• expired

Apple Education Store: 10% Cashback (Exclusions Apply, Capped at $100) @ Cashrewards


Apple cashback has arrived again (as per the banner on the Cashrewards website) to coincide with Apple's back-to-school promotion:

Buy a Mac or an Eligible iPad for Uni and Get $219 off a Pair of AirPods @ Apple Education Store

Hopefully this heaps in extra savings. Stack with discounted gift cards for even more savings.

Upsized cashback rate: 10% (Was 1.5%) - valid only for Apple Education purchases

During the 24 hour promo, cashback for Apple is capped at $100 in total per member account, irrespective of the number of transactions made. Valid 12am to 11:59pm AEDT 28/01/2023.

To access the education store using the Cashrewards website, click through the deal link above or here then scroll down to the Apple Offers & Coupons section then press "Shop offer" on either of the two available offers (both will redirect you to the Education Store). Similarly on the Cashrewards app, search up Apple and then click through to the Education Store as per above

Use the Cashrewards app for the highest chance of tracking!

Special Terms

  • Ineligible for cashback (updated 19/01/23): HomePod Gen 2, New MacBook Pro 14” & 16”, New Mac Mini, iPhone 14 Pro, iPhone 14 Pro Max, Pro Display XDR, Purchase of Gift Cards, Gift Wrap, Shipping, Apple Developer Programs, Purchases via trade-ins, AppleCare purchased individually (or after associated product ships).

  • Important: Cashback tracks to member accounts between 2-7 days after you receive confirmation from Apple that the product has been shipped.

  • Apple sells and ships products to end user customers only; you may not purchase for resale. Eligible only to a customer for up to five (5) units per eligible product, except iPhone, in which case only two (2) units within a thirty-day (30-day) period are eligible.

  • Cashback is eligible on purchases paid with gift cards, and eligible on the purchase of Apple refurbished products.

  • Cashback is ineligible on EPP purchases (Employee Purchase Program).

  • Apple Education Store eligibility: full time or part time students aged 18 or over with current student union or student ID card and studying at an accredited Australian university or Apple approved institution; lecturers or staff at an accredited Australian university; teachers or lecturers working at an Apple approved & registered education establishment within Australia. Additionally, products purchased from Apple's Education Store must be for personal, education, or research use.

  • Information on Education pricing on Mac computers and selected accessories (for members that are eligible based on Apple's T&Cs): After clicking 'Shop Now', navigate via the Education link in Apple's footer menu before adding items to cart.

Enjoy :)

Referral Links

Referral: random (3779)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Ineligible for cashback (updated 19/01/23): HomePod Gen 2, New MacBook Pro 14” & 16”, New Mac Mini, iPhone 14 Pro, iPhone 14 Pro Max, Pro Display XDR, Purchase of Gift Cards, Gift Wrap, Shipping, Apple Developer Programs, Purchases via trade-ins, AppleCare purchased individually (or after associated product ships).

    AKA everything basically

    • +2

      You can still get cashback on Macbook Air, all iPad Models, iMac 24"

      I believe you can also purchase iPhones (like iPhone 13, iPhone SE, iPhone 12), AirPods, and all the Apple Watches on the Education Store as well despite there being no Apple discount for it (please correct me if I am wrong)

      • That's fair enough but all the top sellers are excluded. No new releases are included.

        • Yeah it would be great if they included the new releases but with cashback it's always been like this unfortunately

          • @I Smell Pennies: So iPhone 13 is included? How do you clarify this?

          • @I Smell Pennies: I believe the last 2 years the back to school cashbacks did start to include the latest iPhones. It's no longer the case this year

        • +2

          New MacBook air M2 seems to be included?

    • +1

      Mac Studio and latest iPad Pro 11” / 12.9” included for CashRewards ?

  • Can i get cashback for apple watch 8 41mm?

  • +5

    I saw refurbished was included and I've never jumped to my desktop so fast

  • Is the refurbished store/items still valid for 10% cash back? I thought it was separate?

    • It’s not in the exclusions list, so I’m assuming yes, as long as it’s purchased under the Education Store

  • Will there be an uncapped offer?

    • +1

      Magic 8 ball says “Don’t count on it”

  • From my understanding, refurbished is not under student education category - so this means its only 1.5% cashback?

    • You can still buy refurbished items under the Education Store

  • uhhh are AirTags included?

    • It’s not on the exclusions list, so I don’t see a problem

  • I am confused, it’s say iPhone 14 pro and pro max ineligible cashback, but it didn’t mention iPhone 14.
    Can I assume iPhone 14 eligible for 10% cashback but no Free AirPods?

    • +1

      iPhone 14s are never eligible for free AirPods. Only selected Macs and iPads

      • What about 10% cashback?

        • I think must be included

  • Wanted to buy Mac mini

  • Am wanting to purchase an iPad for my daughter- how does the student ID thing work? Have clicked through and can’t see any mention of proving you’re a uni student despite being in the education store. Can anyone buy from the education store and receive the cashback? Thanks.

    • I have bought iPad Air for the last 2 years with free Airpods and they don't ask or check for student ID. I suppose they could contact you for confirmation but you can just give them your daughter's student ID or cancel the order. I have already received both cashbacks from Cashrewards.

    • They don’t really check and if they do, it’s very rare

  • -2

    Even primary school students go back to school with smart phones too. Should also offer free Airpods for iPhones.

  • Anyone got a good way of purchasing discounted gift cards atm?

      • right that’s why we want to use them

      • Why did you get negged @terrypeckham? You CAN use gift cards.

    • +1

      Use ultimate gift card to buy apple gift card at jb or office works. Otherwise, 5% off from Macquarie bank.

      • Is it difficult to use Ultimate gift cards to purchase Apple gift cards at JB or is it just a matter of whether the staff member you get cares?

        • You can add the visa version of ultimate gift card to mobile wallet, so the staff shouldn’t notice.

          • @me1stt: Wouldn't it be suss though if you have to tap your phone multiple times. For example if you have multiple $100 gift cards and making a large purchase?

            • @vee_el: There’s variable load. $500 maximum.

              And officeworks sells $500 apple gift card: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/13300867/redir

              • @me1stt: Ah I already have the $100 Ultimate gift cards from the last sale at Coles.

                • @vee_el: Then it will depend on the staff I guess. Try your luck haha :P

                  • @me1stt: Ye might have to hit a few stores lol. Do you know if using a JB hifi gift card to buy an Apple gift card is dependent on the staff you get or does it definitely not work?

                    • +1

                      @vee_el: I don’t think you can use jb’s own gift card to buy other gift card.

  • what’s the best gift card deal at the moment?

  • -1

    Where is this cashback?
    No mention of any cashback on payment screen?

    • +2

      ^ Member since 2015 and never heard of cashrewards…

      • -6

        Sorry I'm not a nerd and completed my Tafe cashrewards course 🥴

        • +1


  • Any discounted Apple Gift Cards at the moment? Thinking of grabbing a Studio Display.

  • +3

    I buy my Apple gift cards from the Macquarie bank app 5% off and you receive them instantly, if you don’t have an account I highly recommend you open one.

  • Will iPhone 14 eligible for 10% cashback?

    • Following…


    • If it’s purchasable under the Education Store, yes

  • +1

    New MacBook Pro cheaper than Education Store via the AOC Union store

    • +1

      but no free AirPods,,

      • Not everyone wants a free AirPods especially if you already have one. But if it’s resellable or you can pass it to someone else then great

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Picked up an Imac 24 and airpods pro 2 ( $180 with upgrade offer) - used up my 10% off GC's.

    • Is it eligible for apple pen as well?

      • +2

        if you are referring to the CB - it should be - its not mentioned under exclusions. Upgrade is only for the airpods

  • Out of topic
    Can we use ultimate gift card from woolies to buy iphone 14 from officworks or jbhifi? Are apple products excludued to biy with these eftpos cards?

  • Can anyone please tell me how to get around the rule of "maximum 8 gift cards" on the payment page? Thanks.

    • +1

      add them into your account credit first.

    • redeem your gift cards to your apple account balance and then you can use the 8 gift cards plus the balance - There is a limit of $4999 that you can store in your apple account

      • Thank you

      • You can just sign up an apple account even though you don't have an apple product yet right?

        • +1

          yes, I just did.

  • Can’t believe there are so many students here. ;)

    • +1

      we’re still learning day by day so we can consider ourselves students

  • Can anyone answer me please, is cashback eligible for watch 8?

    • +1

      I think yes as along as it is not in the exclusion LIST

      • it does not show in the exclusion list either not in the inclusion list. it is very confusing and not sure how to contact quickly with cashrewards support team

        • I recommend take screenshot of your purchased (make sure your screenshot is when you paid the. Product in cashreward app). Keep it as a warranty if cashreward do not track. You can email them after two weeks to cashreward but you'll get your cash back straight away. The key is the screenshot of purchased apple education straight away from cashreward app…I always take screenshot for any purchases from cashreward app, make sure there is a booking number

    • +1

      Anything you buy on the Education Store that’s not on the exclusions list is eligible for cashback

  • :'( Why does this happen to me every time? I missed out on the 10% cashback on black friday as I bought the product a week earlier. Luckily, apple still gave me the gift card. Then, i waited out for the back to school sale and a few days for the cashreward to up size the reward. Nothing so pulled the plug last fri. Now the up size cashreward is happening!

    Just curious….any resale value for 2nd gen airpods? I have mine but i don't think i want to keep it.

    • Unlucky :(

      Resale value $150+ I'd say

  • So just to confirm, I can:
    1. Purchase 5% off apple gift cards from Macquarie bank
    2. Use these gift cards to purchase MB M2 air from the education store + get the airpod discount and buy airpod pros for $210 off
    3. Then get $100 off this purchase via cashback

    Just to want to check this would all work,

    • Yes, add those gift cards into your Apple Account Balance and then make the purchase via Cashrewards :)

  • i bought an apple watch using gift cards, there was a bit left over on one so i added it to my account balance.

    except it added the whole gift card amount to my balance not the little bit left over. seems like they don't actually debit the gift card until it ships.

    also macquarie locked my account, probably since it's the first time i've used it in a year or so.

    • Curious to see what happens to the purchase

      • i purchased apple watch using gift cards too, education store, but no cashrewards tracked.

        • +2

          Apple tracks usually after 2 or so days, be patient :)

      • i added the rest of the gift cards to my balance, used my balance to buy another one, and cancelled the original order.

  • MacBook Air m1 or m2 for a year 10 student?

    • M1 should be sufficient

  • +1

    Thanks OP. I got the refurb 16" m1pro for $3109. Paid with 5% discounted GC. Still waiting for the tracking email.

  • Anyone’s purchase tracked?

    • Nope still waiting, I got the MBA M2.. hopefully comes through soon 🤞

      • I was tossing up between that and the M1. Haha trying to justify the extra cost

      • Still not tracked purchased 31st and now its 5 Feb. Submitted a cashback claim

    • I'm waiting too

    • nope, still waiting

      • same here….hopefully soon, else will cancel order!

        • from the deal

          Important: Cashback tracks to member accounts between 2-7 days after you receive confirmation from Apple that the product has been shipped.

          so cancel away i guess

        • You can always refund it to the store in between 14 days

    • My apple pen has been delivered but my purchase is not tracked

      • Same here, still waiting for tracking

    • Still no tracking from CashRewards on 1/2/23

      • +1

        Still no tracking for me to 2/2/23. Seems like everyone is in the same boat. Hopefully they’ll honour the cashback once we all submit missing cashback claim…

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