Solid monitor, not as good as the previous deal, but still a decent price for those who missed it (like me)
(Non-zero chance they bought from the deal and are reselling… lol - it's a new listing)
Solid monitor, not as good as the previous deal, but still a decent price for those who missed it (like me)
(Non-zero chance they bought from the deal and are reselling… lol - it's a new listing)
Already mentioned in the post đŸ˜‰
True…didn't read the post.
Could update/copy-pasta most of the referenced title as well for keyword read
@UsernameChecksIn: Not sure what you mean entirely, I originally considered copypasting that (dell ebay) title, but half of it is saying it has VRR, while lacking details like the refresh rate, and panel type.
Note the Out of Stock banner above the item
aww missed one, that would make a great 2nd monitor for WFH
Glad someone noticed (;
(Non-zero chance they bought from the deal and are reselling… lol - it's a new listing)
I was thinking the same as there were quite a few transactions for more than 10 qty.
More than 10 qty. Have to be at least one reseller somewhere between local netcafe buyer. I don't think offices need this monitor.
I kinda doubt it tbh, with the cost of ebay's fees it wouldn't really be worth reselling at this price.
Yeah true, and I doubt those orders are fulfilled yet. I was just going off the comments from that thread.
pulled the trigger. This is still a good deal! its frustrating that i missed out last one because i needed a nanna nap. ahh well.
(Non-zero chance they bought from the deal and are reselling… lol - it's a new listing)
mate wouldn't get it passed them they have dropped shipped before.
as the crossed out price is $399 same as other deal.
are they worth when compared to an old Dell P series monitor ? I have a Dell P2214H (got for $30) and just used 2017 version (P2217H) for comparison.…
Was much better last week at $189