Price dropped from 239.97 EUR now 214.97 EUR.
After VAT removal and postage (14 EUR) comes to 194.65 EUR. Standard Shipping (7-19 business days).
Price dropped from 239.97 EUR now 214.97 EUR.
After VAT removal and postage (14 EUR) comes to 194.65 EUR. Standard Shipping (7-19 business days).
Blu-Rays: Same region as here
Games: Always region free
You need to update your info on PS3 region locking for games. The games have up to now been region free butwe finally have a region locked game.…
no need to be pedantic, until publishers do it repeatedly
So we cant play DVD's? thats the only problem? anyway around that? Cheers
Oh!!! Shizer!!!! Mad deal!
So what is the saving ???
A bit if 160GB models are selling for the same price here, ~$100? (That is a Guess)
What is k-model.
somewhere before Super Model!
Quoted from Review Section:
"Currently, the existing J-K model and the new model at similar prices at Amazon are offered. I had two models for direct comparison. Because I want to use the PS3 often than Blueray player, I was particularly interested in the noise. Externally both models are very similar. Shape and dimensions of the housing and the connections are identical. In the K-model, only the narrow side surfaces are not smooth / rough but shiny / dull as the rest of the keypad and not silver-coated black instead of shiny. In addition, the keys are no longer lit and lacks the Wi-Fi indicator light. Basically, the fan is the PS3 is not silent, as sometimes described. The fan speed is controlled depending on temperature. The first 15 minutes after a cold start you can hear the fan in the first speed but little or only at close range (less than 1 m apart). If the PS3 is getting warmer, the fan jumps in the second stage and is heard more clearly (but only if the TV sound turned off). Between J and K model only a small difference in the noise, the drive sounds were subjectively the same. Disk accesses are at normal background noise in movies or games clearly audible, but may occur rarely or only the beginning. The J model has been operating in the game a bit warmer, so the fan speed was higher and was slightly louder than the K-model (both devices were completely free). The K model was several hours behind the vents only lukewarm. I just decided therefore to the K-model CECH-3004B. Apparently, the intensity of the scattered noise operation within a series of machines that perhaps was the J-model just happens a little louder. Overall, the difference between the two devices that were available to me only minimally"
I don't have a PS3, only a XBox 360, can someone give me reason not to buy this?
The Playstation 4 will be out in the foreseeable future, don't do it!
18 months away!?
Remember the release price of the PS3? $1000 dollars.
thats why I keep my 80 phat in a box, i cant bring myself to sell because the depreciation is too much:(
…and the longer you wait the more you will serve to lose. It's the psychological aspect of value "retention".
Ill ask a question first.. Do u utilise Xbox live?
Nope, i'm a casual gamer, don't have much time for online gaming but might still need this for bluray player, movie streaming from home server and occasional fun with a 4 years old kid.
Look at the 'exclusives' list…
If none take your fancy then just stick with the xbox as all AAA titles are on both (unless you really want blu-ray)
Save your money for a Kinect if you don't have one, a kid would probably have more fun with that. Blu-ray players are around $100 anyway. A proper streaming solution would be better as this has Cinavia copy protection too.
Honestly? I bought into Kinect and wish I'd just spent the money on something else, excellent tech but it suffers from Wii disease.
Sony has this tech long before kinect - Eyetoy.
It's fun at first, then collecting dust not long after
I just traded in my 360 for a sweet PS3 deal and I havem't looked back ever since. I never used Xbox live either, but setting up the PS3 on the wifi is all to easy then your straight into playing games online.
Other than the required game install/update everytime you insert a new game I'm much happier now.
$296 delivered for extra controller and in white a decent deal? $68 for the extra controller and all in white? :D
Can you just use an Aussie figure 8 power cable/plug adaptor or do you need a step down transformer?
An AU cable is all you need.
Europe use 220/240 V, so it will work here by just chaning the plug…
ps3 has a universal power supply
top deal
Good deal but I just got my Vita delivered from them took 1 month exactly
Obviously it wont come with a local warranty
But do PS3 have any possible [inherent high incident] problems like Xbox360s used to have etc?
The 'Phat' models are quite prone to Yellow Light of Death (YLOD)
But the slim ones are fine.
Fatties have more health problems.
Blu-ray drive went in mine (slim) after 10 months but light use. Not sure how common that is in PS3s but optical disc drives are usually the first thing to go in computers too from my experience.
How much was the repairs? or did you replace it?
Aussie model so it was replaced under warranty (about 4 weeks turnaround from Sony). Just making the point that I would have been screwed if it was purchased OS.
Keep in mind that a new (even slimmer) model of PS3 is due shortly.…
I reckon they keep getting more ugly as they make new models :/
Same thing happened with the PSP. First and second were great, third had the crappy screen, the Go was.. troubled and the e1000 is just rubbish
First was thick and its d-pad was non-functional.
second and third looked exactly the same as well.
Damn, that's a good price.
Great find!
I have no idea what I'm doing due to my lack of understanding of German, but here's hoping google translate doesn't screw me over.
thanks, just ordered one
Very nice price! Anyone know the firmware number on this ps3
0 chance to be 3.55 if thats what you meant
Does it mean this one will have no chance to play backup?
Any chance of 4.x firmware being cracked in the future? Or is it impossible?
Thanks guys! This is an excellent deal! I'm actually still waiting for Target to receive my back order of the 160gb PS3 .. been at least 3 weeks now but I jumped at this deal due to the bigger hdd, the warranty isn't any worry for me as I've been repairing my old ps3 for YLOD for a while now!
Ended up paying $236 AUD I guess the exchange rate changes all the time so that would explain it..
Edit: Price I paid was auctually 227.223 AUD ! :D
hi, im having some issues with my fat ps3. when i play games, sometimes it freezes, while no issue with bluray watching nor playTV. does this mean my ps3 is reaching ylod?
Could be… as with games it would use the GPU alot more to render your games.. you will most likely find the old thermal paste that sony originally put on is now dried up and does nothing for you now..
I've tried to put Cooler master e2 thermal paste onto both chips. The issue seems stand still :( i might not put it properly? @_@ or could be the hdd issue?
Cook the motherboard (seriously) strip it down to the mobo and throw it in the oven. The GPU is coming loose from the mobo caused by overheating over time. I done mine on a BBQ a couple of years ago, I'll find a link to it.
Remember to cover any plastic parts in tin foil as shown in pic to prevent melting. Preheat oven/BBQ for ten minutes on max setting place mobo in for ten to twenty minutes. The mobo will be hot and slightly not so rigid when you remove it so be sure to be careful and place it on a flat surface ASAP. Can also be done with a good heat gun directly to the GPU if you have one. Don't bother buying anything cheap and underpowered though as it won't heat it fast enough and over cooking it isn't a great idea.
Don't be so cheap lol.. my mate did this with his PS3 and completely destroyed it even used tin foil but it blew off (Fan forced) Bunnings should have a heat gun for under $20 use that on both sides all over the mobo,
I would recommend you do some research on the net first about reflow / reflux
I couldn't be assed waiting on the heat gun at the time, it arrived a couple of days later but this did the trick fine. I've done a couple in the oven as well since when I couldn't find my heat gun, lol. If done right it is fine. Your mate should have put the foil on better.
thanks guys, i'll check my gpu tonight, hopefully i could bring it back to life!
in case anyone interested, it seems to be my hdd's problem. replaced it with another hdd, so far it doesnt freeze anymore. very odd still, since i record many tv program with playTV on the old hdd, and it still works well, only games freeze my ps3 @_@
Yeah hoping for 3.41 or 3.55 :)
mine freezes too, and crashes a bit, but it's been going fine for 2 years after it started
Ive fixed a few YLOD as well.. Unfortunately the fixes are never permanent. You need to reball the GPU with leaded solider to perma fix a YLOD
18/07/2012 PENDING - Amazon EU AMAZON.DE LU $228.17
Wow this is very cheap. Very tempting to get another one but I've already got a PS3.
Is this the power cord everyone needs to order??…
Thanks, just found a spare one laying around :) but should come in handy should anyone need one
is this the one you get with ps2?
The ps2 slim atleast
Any news on the new slim version coming out?
Silly question but will all the documents and formatting be in german or english?
Another silly question, how do you switch language to English on Amazon?
Download Google Chrome. It has a translation function built in.
download chrome
tab: chrome://chrome/settings/
look for - passwords and forms
enable - Offer to save passwords I enter on the web.
goodluck with warranty claims if anything goes wrong in the first 12 months. great price though
This is ozbargain are you silly or somthing??
Says the guy who told someone to buy a heat gun when the could just use their BBQ!
lol, I kid I kid
haha :)
:P Slanty eyes ^_^
i dont see your point…you saying warranty isn't important to ozbargainers?
saying taking cheap shortcuts is the ozbargain way.
A bargain isn't a bargain if it breaks and you're left with a doorstop. My slim was replaced under warranty so I think it's worth considering at least.
I'm sure the repair process is similar to the old ps3… but the failure rate is nowhere near as what the old fat PS3's experienced.
isnt there an international warranty with this product?
do you ship the faulty ps3 back to Jeff Bezos, um… I mean Amazon?
Is this the console PAL region? Any difficulties with playing games from AU stores and online?
I buy/play stuff from the AU store all the time on my Japanese NTSC system.
This would have no problems playing region B blurays?
Edit FYI: Note: Germany and all of Europe (except Russia) are Region B. The U.S. and Canada are in Region A.
Thanks guys, reason I ask is I've bought games from Asia before and haven't been able to use them to play online in Aus (with my aus account).
So no troubles there with this from Gerrrrmany?
the psn account is region related, so your foreign games can't play online with your au account - no matter the machine from au, germany or us. the easy solution is to create multiply psn accounts for multiple regions.
As long as you create an account for that region, then redeem the online code, you can play on any account after that no matter what region. I do that all the time, I have US, Japan and Aus accounts.
is this console have English language, or just German?
I'm sure there would be a setting to change in the language settings…
No idea why but I bought one, never used a console in my life.
Thats OZBargain Spirit, keep it UP.
CBSD - compulsive bargain shopping disorder
Region free?