This was posted 2 years 1 month 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[VIC] Free Rapid Antigen Test Kits at Local Council, 2 Packs of 5 RAT Kits Per Person


Council program

You should have RATs at home in case you need to test for COVID-19.

Most local councils in Victoria are offering free RATs. Everyone can get up to 2 packs of 5 RATs per person, and up 2 packs for each household member. People with disability and their carers can get 20 free tests.

Contact your local council to find out where you can get RAT tests. You do not need to be a resident in the council area in which you are collecting tests. You can collect RATs as many times as you need. If you run out of RATs, you can collect more to make sure you are prepared.

You should not go to a council site if you have COVID symptoms.

Free RATs are also available at some community health organisations and private pathology centres.

Visit Get a COVID-19 test for information on local councils, community health organisations and private pathology centres.

Saw this on the news today.
Starting from today, every Victorian can get 10 RAT kits a time, as many time as you need.
Schools will stop handing them out.
Please only get what you need.

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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Victoria
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Victoria

closed Comments

  • +1

    So you don't have to be in a high risk group to get? Just turn up and that's it?

    • +3

      Correct. Every Victorian is eligible from today.

      • +11

        About a year too late.

        Where were these when there were mandatory testing requirements.

        • +4

          You could get them from test sites

          • +5

            @itshammer: Where were these when they closed down our local testing sites? Nowhere to be found.

          • @itshammer: Yeah if I drove 30 minutes.

  • +8

    It was given in school free now council, how much has vic govt stocked up…Cash payer money being burnt

    • +5

      like the vaccines - out of date

    • +2

      U mean tax payer? Cash and tax don't gel well together

    • +18

      I think the money's already been spent, they're just trying to offload them stat.

      • +1

        Plus the kits most likely near their expiry date.

      • +2

        Yeah likely the tail end of a contract made during less certain times. It's an effective use of resources given that, and the risk of low supply during a time of need was greater than some money wasted if not.

    • -2

      the sheep will neg

    • +1

      I assume you've paid millions in last couple of years that's hurting you I believe

  • +13

    ^except in Moreland where they'll give actual rats.

    • +5

      Merri-bek. Please we must be politically correct :p

      • +7

        Lol I love how they said they'd replace signs as they went.

        Bet they've spent over $3m already on this rebranding. Meanwhile thats 3m that won't be spent on parks and roads

        • +3

          1000000%. WORST council in Victoria. Yes worse than Hume!

        • +1

          My local park has been neglected for ages and when they finally got to updating it (due to new block of flats being built next door) they just did the bare essentials and only for toddlers…(great for the little ones but the older kids don’t have anywhere close by)

      • +1

        Bring back Moreland … sounds better than stupid 'bek'

    • +1

      Five to ten dollars a box max.

    • +1


    • +1

      No one is paying that. Not for a LONG time.

      • +1

        This is Coles myDeal Hot Deals to staff

        Get a 5-pack of Hough COVID-19 Home Tests for $25. That's a saving of $15 off RRP.

        • +1

          No one is paying that. Not for a LONG time.

    • How much wage theft have your businesses been involved in?

      • Oh poor hun I was joking ❤️👃👃❤️ I'll pray for you

        • +1

          Thanks ❤️

  • 😄😃😄😁

  • +4

    Daniel Andrews moment

  • -2

    More wasted money. This country will be broke soon. Victoria is Doomed

    • +5

      And lay off the eggs and exercise and sunshine and gardening and watching exciting movies.
      They now give heart attacks.

    • +10

      Ironically you're the one that should take their meds

    • +4

      Never go full retread

      • +1

        I like to buy brand new tyres too.

    • +5

      Brilliant, cutting and funny. Have a plus from me. I feel sorry for those negging your comment. They must be the life of the party….

  • +5

    Please only get what you need.


  • +14

    Great, testing for a variant that no longer exists all so the government can say that said product was in the hands of consumer. Unbelievable.

  • +19

    Can't believe people are still entertaining this scam.

    • +6

      Most people are thick. Want proof? VIC voted the dictator back in lol.

      • +16

        Imagine looking at the election result and thinking everyone else is wrong, you're woke and "actually in the know n that"

        • +3

          To be fair, you're working off the concept that these people are 1 basing their thoughts on reality and 2 have the ability to obtain and retain new information.

      • +2

        He was a less shit choice. I can't blame em

        I left the state, seemed like the only reasonable thing to do. Queensland is awesome.

        • +1

          Was thinking the same until I have seen the amount of cameras, facial recognition technology and other equipment used here. It’s insane when you compare to Victoria. No bs Brisbane is fkd.

          • +1

            @Morpheus: I know for a fact Metro run facial recognition. I think it's pretty much everywhere now.

        • +1

          Good riddance.

          • @gakko: Cheers.

            Enjoy living in a state crippled by it's covid debt and high interest rates. You'll enjoy such things as cut backs on all state run programs, higher fees all round and small business collapse.

            • +1

              @jaimex2: I know how much cookers beg for the sky to fall as a consequence of some thing they don't like what society did, but i don't see this one happening. Melbourne is back on track to overtake Sydney for example. Who knows what the future holds though.

              • @gakko: What's a cooker?

                Sky won't fall but Victorians won't have a good time.

                I don't know why they brag about jamming in more cashed up immigrants.

      • -6

        Deranged Dictator Dan got back in solely on preference votes.

        Check seats for example where Liberal got 40% of the votes and Labour got 25%. Labour won the seat solely on preferences.

        Abolish preference voting and it would be a much fairer system.

        • +5

          What an awful take. Even if what you're saying is true, preference voting is much fairer than first past the post.

          With all the right wing minor parties I thought people like you would be on board. You can vote for PUP or whatever and still have your vote count for the libs at the end of the day. Isn't that great?

          • @nigel deborah: "preference voting is much fairer than first past the post."

            Why do you say that?

            If for any given seat one candidate wins 40% of the vote and 4 minor parties win 12% each, why should a minor party win when the majority of residents in that seat gave a majority vote to one candidate.

            Yes, first past the post 'should' win and it would be a more representative and fairer voting system.

            Victoria is $160 Billion in Debt and Deranged Dumbass Dan Privatised VicRoads and Land Titles Office without a peep from the Left biased ABC / Four Corners.

            But don't take my word only, the PBO announced today:
            "Net debt is expected to reach a record $166 billion by 2025-26, or a 24.6 per cent share of the economy. That is 50 per cent higher than in any other state in the country"

            Good luck in how the next generation will pay down this debt without the state turning into greater shit that it has already become.

            And no I do not vote PUP, wrong assumption.

            • @[Deactivated]:

              If for any given seat one candidate wins 40% of the vote and 4 minor parties win 12% each

              That still wouldn't be a majority for the minor parties (only 48%) and after preferences, so I think they'd need to continue counting? And you're assuming nobody who voted for the minor parties preferences the 40% candidate.

              the majority of residents in that seat gave a majority vote to one candidate.

              40% isn't a majority. That's the point. Someone needs preferences to get over the line.

              Anyway, the reason it's fairer is that without preferences one side/area of the political spectrum is penalised for having more than one candidate. Imagine a certain electorate is very anti debt, like yourself. There are 2 anti debt candidates (Jeff and John) and 1 pro debt candidate (Suzy). Jeff gets 35% of the vote. John gets 27% of the vote. Suzy gets 38% of the vote.

              Without preferences, Suzy wins. With preferences, most of John's votes preferences Jeff, bringing his total to ~52%, and an anti debt candidate wins. This is fair, because 52% (a majority) of the voters in this electorate were anti debt.

              Under your proposal, Suzy wins. The pro debt candidate gets in even though the majority of the electorate is anti debt. Can you see the advantage of preference voting? Even if it might occasionally disadvantage a candidate you were hoping would win, it's a better system for everyone overall

              • -2

                @nigel deborah: I'm out celebrating Australia Day and don't want to waste time explaining the errors in your premise.

                • @[Deactivated]: Surprised you are celebrating a country which is a) happy to utilize government debt (and has been for over a century) and b) has been fundamentally shaped by preference voting (again, for over a century).

                  Quick Google has Kuwait as the only nation on earth with very low (almost nil) government debt and a first past the post voting system. Perhaps you should move!

                  Government debt isn't nearly as bad as you seem to think it is either. The vast majority of government bond owners are Australian citizens/businesses, so most interest paid is not wealth lost 'out' of the country. Capitalism in general is built on borrowed money - without credit, growth is very difficult/impossible (just look at the stagnation of national economies pre- widespread lending).

            • @[Deactivated]:

              Victoria is $160 Billion in Debt

              …which is money that's been mostly spent on awesome projects like the level crossing removals and the metro tunnel and the westgate tunnel and north east link.

              Are you saying you'd rather not have any of those quality of life improvements, to keep the debt low ?

              "Net debt is expected to reach a record $166 billion by 2025-26, or a 24.6 per cent share of the economy. That is 50 per cent higher than in any other state in the country"

              So ?

              See above. They're using this money for some mega projects that we all need. Clearly this is preferable to just sitting back with no debt and not doing anything !

      • -1

        There were no other options.

    • Elaborate?

  • +1

    Only eligible as 70+ or disability for my local council not open to everyone

    • +3

      Did you try today?
      Every Victorian is eligible starting from today.
      otherwise, just go to your adjacent Councils.

      • +1

        Maybe the website hasn't been updated yet

  • anyone know where to collect for melbourne cbd?

    • City Library on Flinders Lane should be able to sort you out

  • +4

    people still play pandemic?

  • -7

    These tests are not free, our taxes are paying for this. Unless you are high risk I'd recommend that we not waste any more of our scarce public resources on this overhyped cold.

    • +2

      COVID is anything but a cold. To say COVID is like a cold/flu is ignorant and unfair to people who died from COVID especially to those who without underlying health issues.

      • -4

        Cool story except I've had covid and it was like a cold. Which is exactly the experience of >99% of those who are healthy and under 70 who contract it.

        • +4

          You got through covid like a cold doesn‘t mean every healthy person had or will have the same experience. There are also a lot of people who are healthy and under 50 died of covid. I also got covid last month and it wasn’t too bad but I wouldn‘t go as far as saying covid is like a cold.

          Everyone reacts to covid differently and each time the symptoms will not be the same. Also need to take in account the covid strain/current health condition etc.

          • +7

            @FrugalNotStingy: Do you hold the same weighted views towards the vaccine? Not everyone who takes the vaccine is fine or has the same experience. Although I'm yet to hear your opinion, it would be 'ignorant and unfair to people who died from VACCINE injuries' if you said otherwise.

            • @BS-19: I have not had the Covid vax. I am not anti-vaxxed as I have taken all the required vaccinations and the ones prompted by doctors. I just do not have much confidence in a vaccine that did not undergo long term studies for potential (long term) side effects. I don‘t have an opinion on people who chose to take or refuse the vaccine. It is a matter of personal choice. I thought, I am still young and relatively healthy, therefore, I elected to not get vaxxed and took my chances.

              When I caught covid last month with fever, random chest pain, change of taste and smell. I was thinking, if I had been vaxxed, I would most likely have lighter symptoms. My mum, who has had her 3rd jab, also had covid at the same time, her symptoms were much lighter than mine. She even said she felt better than when she had a cold. However, she has long covid symptom of shortness of breath and tiredness afterwards. I also am having long covid but we’re getting better.

              I am still deciding if I will get the covid vaccine three months later.

              • -1


                vaccine that did not undergo long term studies for potential (long term) side effects

                95% of Israeli population took Pfzier. If something went seriously wrong the scandal would be many magnitude worse than wearing a tasteless Nazi costume to a party in your 20s.

                Everyone enjoys a good conspiracy but you can't overlook the popular "jews rule the world" (in quotation marks because I am not sure how true it is).

          • @FrugalNotStingy: Everyone reacts to rhinoviruses and influneza viruses differently too. Such a throwaway meaningless statement. No two people in the world will react "identically" to a virus

            Also please quantify your vague "a lot of people healthy under 50 died from covid". How many in Victoria whose taxes are paying for these pointless RATs ? Also quote your source because I call BS on this statement.

            • +1

              @jmc787: Please tell me your take on the medi waste from Covid that has ended up in our oceans, rivers, landfill?
              Do you think the response was proportional?
              Why didn’t we care so much for the last 50 years with the flu?

            • @jmc787: Actually, I do think RATs are pointless and many of them are inaccurate junk. They cannot detect in individuals who have high CT values eventhough they would be deemed covid positive in PCR tests. The ones who gain from the popularity of RATs are the manufacturers and the politictians that push for the use of RATs.

              I agree. RATs are money wasting but because of their convenience and to ease the cost of govt funded PCR tests and manpower contraints.

        • +1

          and you didn't bother to get vaxxed?

          • +6

            @financialminimalism: The people who didnt get vaxxed were the smart ones. I hope Novak wins the AO on Sunday as the biggest FU possible to all the liars and medical fascists :)

            • +2

              @jmc787: Giving off some real big Dunning Kruger energy. Stay smart buddy!

        • +2

          Not sure I've ever had a cold which gave me aches, pains, cold sweats and caused me to loose my taste and smell and still tired 3 weeks on… Most people liken it to a bad flu much more than a cold.

    • -1

      Obviously haven't lost someone. What a disgraceful comment.

  • +7

    Seriously, who tests for Covid these days when they have a cold?

    • Probably only people who do the right thing.

      • +8

        Really? Did you test for the flu before the Covid pandemic? don’t you know flu kills people also!

        • Not in these numbers:
          COVID-19 hospitalisations and deaths in NSW up to 4pm 5 January 2023
          1,662 people in hospital 49 people in ICU 77 lives lost in the past 7 days*

          COVID-19 hospitalisations and deaths in NSW up to 4pm 12 January 2023
          1,458 people in hospital 41 people in ICU 112 lives lost in the past 7 days*

          COVID-19 hospitalisations and deaths in NSW up to 4pm 19 January 2023
          1,236 people in hospital 31 people in ICU 131 lives lost in the past 7 days*

          156 people died in Victoria in the past week alone.

          • @saveye: Interesting data.

            How many of those individuals were struck with covid whilst being a pack a day smoker, or undergoing chemotherapy for cancer, or are living in the 8th decade of their years, etc?

      • +1

        Have you any financial interest in the covid scam to declare ?

        • +2

          His username suggests he’s a minimalist, but he’s a ozbargainer so he’s a consumerist.

      • +2

        Are you the morality police?

        • +2

          All Covidians are the morality police, it comes with the cult.

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