This was posted 2 years 1 month 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Steam, PC, Pre Order] Hogwarts Legacy $73.76, Deluxe Edition $81.96 @ Green Man Gaming

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Came across a sale for both the standard and deluxe edition ($83.96), deluxe comes with 3 day early access (7th Feb)

Deluxe Edition -16% RRP:…

First post, hope I did it right

Mod: Added discount coupon, kudos to Jooniar. The coupon should apply automatically in cart.

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Green Man Gaming

closed Comments

  • +9

    Great first post, mate :) I pre-ordered on PS5, but this will be great for the PC-master racers. PC would be a good choice as I imagine the mods are going to be insane!

    • Yeah dude I’ll be playing on my Kogan steam deck lol

  • +9

    Use "JAN18" for another 18% off.

    • +1

      Legend, didn't even notice!

    • +7

      That's off RRP. Won't apply in addition.

      • Gets you an extra $3 off if I remember correctly

        • It will now because the discount has changed to only 15% on the listing.

  • Cheaper here for base game ~$71.35 Billet

    • +7

      Says it cant be activated in my country

      • +1

        gosh where are you from???

      • Same and I'm in Melbourne

    • cant be activated.

  • -1

    Just over $71 at Gamebillet. OZBG wont let me post a link

    • +11

      There was =affiliate parameter in your link, i've republished your comment with the clean link.

      • +5

        I'd delete my comment but then your hard work would go unseen. Thanks

  • +3

    Nice post mate! I heard this game will be steam deck verified on release

  • +29

    This game is looking so awesome, but preorder I do not.

    • +8

      Bingo. It's such an ambitious game, and there is no reason to pre-order at all. Just wait for reviews.

      • +4

        72 hour early access is one viable reason.
        If, for whatever reason, you're more likely to have time to play it mid week.

        • +14

          Never really understood this need to play a game the exact moment it releases, they have been working on this game for like 5-6+ years, but people can't wait a few more days to play it?
          Plus you get to avoid the almost inevitable day 1 game release version issues, patching issues, server issues, etc.

          • +5

            @lordezekiel: Agreed, I love this subreddit:

            These people take it to the next level, all the games need to be at least 12 months old.

            • +1

              @bruint: Sometimes I wait until a game is free on Epic

          • @lordezekiel: Ikr, wtf is with that. It's a (profanity) game

          • +2

            @lordezekiel: Something wrong with my brain.

            If I don't start playing a game the day, or the day after it comes out; I won't play it for years, regardless of if I pre-ordered it or not.

            Often chuck a N/A on the roster at work for game release days if I'm super keen.

            I'm fully aware that's weird, but it is what it is.

            Same for music. If I don't get to listen to an album the day it comes out; I never get into it.

            • @BradH13: Dude to be honest that doesn't sound super healthy. Have you considered trying to change your habits?

          • +1

            @lordezekiel: How do all these people time their gaming around release dates??? Aren't they playing something at the time, do they starve themselves for days or weeks in wait for the next release? Do they … Leave games unfinished!?!!

            How do they not have an ever expanding back log of games contributing to the above.

  • Does green man gaming send you the key straight away?

  • Sweet! Made the decision of choosing the deluxe edition easy, when it's cheaper than the standard edition rrp.

  • +3

    Rumour is that we will get some sort of review or impressions tomorrow. There will be no pre loading for pc users either. Great deal though.

    • Yeah the potter collector tweeted saying he has a big hogwarts legacy video coming tommorow im pretty sure it will just be a first impressions because it is too early for reviews

    • Good to know. I will keep an eye out. I already pre ordered for PS5 via JB (I'd rather play this at the couch) but can always cancel!

  • +4

    The Last of Us pre order for PC is also on sale.

    • -4

      Wow they’re really trying to milk every bit of that game..

      • +10

        How is it milking? They're bringing previous Sony console exclusives to PC. The more the better, I say. Plus if you haven't had the pleasure of experiencing this game, it's now finally your time. Judging by previous ports (God of War, Spiderman et al) they will do it justice as well.

        • -1

          Ports don’t need preorders, they probably made the port long and just waited now to release, thats a definite marketing milk tactic
          Edit: wait till it releases on switch, omg!

          • +2

            @HangryCakeStore: Lol. Sure thing bud. What kind of strategy would that be? Pour time and resources into making a port, keep it secret for an entire decade, then release it when people have finally forgotten about it?

            It would be big brain tbh, since it is coinciding with the release of the show. But really, it's not like you're building up hype for it. PC players probably never ever expected to play it. I know I borrowed my brother's console so I could play it. So it's a nice surprise instead :)

            Not everyone in the game industry is set on destroying it.

  • +4

    Orders through 3rd party are then excluded from steam refund which is the only thing stopping me :( Sometimes those 2hrs of game play is all you need & can save you $$

    • Warning The keys of this product can only be activated in the country they were purchased.

      I saw that but couldn't see any info on what region the keys are from - so no idea if it would work.

  • +1

    Never read or watched Harry Potter, but the buzz around this game is huge. Making me watch closely.

  • +7

    "Yer a wizard <player 1>!"

  • +11

    Man i hope this game doesnt disappoint, like Cyberpunk……..

    I've learnt my lesson to NEVER pre-order - Games will always get cheaper eventually

  • +2

    ozb is desperate for people to pre-order this game, despite that being an objectively terrible decision.

  • -2

    why preorder a digital game? do you really think a DIGITAL GAME will run out of stock?

    • +1

      it isn't about that, its about being able to play it the moment its available, some people are into that

      also pre-order discounts are a thing

      • if its steam you only get real discounts during steam sales that are usually 50 to 90% off.

        • +4

          that was correct about 5-10 years ago… now the really decent sales are elsewhere… steam occasionally still has the best deal but GMG, Fanatical, Humble, etc all regularly out do them

  • this seems very cool, but i've been wrong before so will wait for initial impressions, hopefully the price is still available or i'll just wait

  • Is it worth re-reading the books before playing? I've almost forgotten plot

    • +3

      Not at all. This is set 100 years or so before Harry Potter is so none of the characters from the books are present. Even Dumbledore would have been a very young child, if even born, when this is set.

    • +2

      No. Hogwarts Legacy is not directly linked to the story of Harry Potter. Its set way way before Harry Potter was even born.

      • +3

        Brilliant! Thanks Raven and Cludo!

  • Nice deal and tempting, but I can't think of a good reason to buy it prior to launch, prices could even fall further… the only place I feel confident pre-ordering is on Amazon as they have their pricing guarantees. If I buy on a digital store now and another one goes cheaper I am basically SoL

  • Don’t think I’ll pre order wait and see 3rd party reviewers. Looking forward to Sons of the forest more.

  • +2

    Definitely waiting for reviews on this. The developer doesn't have the greatest resume.

  • +2

    Tempting but you also lose the ability to refund through Steam if you do this. Worth it to go through Steam or just wait incase it releases broken.

  • +2

    Whatever happened to don't preorder games? Too many disappointments that you best wait for reviews to come out first.

  • I am very sceptical of games that get discounted before release.

    • +3

      It's a storewide discount. Would you rather they have exclusions?

  • Why is this game so good? I haven't seen any good made from movie. I still doubt it

    • +1

      From the gameplay demos I've seen it looks like a super beautifully crafted game. It's also no trying to tell a movie story in game form - it's a unique story built within Hogwarts that lets you create your own witch/wizard and develop. It lets you explore all of the different areas of the castle in a whole new way… I'm keen (but don't have time now, so will wait for some future sales).

      As always wait for the reviews before buying, but all signs point to this being pretty great.

  • -1

    They are so desperate to get you to pre-order this they are now offering 72 hours early access on Epic. I honestly think this game is going to be another Cyberpunk / Anthem style disaster. Don't do it boys

    • It's always had 72 hour early access since the pre orders were announced and it's not just on epic.

      • It's a trap

  • Sweet!

  • +5

    I will support Rowling in any way I can

    • -1

      why would you do that?

  • Anyone else still awaiting a key? Making me regret my deluxe purchase!

    • Should've received it this morning :)

      • +1

        Perfect, thanks for letting me know it was sent!

  • JAN18 code has expired for anyone like me who keep putting off pre-ordering.
    Delux is back up to $84.96, Standard $76.46

  • Anyone know if the early access will work when buying via GMG? Steam page after redeeming the key says Feb 11th but hoping it updates.

    • Also curious. Mine says Feb 11 as well…

    • +1

      The game is added as the Deluxe edition so I'm pretty sure we will get the early access.

      • I worked out my issue - I only ordered the base game so no early access for me at least! Hope you both get the unlock on time

  • Just an update for anyone who bought from gamebillet, though it says 'does not activate in your region', it worked fine for me. YMMV

  • No early access for the deluxe edition unfortunately!

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