This was posted 2 years 1 month 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

[PS4] Last Of Us Remastered $5 + Delivery ($0 C&C/ in-Store) @ Harvey Norman


Before you spit hate remember you can price match or Amazon AU might match it!

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Harvey Norman
Harvey Norman

closed Comments

  • +3

    price match JB and free with perks :)

    • Get two for free!

  • +13

    Perfect time with the tv show just out (and it's great too)

      • +23

        Might be time to log off the internet for a few weeks, my friend…

        Not everything is worth being this upset about.

      • +3

        This is such a weird comment which makes 0 sense.

        • +2

          I think they tried to be funny but then had a brain fart half way through typing it.

        • +1

          The joke was The Last of Us is getting great reviews, whereas Velma isn’t. Guess it didn’t land. My bad

      • 84 critic score / 80 user score on metacritic so far, looks promising!

        • -6

          Yes because thats how you judge a show is good, not by deciding for yourself but by looking at paid off critics and bots scores

          • +5

            @Whisper Quiet: Might be time to log off the internet for a few weeks, my friend…

            Not everything is worth being this upset about.

            • -1

              @Faro: Its like when people say to calm down. Who says anyone is upset. You just write generic things. So other people cant have an opinion. Only what majority of people write or say is allowed. Might be time to use your own opinion

              • +4

                @Whisper Quiet: Nobody is trying to censor you or shush you. You just started throwing around loaded statements about paid critics and bots that seemed quite personal to you.

                Your language suggests you think you're being attacked. You are not. Civilised conversation is about making sure people are calm and rational, right?

                Edit: for the record, upset is defined as "unhappy, disappointed or worried". You seemed to fit the bill based on your comment 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • +1

    Hope amazon match, already have a cart of a few things!

  • +4

    Compare this deal to what Naughty dog expects people to pay for the PS5 version

    • +8

      The PS5 version is a remake, not a remaster. And it is well done, graphically similar to TLOU2. As a fan of the first one, I thoroughly enjoyed the remake. In saying that, JB's price isn't competitive.

        • +2

          Have you even tried or played the remake? Didn't think so.

        • people still dont know the difference between the words

          Clearly talking about yourself here, right?

          As the entire game's graphics were remade for the PS5 and not just upscaled of the original to 4K, it certainly IS a remake.

          • +1

            @Cyphar: Should have done this to bloodborne and not this, obviously it’s 10x more difficult

        • The remaster still had pop-in. Replaying it recently on PS4 Pro and the first dark spore filled area was on par with N64, I don't remember it being that bad on PS3 even. The PS5 version is a technological update, not only in aesthetics but also with improve enemy A.I.

          All the complaints about it being an unnecessary remake because of the price are due to impatience and forgetting it'll be $20 next year.

    • +4

      I have played through both on my PS5, and the Remake was well worth it for the $80 i paid at launch. It's not a remaster, it is a remake, meaning it was fully remade from the ground up. Yes, gameplay and story are the same, but it has been shifted ton ever technology.

    • Remake is well worth the money. It’s a complete remake and not optimising from the PS3 version

    • If you have a PS5, you have the option to play the PS4 remastered version complimentary with PS plus sub. Don't need to buy the new remake

      • +4

        Don't need to, but if it is your first time playing the game, or if you are returning to it, I recommend ponying up for the remake, it is a more polished game and really just modernises it in the right ways.

      • -1

        PS plus premium though, not extra.

        • +3

          Not true.

          I'm on ps5, with ps essential and can play it.
          It's part of the PS collection that's available for ps5 usrs

          • +1

            @brokeneither: Weird and thanks. Will check again then

            EDIT: definitely not on my phone. Will try on the console directly. I can see from a Google it's meant to be included.

  • if I use this on PS5, will I get the PS5 upgrades?

    • No

      • +3

        If I use this on PS3, will I get the PS3 downgrades?

      • No they're technically different games
        Last of Us Remastered and Last of Us Remake

  • +1

    Yeah I've never played before (and didn't have a PS4), so currently just playing things I like off psplus.

    This isn't included however. Surely the upgrades in the ps5 version probably aren't worthwhile and I should grab this instead?

    • +1

      Definitely grab this!

    • +1

      Yeah absolutely! I can't think of any game where the platform/remake is worth 20 times more 😂

      • +1

        I would consider paying double for a proper ps5 upgrade of Bloodborne… (that said I only paid a tenner for it.)

    • +2

      If you have a PS5 and PS plus (any tier), you can play the PS4 version of TLOU1 included in your sub.

      • What's he cheapest tier

        • Essential

          • @TimR31: How much is it?

            • +1

              @Jackson: Did you even try to Google it to find out?

              Try this “ps plus essential price australia”

    • +1

      I'd get the remake, it's one of the best games ever. Worth the $$$ to experience the best version I think.

    • Hard to argue with $5 but that said I paid $90 odd for the remake and don't regret a cent of it, one of the (if not the) best games I've ever played. Loved every minute.

  • Or just wait for the pc version in march

    • +3

      Will it be $5?

      • +1

        Haha my thoughts exactly

      • -4

        You get what you pay for don't you? if you want better graphics and textures and 4k you won't get it on the $5 ps4 version.

        If you want the cheapest ugliest base level version then get ps4

        • +5

          You mean ps3

      • +1

        It will be free.

  • -1

    Correct me if I'm wrong. This is only the 1st game, right? Is there a part 2 as well?

    • +1

      This is the first game, and yes there is a sequel (called Part II)

    • This is the first game, part 2 is the sequel. You don't need part 2 to play and enjoy this.

    • Thanks, folks!
      I wonder if S01 is tied to part 1, then I'll play and get this out of the way prior to starting on the series.

      • It is

      • +1

        Yes it's tied to part 1. So far the first episode has followed the game quite closely.

  • Fantastic game. Even on PS3. I would say just grab it for PS4 (if you have the PS5) in my mind it would be like the difference in watching 1080p(PS4) movie vs 4k version(PS5) and 720p being PS3.

    Even 720p is good.

    That is an analogy; not a comment about actual definition.

    I wonder if they'll remake* it again for PS6?


  • +2

    Spit hate? * pouts * GERRY STARTED IT

  • +1

    number 54 in position to price match on JB Hifi chat lol

  • +1

    Haha good body on post

    • Bahaha it was more towards hating on HN not TLOU

      • The subtle hate on HN is what was good hahaha

  • +2

    Cmon Amazon!

    • How does one get Amazon to notice this? Customer Support?

      • +2

        Amazon won't price match via support. They'll might match the price, but I doubt it for this.

  • +3

    Successfully price matched with JB via chat, bought 2 copies using my JB Perks Voucher :)

    • Love it mate!

    • +1

      Nice. JB chat gave me some bs that HN were out of stock, then given a $20 "deal" link. Nah mate. Forget it.
      I then ordered from HN and paid the $6 delivery.

      • gave me the same bs hahaha

        • Same: "We can typically only price match if our competitors have the product available - They don't seem to have this at Ballarat"

      • +1

        I had the same, so I went back to chat and a different guy jumped in, said he has done this already and just gave me a link without asking for location.

        I told the previous one that if I said I was in a different post code with stock, they can't even check my location. But yeah she didn't budge.

      • +1

        I gave them a postcode over 100km away where I knew HN had it in stock, then said I was at work (in my actual town) and asked if I could pickup locally and all was fine.

    • How did you manage to use the Perks Voucher. They told me 'Accepted payment methods through this link include debit/credit cards, PayPal and JB Gift cards (digital/physical).. excluding third party multi store gift cards which are only usable in store.' It wont accept the Perks code when I try to pay with this.

      • They SMS you a link which opens a basket (checkout) with the item added, there is a slot there to enter a coupon code which is where you add your perks voucher.

        • Yeah I got that too, but the coupon code part required a pin, and when i tried to paste the perks code it only put the first 4 or 5 characters in and wouldn't accept any letters. Oh well, i'll return one and still cheap for $5.

  • +1

    Bought this and Blood Simple on blu-ray at a combined cost of $0.00 from JB HiFi.

    Thank you Gerry, thank you small business, thank you government.

    • Did you add Blood Simple after price matching into the cart? If so, how do you do that?


      • +2

        No, it has to be done via the live chat/phone. Instruct the staff member to add another item.

        • Cheers mate

          • @prodnus: Any luck today? Were you interested in Blood Simple specifically? If so, you have good taste :)

  • Before you spit hate

    Are we that predictable?

    • You are when it comes to an opinion on Harvey Norman

  • After waiting in the queue for 20 min, best they could do was reducing it to $12. I give up lol

    • Had to be quick and provide a postcode where it was still in stock at one of the Harvey Norman stores. Think they have caught on.

      • +1

        I dont blame then when 100s of ppl try to price match haha

    • +6

      what other games/series are on your crap list? So I can add them to my "must watch" list

    • -1

      If this game or style of game ( isnt your type of game, just move on :)

      • Careful, they might call you "poo" and then "boo" you, like adults tend to do to one another.

  • +4

    Absolute masterpiece.

  • Whats the best price ever for the PS5 remake/remaster version? Looking at the many comments it appears its worthwhile if you have a PS5

  • -1

    Absolute bargain for those that don't have PSN+ (It's included for those). Yes it's not the re-remaster but you're gonna have a great time with it regardless.

  • -1

    Out of stock at HN. Doesn't show price anymore so probably cant price match.

  • I'm playing the ps5 remake right now and loving it. It's my first time playing.

    Does anyone know if they will be remaking part 2 as well? Not sure if I wait or buy the existing ps4 part 2. I don't mind waiting, but don't want to wait for nothing. I couldn't find a concrete answer with google.

    • +2

      almost certainly not, what graphical aspects could they even improve upon?

    • +1

      Part 2 is awesome. Looks great. Wish I was playing these games for the first time again! Enjoy:)

    • While there won't be a Part 2 remake, a PS5 version will most likely be released when Naughty Dog releases Factions for Part 2 (multiplayer / online). Bear minimum, that PS5 version will have quality of life improvement (in terms of taking advantage of SSD loading better). It could have some slight graphics improvements. There is a PS5 patch for the current PS4 Pro version of Part 2.

      The weird thing is it's taken Naughty Dog a really long time to release Factions.

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