Lowest price ive ever seen on this
Less with Ebay gift cards, however I like to use my credit card's extended warranty for these kind of purchases
Lowest price ive ever seen on this
Less with Ebay gift cards, however I like to use my credit card's extended warranty for these kind of purchases
Okay thanks. Good price though
Better wait for surface pro 9 deal
@King Steuart: If u wish🤞 but i doubt it…. i need to replace my surface 6 to the latest and am waiting for m$ for the deal
Are you going to buy it?
No I have an SP8 but this is an awesome price
This can be charged over USB-C
I've got this exact model and I've been charging it with PD via USB-C without any issues.
Also using it with my Dell WD-19 USB-C dock for charging, external monitor output and ethernet connection - been working great.
👍 looks like someone is buying a surface pro now
Shouldn't the surface 8 be discounted…. 7 is too old
The 7+ model was only released 2 years ago so it's not that old. The 8 was released 15 months ago; that one should be on sale mid this year.
Is this with Windows 11?
Yes, description says windows 11.
Keyboard not included.
$200 from Microsoft or ~$100 for a third party brand.
Can someone please suggest a good keyboard for this ? Microsoft eBay is not selling keyboard for 7+. Thanks.
We've got a few of these from work. Great device.
And as noted from krezil, the cover/keyboard is not included.
Whilst wfh, I have mine hooked up via usb-c and wireless combo of logi kb and mouse.
So if you're not too worried about having the keyboard cover.. You could just hook up any Bluetooth keyboard and mouse. More cumbersome obviously if you're on the road often.
Got this exact model second hand on eBay in July for $600; great 2-in-1 device especially for travelling. Upgraded mine to 500GB, using it as a retro gaming device on the go. This model is fanless so it's completely silent.
The i5 fanless version is the stealth best feature of the pro 7+ lineup.
Okay this or an IPAD need help deciding
Need one for travelling
This for work and e-mail, office apps and OneDrive etc. on the go hands down.
neither. get a decent samsung galaxy tab (not the cheap a series). the battery barely drains when it's asleep and the included pen is good value
have s6. drains like mad compared to ipad.
Have ultra tab. Lasts days. Ipads at work have much smaller batteries so they drain quickly when used
@belongsinforums: So you're comparing the battery life of a Samsung that's asleep with an iPad that's in use?
@prhino: doesn't that prove my point?
Won't exactly say it's "asleep", i use it during night time just before sleeping so maybe 30min to 1 hour. I have to charge every 3-4 days, been like this since day 1. You could tell during the day it just progressively drains.
Whereas under this kind of usage, my ipad pro could last for 1 week no issues, close to 2 weeks if i really want to stretch.
Need one for travelling
Depends on your use case.
If you need it for apps that needs a keyboard and mouse input frequently or apps that only run on Windows… you know the answer :)
If you use it for web browsing, stream/watch videos, maps, read documents, mainly text emails… iPad is more convenient from an user experience point of view compared with a Windows touchscreen device.
Ipad is better for touch screen. The interface is way more user friendly. Plus waaaaay better battery.
But win 11 is good enough that, if you need win apps or wanna game, you won't regret it.
But does the ipad difference with a 600 dollar price difference……..
So many decisions…….
Cant decide
oh wait you mean a brand new curren gen ipad with the m1 chips?
No, it is not worth the 6 hundo. Don't get me wrong, the point still stands, but if you're price conscience, consider getting an android tablet instead. Much cheaper, similar benefit of ipad.
Or this, if you want something that can also double as a laptop.
need 16gb version
This is not the cheapest. Last year JB had a deal bundle with keyboard for the same price as this
yeah i know, i remember, because that's the one you bought.
I got the surface book 3 and the battery expanded. I don't know if this will have the same problem as they are very similar made by Microsoft.
Run the battery report and check if SIMPLO is the battery manufacturer. Major issues with their batteries.
Issue documented here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Surface/comments/4ugbbu/sp3_owners_…
Which credit card provides extended warranty?
Most credit cards with annual fee $300+ (or with annual fee $300+ waived).
The Laptop 4 15" is also a bargain price, down to $1,484 after applying the 22% off. Just grabbed one of these.
The processor is decent but already 3 generations old, the battery is very small by today's standards, the bezels are large, the port selection is limited, the integrated graphics are poor, and even on sale, it's up to $500 more expensive than laptops with a similar spec. Nevertheless, people keep recommending this laptop. Can you help me understand why that is (I'm genuinely interested and in the market)?
No idea, I bought one because people keep recommending them lol.
With the discount, it costs significantly less than a 15" Dell XPS or Thinkpad X1 Carbon.
And its 3:2 201PPI screen is the biggest selling point. You don't see many other laptops defining their displays with PPI.
The screen was brilliant a few years ago and still great but is bested by many other laptops. The aspect ratio is perhaps its most unique feature, it seems.
There are Thinkpads and XPS on sale, too, including the Carbon line, and those with similarly aging processors are priced similarly (in some cases cheaper).
I'm still waiting to hear why it's a bargain. From what I can tell, it's an expensive laptop thats simply less expensive than usual.
@chrisandrew: You're forgetting that this is a tablet with laptop internals which is quite unique. Can't really compare this to regular laptops.
Although physically similar to the Surface Pro 4/5/6/7, the 7+ has completely redesigned internals.
@chrisandrew: How about the screen specs of the Thinkpad Carbon and the XPS on sale you mentioned?
Any links of them or expired ones?
Don't remember any Thinkpad Carbon or XPS deal < $1600 with 15-16 inch >2k screen.
These are in the category of Ultralight Laptops.
@Al123: I couldn't comment on that with certainty but if the Surface Laptop 4 represents good value to you and meets your needs, dont let me or anybody else stop you from buying it.
I've never owned one, which is what has prompted me to ask what makes them a bargain in the eyes of other thrifty shoppers.
By most accounts, people who own them (and some who don't) give them plenty of praise, in some instances despite acknowledging their obvious shortcomings.
@chrisandrew: That's true. Ultralight laptop target customers are those who prefer an easy-to-carry laptop with decent screen size and top display quality over GPU specs or ports qty, and who prefer a stylish design over an industrial machine.
Some of the target customers may also buy external GPU units and/or dockings, they carry laptops in their backpacks but not the accessories.
I seem to remember either the Ryzen or Intel ones of these being significantly worse. Which one was it?
If I were buying the Surface Laptop 4, I'd definitely be after the Ryzen 7 model for better performance, battery life and thermal management. The Surface Laptop 5 (Intel) is the first to include Thunderbolt, if memory serves.
Managed to get one. Thanks OP
Not a great machine. The i5 models in the 7 range were fanless. This is now corrected in the Pro 8 onwards
This is now corrected
Great choice of words lol. It's not a flaw, it's a feature!
I'd say it was more of an oversight between i5 Pro 5 to 7 that throttling could do the same job as a physical fan
The promo codes (BTSR20 or REFB22) do not work for me now, nor did yesterday. Is the price correct?
Are you logged in?
I can see the message:
Take 22% off this item with ebay plus
but it does not work with this product, tried 2 browsers and accounts
we made it work with an eBay account opened in Australia, my account was opened in the UK… thank you
Works for me? Just tested it out.
@Munki: I had to open a new one. And it got suspended because I used the same debit card. The resolution took about 45 minutes. All good now. I had been using my UK account before, however, the voucher codes do not work.
This deal or this one which is slightly higher in price?
Microsoft Surface Laptop Go 2 - i5 / 8GB / 128GB for $778.44
I imagine the biggest difference would be if you have a strong prefence towards a true laptop, or the 'tablet' function of the Pro7+ (noting that you need to buy the keyboard)
That said looks like the Pro7+ is a better deal overall with better screen, battery and portability for similar price
Thanks for your thoughts, yes, I went through a deep comparison between two and found the resolution and battery are the major differences. Leave being a laptop alone.
The display quality differences are quite significant & noticeable between Laptop Go2 and 13.5" Surface Laptop. Recommend the latter over the entry-level Go series if you prefer a laptop style.
Can someone share their experiences with this device. Is it good enough to basic tasks like browsing and watching videos? And the occasional word document. Thanks.
would be fine
Yes it fine. If you add teams or zoom calls it may be slow cos of the 8gb ram
I have this model but with 16gb for work, rock solid, great quality screen. Charges off usb-c if needed. Can run 2x 4k monitors if you have the surface dock 2,can only drive 2x 1080p off hdmi via the usb-c port with a hub.
Do these come with the surface pen?
No. Only the surface charger
Got one! Thanks OP - Delivered today
I caved and bought one to replace my original Surface Go, hopefully it's not too big and heavy to use as a tablet but I do like the idea of a bigger screen.
Is this 2 gen prior one, as in we're up to 9 now?