probably supermarkets not wanting to pay prices that reflect inflation which is impacting farmers, and so instead there are 'no eggs'.
So that's why there is a chicken Neck shortage.
No eggs to grow a chook.. 😵💫
Seriously though, no necks lately, but heaps of legs, wings, breast etc. Weird.
I'd expect twice the many legs, wings and beasts compared to necks
nice marketing by the Australian Egg board.
plenty of eggs at the supermarkets in my area.
Check our supermarkets then, it's a different story.
you know what theres plenty of?? SPIDER EGGS thats right this is all a part of the wef conspiracy with jeff bozos and natalie portman to get us eating bug aka SPIDER EGGS instead of chicken eggs i read that coles and woolies will stop selling chicken eggs by the next summer solstace and replace them all with SPIDER EGGS the great reset is coming WAKE UP
Are you making a joke or being serious?
nah just wanted to sound like some of the cookers here on ozbargain
Having a laugh is all good but take a look around you pal. There are shortages of everyday things everywehere and its getting worse. When i go to the shops these days, even for essentials, its like going out in East Berlin circa 1979. The excuses we are being given for these shortages are literally lies. Lie after lie after lie.
It is not an illogical concept to question why this is suddenly happening, why it is getting worse and what are the REAL reasons behind it.. Well its not illogical uness you are one of these people that believe the first piece of crap they are told by some official.
The global food chain IS controlled by very few people.. those are cold hard facts. Is it inconcevable that something is being planned or actioned? No! does it mean its actually happening.. of course not but when you are force fed absolute tripe by the very people who control the food chain (via news and Marxistbook etc) you have to ask why…..
@Motek Benzona: right there with you bud. the billionaire marxists that actually secretly run the world through global communism are doing this on purpose so we can start eating SPIDER EGGS
@[Deactivated]: I dont think the elite are marxist or capitalist. They do however own both systems and are the sum of what they want to project to the masses at any particular time whilst raping the masses daily. Left and right was created to give the perception of choice, when in fact there is no real choice.
As for Facebook.. new left socialism (which is not socialism at all!) is all the rage… and was created to be all the rage.. by facebook.. actual people.
Looks like you are well into the illusion. *Username checks out
@Motek Benzona: we are in complete agreeance my friend! we have to ask what they are doing. the people are blind, they are brainwashed by them. theres no left n right, only wrong n right. the ppl need 2 wake up!
@[Deactivated]: Then many apologies *username does not check out ;-)
Side note: I gave up caring what they are doing a good few years ago. They pretty much deserve all that is happening. Im glad im sort of old TBH
@Motek Benzona: I wouldn't bother trying to educate people (about important things) that don't want to know.
[only] when a military boot crushes his balls then he will understand. But not before that.
@Motek Benzona: Take us through what you reckon they're doing and why
Their plan is to secretly and falsely restrict the supply of eggs in order to…what, exactly?
(Please don't say "to make people eat bugs". That just pushes the question back - why do they want us to eat bugs? What's their long-term goal, and how do you know this?)
@GrueHunter: How slightly odd that you think i am talking about eggs. I understand its complicated for you though.. fortunately, as stated before, I dont care about you or what happens to you so ill pass thanks
They have CH7 news on pretty regularly go watch it and relax…Aaaah, beer is up in price….more your scene
@Motek Benzona: So…you got nothing
Sweet FA
All hat, no cowboy
Big surprise
CH7 news..beer is up in price….more your scene
I don't watch FTA and I brew my own but you do you champ
@GrueHunter: i went to WOOLIES the other day and had to wait TEN MINITES in line to be served by an ACTUALY HUMAN not some bill gates AI self serve MACHINE it was LITERALLY EAST BERLIN CIRCA 1979 why dont you have a think why this is happening huh???? and STOP WATCHING CHANNEL 7 ALL THERE SHOWS SUCK
@GrueHunter: I often wondered what kind of reader would buy the book of lame cliches and child like oneliners…and here you are..kudos
@Motek Benzona: His comment was actually not bad satire. You came back with a "nice suit where'd you get it from the toilet store" type retort. I have to give the point to Cultural NeoMarxist here.
@Cheaplikethebird: Oh I wasn't talking about my comment to him.. I was talking about the other person that does the homebrew and loves cliche..gluesniffer or grue something.. can't remember
Mr or Ms Marxist is ok by me
@Motek Benzona: Ok, fair enough. Well I'm trying to adjudicate here without bias, it seems you were deliberately vague in your comment and GrueHunter has successfully called you on it, at this point in time I'm giving the point to GrueHunter but you can come back by responding with a more definite thesis.
@Motek Benzona: LOL, nothing is "suddenly" happening.
US-style capitalism and globalisation has led to the world being highly interconnected but also very vulnerable to supply chain shocks. Sane non-Wall Street type people have been pointing out the risks with this arrangement for years, including making ourselves beholden to tyrants (Russia, Saudi Arabia, China) and creating single points of failure that bring this system to its knees. But businesses like money and people don't want to pay $100 more for an iphone made in a western country, so we still have a system where, for example, we grow food here, ship it overseas for procesing and then ship it back here for sale.
And then along comes COVID and there is a massive disruption to the flow of labour, capital and goods. Surprise surprise, the system that has evolved to maximise profit with no regard to stability or resilience can't cope.
Not some grand conspiracy. In fact, it's more a sign of a lack of a grand conspiracy, in the sense that no-one is actually planning or managing this 'system', it just does whatever maximises profit.
This will only get worse with climate change and we need to do something about it. Hopefully COVID is a wake up call - see e.g. Europe rapidly moving to energy independence and the like.
Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
You're yolking me!
Don't worry, shell be right mate.
Jokes on ozb are not all as cracked up to be!
Probably people seeing the news on egg shortage in USA, rush to panic buy here too.
Panic buying is not logical, I mean, loads of crap paper comes to mindHow much are live egg-laying chickens?
Maybe I'll get some. My council has no ban on them.
In Perth about $25 each. We have six. Sell a dozen eggs a week for $5 to cover food costs and rest are free. Way better than even free range shop eggs.
They are great. Lays plenty of eggs but they just poop so much.It stinks up your backyard and then your neighbours start complaining to the council. Just make sure you have a big backyard and kept away from your neighbours.
When you think about it this may be a good opportunity to get in touch with local farmers and growers. Just like the good old days. Theres plenty around.
I tried to ask some farmers but they either wanted me to buy a huge amount or they refused as I wasn't a company.
How do you find these local farmers?
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