Saigon Espresso coffee bean is roasted to a be dark bean It is a blend of robusta, catimor and moka arabica. The blend of coffee beans and the darker roast give a full palate taste flavoured espresso that is terrific as a short black through to an iced coffee. Now in the bargain bulk pack with 6 x 750g packs for 4.5 kg of coffee. NOT ABLE TO SHIP OUT OF AUSTRALIA AT THIS PRICE
Coffee Beans - $70.78 for 750g Packs X 6 of Yummy Saigon Espresso $15.72 a Kg Free Delivery

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Agree with the above. Need smaller packs as I won't get through the coffee. I chuck mine out after 2-3 weeks from roast.
Do you guys roast to order?
Is it possible to buy whole bean within 1 week from roasting?Lol, I'm in the snob category so please forgive my……….can't think of the right word
Edit: I also drink espresso with milk so how is the bean like as espresso?
"snobbery" might be the word? :D
although you discredit yourself by then saying you drink espresso with milk. Milk is a Heresy to a true snob! (I myself drink only flat whites…with a sugar!! so I'm far from a real snob myself ;)
Aside from all that though, I've never read anything suggesting Robusta beans as being that good. I have only read about them being filler for cheap coffees and coffee flavoured things. There's a reason "100% arabica" is a stamp on some coffee products. It's a good thing to have.
:S Sorry I meant to say I drink espresso and espresso with milk.
Basically saying I enjoy it both ways.I wouldn't call myself an expert but I do know what like :)
Anyway I find certain SO beans or blends are better with milk and some are better as an espresso.
I've heard of a some good italian blends that use robusta beans but I agree if it's a blend that consists mostly of robusta then it's probably not that good.
"Lol, I'm in the snob category so please forgive my……….can't think of the right word
Edit: I also drink espresso with milk so how is the bean like as espresso?"If you drink all your coffee with milk, regardless of the bean/roast/brew, then you are probably not nearly as snobby as you think you are. =)
the last few coffee's i've bought have been ground in front of me:
- Cafe Espresso Supa Crema
- Ethiopian
- Guatamalan
- CubanGuatamalia does make a daymn good drop, but even then, i'll only buy in half kilo batches to ensure that they remain fresh …
trail packs, trail packs!!
Half-kilo batches of ground coffee remaining fresh?!
Damn you must go through a lot of coffee.
I usually buy 200g batches of beans, and they're noticeably less fresh (requiring a finer grind) toward the end of the bag.
half kilo is lasting about 2 weeks, keep it in the fridge, but @ 24$ / half kilo, it's getting expensive :)
Ground coffee remains fresh for a couple hours max.
Why would I be buying 4.5kgs of coffee beans? Is this aimed at the general coffee consumer, cos not matter how 'yummy' the first 750g bag is, by the time you get to the other 5 I think they'll have lost some of that yumminess….
does it come with fish sauce taste?
Lol, because it's south east asian coffee?
Actually, I've tried a few blend and Australian single origin from Aussie Farmers direct that has smelt quite fishy. I can only describe it as a really pungent fishy odour combined with the same strong fragrance that you get after opening a jar of vegemite.
The website gives me the impression they are just the selling agent for Viet coffee with the beans being roasted overseas. Happy to be proven wrong but I dont think this deal is for snobs. Good for people buying beans at Woolies, no deal for people that check for the roast date on their beans.
Ahh….le coffee debate begins!
Yes Let the debate begin. Yes the offer is not for snobs but for those that like their coffee tasty, full palate, not bitter and good crema.
The offer is for those who know the Quality of Vietnamese beans- Vietnam being the second largest producer of Coffee in the World
Robusta is not as expensive as Arabica as it's easier to grow and more productive. Arabica is harder to grow and on a $ for $ I would rather have a good robusta for the same money than you pay for a bad Arabica.
We recommend grid as you use, don't freeze or refrigerate and store them somewhere cool and dry. We also recommend a lower brew temperature and use an espresso shot and then add hot water from there or go for a Cafe Sua Da
Yes we are importing from Vietnam. No we can't roast to order. Smallest size is 750g so samples not possible at this time. But you can try one pack or any from the Indochine range that have Arabica as the predominant bean.
Italian expresso will many many times have Robusta in it Food labelling laws allow a percentage of other beans - similar to wine being able to be described as a Shiraz or other variety with different varieties like Merlot used as well to fill out the palate.
Its difficult to get a good crema on a 100% arabica unless there is some Robusta.
We sell our coffee because we like the taste and those who have been to Vietnam and tried it locally love to be able to secure their supplies here when they return.
Thanks for opening up the Pandora's box of Arabic Vs Robusta.
Robusta blends are better than Arabica's with milk the lighter floral tones of the Arabica's can be drowned by the milk.
Well done for noticing.
Samples? 4.5kg of coffee is a big investment.
Also the snobs probably wouldn't like you describing the coffee as yummy.