First time posting, please correct me if anything is wrong.
$80 lower than the MSRP, and the lowest price spotted. Despite the recent controversy, I decided to post it as a deal.
First time posting, please correct me if anything is wrong.
$80 lower than the MSRP, and the lowest price spotted. Despite the recent controversy, I decided to post it as a deal.
Agreed, Nvidia can have an MSRP for the 4000 series at any ridicules price say $2000+ and people will think its a good deal when it falls below the arbitrary price that Nvidia sets.
Please be aware that Nvidia still has a contract with TSMC for 3000 series chips that they cant back out on. They will price the 4000 series accordingly to make the 3000 series look "valuable", until TSMC fulfils the overly optimistic number of 3000 series chips that Nvidia wanted to sell thanks to crypto.
you could swap nvidia to amd, 4000/3000 to 7000/6000 and the point would still stand.
People need to remember these are all corporations, and focusing on the poor pricing of one while skimming over the other is like having a sinking ship, and only focusing on one of the holes thats flooding water rather then trying to fill all [3] the holes, because while you focus on that one problem causer, the others are still flooding the hull
Interesting it was the opposite before, NVidia put a very good price on 3000 series (compared to 2000 series price/performance wise) and everyone was very upset the actual price was much higher.
Btw are you sure about "Nvidia still has a contract with TSMC for 3000 series"? As I remember the 3000 series was done by Samsung, not TSMC.
Apologies you are right its Samsung making the 3000 series, not TSMC who is making the 4000 series chips
@binary101: I read about the contract with TSMC NVidia can't jump out from.
It's still good for us, if they would have to produce a larger number of 4000 cards, it would put even more pressure on NVidia compared to a contract with Samsung.
if i remember the timeline correctly, there was a major PR pushback when the 2000 series came out because of the prices… and J said 'we listened and..etc', so technically the 3000s is cheaper. but it (the price)got tampered with all the mining/covid/supply dramas….
perhaps now they realised they could make a gold mine, they tried to pull a fast one on the 4000 series… and here we are.
that's just one 'story', but idk, to me, money talks. i will pick whoever blinks first and drop their prices. considering my previous position was to hop onto the XTX once it's available. i was lucky i was delayed by a few days to just after the vapor chamber news came out.
@DmytroP: fair comment. although i want my applications to work too. :)
not much of a gamer use-case but i need reliable cores to churn out productivity things.. and intel doesn't have that at the moment. my opinion of them may change in a few weeks/months time, who knows. i'm not a fan of paying to be a beta-tester either.
right now, until intel's discrete GPUs has matured, i'm not considering intel at all.
@DmytroP: I had hoped that AMD would put more some real downward pressure with RNDA 3, but alas I feel like they are also taking advantage of the lack of real competition, heres hoping intel continues to improve their A700 software.
@binary101: Wouldn’t be surprised if Lisa and Jensen were doing secret handshakes behind closed doors lol
@binary101: considering Intel's CPU pricing position, do you really think they will try to fight pricing? maybe initially to get market share, but i'm not holding my breath for the 'competition = lower price' part.
Agreed nothing against OP
Not a bargain, people stop posting this crap.
On what basis isn't it?
OZB reasons for negative vote:
* The deal is not the cheapest available
* Issue with the product
* Issue with retailer
These neg votes don't have a leg to stand on, just people who don't like the price which falls under the reasons for abstaining not negging.
Would fall under "issue with a product" in that the product was assigned a grossly inflated msrp in terms of value.
We both know "issue with the product" isn't designed to entail disliking the products price. But can't fault you, seems like site mods aren't going to enforce their own guidelines so have at it makes about as much sense as allowing rrp deals.
@Osiris: Honestly i disagree, the neg at the end of the day is about warning users that this is not actually a good deal. An overinflated RRP falls under that designation for me. If 2 products are equivalent but one costs 5x as much as the other and is 70% off I'd expect people to neg and advise that the other product is cheaper since that helps people that otherwise don't know any better. You're getting hung up on semantics instead of focusing on the important aspect of whether or not its actually a good deal.
@dowhatuwant2: I disagree, a subjective neg against a clear bargain is a useless indicator especially since you all apply it inconsistently.
Look at the $1899/1999 4080 deals, plenty of people purchased and we're interested in them, yet if we go with the mentality here all those deals would be downvoted or not posted, because you guys are choosing to hold out for something that doesn't exist anymore rather than basing it on actually relevant things like, is it a discount, is it the lowest to date, is it from a decent vendor etc.
@Osiris: I agree with dowhatuwant2.
Going with your interpretation - any company can sidestep the true purpose of Ozbargain by claiming that the RRP for its fancy paper clip is $1,000. It is now on 50% discount, so the $500 paper clip is a bargain? I think not.
We have all bought (several) GPUs - we didn't just come down in the last shower mate.
@dowhatuwant2: an example of the inconsistency:
$1499 XT, available at that price at multiple places, still sitting on shelves, should have been a 7800xt, panned by reviews…and yet not a single downvote…yep its really all about warning people and fighting artificial prices, definitely not just people on a crusade against one company.
Maybe the neg crew can downvote this comment quick enough so you don't have to try and twist yourselves in knots defending your indefensible position.
I believe a good size of OZB-ers have "Issue with manufacturer" related to pricing strategy and practice.
The economy at the moment is seller-market.
OZB supposed to be buyer-market driven, if I preceive it correctly.
This website isn't seller's propaganda backyard to accept artificial inflation.
The card is already inflated at msrp. Compare it to the previous generations in terms of the improvements to these cards and you'll still find they're worse value at this price bracket.
The 4070ti is a good card, but just priced very badly and outside of what is reasonable. That is why they will sit on the shelves selling in limited volume until price adjustments are made. Same goes for the RTX 4080.
US MSRP $799 = AU$1150. No deal for $1399.
If I were in the market for a card I would still be considering one of these. Pricing and naming dramas aside, they still are good cards.
Maybe when they get below $1k they will be more attractive.
I'll buy one if it falls to $1250 or $1200. I don't see them going much lower.
If I were in the market for a card I would still be considering one of these. Pricing and naming dramas aside, they still are good cards.
Agreed. And if your budget is $1500, can you get a a better card than a 4070?
7900xt but both suck at that price
People shouild really stop posting these card around this price. First of all, it is not the cheapest (megabuy is cheaper). Second of all, it is not a good deal as number of other retailers have them at similar prices. Third of all, these cards are not selling indicating they are overpriced at these prices and likely to be reduced soon as inventories build up.
lol they're $1 cheaper
Edit: actually 14 cents cheaper. big value!
I ordered a Samsung 8TB SSD from Megabuy because it was a little cheaper. Five days later, they cancelled my order claiming a listing error. I ordered it from Umart and it was dispatched in two hours arriving rural in a few days. Megabuy finally refunded my original order four days after receiving the goods from Umart.
Just as a heads up, Megabuy (and their parent company, Dropship Central PTY LTD) don't actually hold stock of the majority of the items they list.
I've ordered from them in the past for some obscure cases and older Noctua stuff. Both times, dropped shipped from the distributor.
Sorry not your fault OP just hoping we can do our bit here though. You've actually perhaps helped by posting it haha
Ngreedia strikes again :) ..They are still living in 2021
no bargin, do not reward companies that are still price gauging, this needs to be below $1k.
Oh you've upped your budget from $500 now LMAO
I have been building PC's for 27 years, as well have over 25 years working for many major IT company's, I can easily afford 3x 4090's for my three PC's to replace the 3080/3070's but that does not mean it is good value,
Weird flex, but sure whatever.
I dgaf what you can or can't afford.
Would buy the 4080 for 1299 though. Similar to last gen
I like this card specifically because its 2 slot, inno3d are an interesting company for this, its disappointing that both nvidia and amd ramped up pricing this gen
"Despite the recent controversy" you post anyway…. not a bargain with inflated rrp's….
This is closer to 3090ti than 3090, beats the 7900xt on RT, power efficiency, and is cheaper.
The usual bot-train of angry downvoters need to wake up. The evil corporations have moved the needle.
Petrol was $1 a litre now it's $2, these are economically challenging times. If you can't afford it, get on your scooter.
"Not a deal" and etc…
I am still pleased to see the price going down. :)
Sorry but not a bargain, MSRP is too high to begin with. Not your fault OP
Nvidia need to get slapped hard on the face with low sale numbers and only then they might humble down and put prices down.
Corporations only think about the mighty dollar. If people buy at the price point they set, they're laughing all the way to the bank. People really need to start voting with their wallets rather than bending over and letting corporations **** them.
Let's support AMD together!!
AMD is also for profit organisation, with the recent XTX issues, it would be incredibly naive to still think either AMD or Nvidia are better.
this said, it's just a youtube search away on how poor value this 4070ti is.
if anything, this unlaunched 4080 should really be a 4060 card.
paying anything this price is dumb.
iirc nvidia did the same thing with the 3 digit series from driver updates…
we really should have regulations around drivers/firmware bricking devices/hardware that are outside of warranty… because there's just way too much of this crap going around and manufacturers getting away with it.
I haven't paid attention to the outrage of the recent card launches
From me on the outside this looks like an amazing card for a 'good' price.
It has the raster perf of roughly a 3090 but for $1500, so basically the same price/perf today.
At first glance that might seem "reasonable", however when you consider that 3090 was a top end product which generally charged a massive premium for an extra few %, a healthier way to view is it that the 4070ti is a +10% (raster) improvement over the 3080 10GB which can be had today for $1200 without waiting for a bargain.
That's 25% more money for ~10% more raster at 1440p/4k.
New gens historically have always improved price/perf, whereas this pricing has gone backwards, i.e. the entire new generation is just another "halo".
How can anybody think that's a "good" price?
Another way to demonstrate how bad value this is, if Nvidia still supported SLI you would get better price/perf buying 2x 3000 series cards rather than 1x 4000 series card.
MSRP 1150 + gst = 1265
So sales days price should be 999 or lower
6 + WIndow + GST + Imaginary number = other number
So sale price should be $x
Yep. Good logic.
799 USD MSRP = 1150 AUD + GST = 1265 RRP AUD
So expect sales days to be $999 and under (think ebay sales)
Cool story mate.
Doesn't work like that.
But you keep wishing.
hooray for your first post! (sorry downvoted bc that price is still messed up)
Sorry same sentiment as others. 4000 and 7000 series GPUs value = bad
Please post when this drops down to reasonable pricing ~$1100-1200.
HOLD for 5000 series. Just about everyone on ozb last two years.
Here we are and everyone still complaining and yelling HOLD. Fun times…
Yes current pricing is offensive, I'd like to upgrade from my 3070 but I don't need to so I'll wait.
But there will be other people on older systems who are watching games come out that aren't playable for them now, and telling them to wait months to save another hundred or so is silly. If it's the right time for them, and they have the budget, then deals like this are helpful.
For someone wanting to play AAA raytraced games at 1440p or better, there aren't any obviously better options at this price. AMD's pricing is no less predatory, 30-series doesn't offer better long term value, and Intel isn't a legitimate option yet.
Negging people for not joining in a personal boycott just seems a bit petty.
other people can buy the 3000 series and do what they want too, in reality, just like CPUs, they don't need to always get the latest series. so your first point is kind of moot.
i don't think there is a boycott agenda other than the fact that this particular series of card (4070ti) is rubbish value.
edit: i'm not the one that negged you.
Not an agenda, but basically people are saying that if they're not willing to pay these prices, then no one else should either. Peoples needs are different, their place in the upgrade cycle is different, and for some people this might be the best option right now.
I was lucky to get my 3070 more or less at release, at what still felt like an inflated price at the time. But it took 2 years to get back down to that price again, and I would have missed out on a lot of gaming if I'd waited. Even when I got it, it felt kind of inadequate for ultrawide. If 30-series still does it for you, that's great, but again - different people, different needs. For a lot of people 30-series just won't have legs, and isn't a good buy right now.
Just because people’s needs might be different doesn’t mean that we the people on bargain forum should recommend something that is not a bargain. They will ignore a site like this an waste their money anyway.
@ShrewdBargin: For some people the 4070ti will be the best option right now, and pointing out where to get one a bit cheaper is helpful.
Unless there's an obviously better value option that gives roughly the same performance (there isn't), all you're doing is saying it's not a worthwhile upgrade for you right now, based on your personal needs. Which is pretty unhelpful to anyone who doesn't have exactly the same needs as you.
This is a place for people to find things they want to buy for cheaper. Not a very useful place for 'we the people' to protest against nvidia.
@cduff: Value is defined as its price to performance ratio. This product is definitely not a good value like you seem to be implying
3070ti at 750 I think is better deal for 1440p ray tracing (dlss). Not so?
If that's your budget and you're happy with the level of performance, sure! Don't waste money on something that doesn't matter to you. I'm still making do with a 3070 for ultrawide (wouldn't really recommend), so it doesn't matter enough for me at these prices right now either.
But it's nice to be able to turn all the settings right up and still get decent framerates on the newest and shiniest games. For someone who isn't on the 30-series already, and quite reasonably wants performance that you just can't get from a 3070ti, I think the 4070ti looks like a better deal right now than the rest of the 30-series.
Here's the thing - there's a price/performance curve, and the 4070ti has a place on it, it's not some massive outlier. All the top end cards feel overpriced, but that's where PC gaming is right now. I'm looking at options for a friend who needs a new PC and probably won't upgrade for another 5+ years. I couldn't recommend anything lower than a 3080ti, and a 4080 is a big jump. Maybe still an option, but I'd definitely point him to a 4070ti over a 3080ti.
so what should be a fair price for 4070ti or 4080?
msrp? somewhere around the price of a 4060.
a bargain? lower than a 4060.
edit: that said, its your money folks. buy whenever you like.
Waiting until $1200 or lower
My 3080gtx at launch rrp for $1130 don’t seem to bad now.
Also remember thinking wow this is a lot but I’ve never bought the top of the line graphics card
Still have warranty until October also 👍
Nvidia and amd are thieves. After the rrp the shortage caused prices to go up … and nvidia used it to try to brainwash you to think that’s a normal price.
Let them sit on them
Yeah you did good, and for someone like you with a 3080 already, absolutely, stay away from the 40-series at these prices (I'm doing the same, and I'm personally gratified when I hear about their poor sales so far).
But for someone still on a 980 (me before the 3070) or a 680 (a friend I used to game with who's looking to get back into it), that's not so easy.
If I was building a PC now and had to buy a card, the 4070ti would still be a better value proposition (sad to say) than the 3080 or 3080ti right now, to play modern games at the resolution I want. And I don't think we'll see big enough drops in 2023 to justify waiting, for someone who's not on 30-series already.
also the crypto crash
but prices still a rip off
Thank you for all comments here and all the supports. I am totally ok with downvote. Will keep HODLing for reasonable 4070 Ti or 4080
Yeah me too (or more likely 50-series at this point, who knows), but thanks for posting it for people who've already been waiting too long.
I hope upvoting your comment shows support for you at least!
Congrat on posting your 1st deal.
As Osiris pointed out above, it’s equal cheapest and from reputable store so it’s a deal.
Is it me or does the 4000 series release feel like everything got shifted up a tier.
4090 feels like the new 3080 replacement
4080 feels like the new 3070 replacement
4070ti feels like the new 3060 replacement
It wouldn't surprise me if there is a new 4100 level gpu being the new 3090 replacement.
imo this has to do with manufacturers hitting physical and design limits… a lot of them are drawing massive power with not so much more gains in performance as compared to the earlier gens.
but of course manufacturers decided to play around with their model numbers making it really challenging to compare apples to apple.
4070ti is a rebadge of the 4080 12GB model
I feel the 4070ti should be renamed to 4060.
Card | Die size | Mem Bus | Shaders | % of 90 class | TMUs | % of 90 class | ROPs | % of 90 class | SM | % of 90 class | Tensor | % of 90 class | RT | % of 90 class |
4090ti (*) | 608 | 384 | 18176 | 1.109375 | 568 | 1.109375 | 192 | 1.09090909 | 142 | 1.109375 | 568 | 1.109375 | 142 | 1.109375 |
4090 | 608 | 384 | 16384 | 1 | 512 | 1 | 176 | 1 | 128 | 1 | 512 | 1 | 128 | 1 |
4080ti (*) | 608 | 320 | 14080 | 0.859375 | 440 | 0.859375 | 144 | 0.81818182 | 110 | 0.859375 | 440 | 0.859375 | 110 | 0.859375 |
4080 | 379 | 256 | 9728 | 0.59375 | 304 | 0.59375 | 112 | 0.63636364 | 76 | 0.59375 | 304 | 0.59375 | 76 | 0.59375 |
4070 ti | 295 | 192 | 7680 | 0.46875 | 240 | 0.46875 | 80 | 0.45454545 | 60 | 0.46875 | 240 | 0.46875 | 60 | 0.46875 |
3090ti | 628 | 384 | 10752 | 1.024390244 | 336 | 1.024390244 | 112 | 1 | 84 | 1.024390244 | 336 | 1.024390244 | 84 | 1.024390244 |
3090 | 628 | 384 | 10496 | 1 | 328 | 1 | 112 | 1 | 82 | 1 | 328 | 1 | 82 | 1 |
3080ti | 628 | 384 | 10240 | 0.975609756 | 320 | 0.975609756 | 112 | 1 | 80 | 0.975609756 | 320 | 0.975609756 | 80 | 0.975609756 |
3080 | 628 | 320 | 8704 | 0.829268293 | 272 | 0.829268293 | 96 | 0.85714286 | 69 | 0.841463415 | 272 | 0.829268293 | 68 | 0.829268293 |
3070ti | 392 | 256 | 6144 | 0.585365854 | 192 | 0.585365854 | 96 | 0.85714286 | 48 | 0.585365854 | 192 | 0.585365854 | 48 | 0.585365854 |
3070 | 392 | 256 | 5888 | 0.56097561 | 184 | 0.56097561 | 96 | 0.85714286 | 46 | 0.56097561 | 184 | 0.56097561 | 46 | 0.56097561 |
3060ti | 392 | 256 | 4864 | 0.463414634 | 152 | 0.463414634 | 80 | 0.71428571 | 38 | 0.463414634 | 152 | 0.463414634 | 38 | 0.463414634 |
3060 | 276 | 192 | 3584 | 0.341463415 | 112 | 0.341463415 | 48 | 0.42857143 | 28 | 0.341463415 | 112 | 0.341463415 | 28 | 0.341463415 |
3050 | 276 | 128 | 2560 | 0.243902439 | 80 | 0.243902439 | 32 | 0.28571429 | 20 | 0.243902439 | 80 | 0.243902439 | 20 | 0.243902439 |
Stats taken from
Assuming 4090 is a true 3090 replacement.
4080 appears to be the 3070ti replacement.
4070ti appears to be the 3060/3060ti replacement.
Seriously people, stop posting this card and unknowing people please don't buy this as a gift, it's literally equivalent to the 3060Ti which costs 50% less.
This card also sets a precedence for NVIDIA's greed with increasing their MSRP much higher than they ever have for a product in the same class from the previous release. Don't support that behaviour.
Card | Release price | % of 90 class | Die size | Mem Bus | Shaders | % of 90 class | TMUs | % of 90 class | ROPs | % of 90 class | SM | % of 90 class | Tensor | % of 90 class | RT | % of 90 class |
4090ti (*) | 608 | 384 | 18176 | 110.94% | 568 | 110.94% | 192 | 109.09% | 142 | 110.938% | 568 | 110.94% | 142 | 110.94% | ||
4090 | 2959 | 100.00% | 608 | 384 | 16384 | 100.00% | 512 | 100.00% | 176 | 100.00% | 128 | 100.000% | 512 | 100.00% | 128 | 100.00% |
4080ti (*) | 608 | 320 | 14080 | 85.94% | 440 | 85.94% | 144 | 81.82% | 110 | 85.938% | 440 | 85.94% | 110 | 85.94% | ||
4080 | 2219 | 74.99% | 379 | 256 | 9728 | 59.38% | 304 | 59.38% | 112 | 63.64% | 76 | 59.375% | 304 | 59.38% | 76 | 59.38% |
4070 ti | 1479 | 49.98% | 295 | 192 | 7680 | 46.88% | 240 | 46.88% | 80 | 45.45% | 60 | 46.875% | 240 | 46.88% | 60 | 46.88% |
3090ti | 2499(?) | 628 | 384 | 10752 | 102.44% | 336 | 102.44% | 112 | 100.00% | 84 | 102.439% | 336 | 102.44% | 84 | 102.44% | |
3090 | 2429 | 100.00% | 628 | 384 | 10496 | 100.00% | 328 | 100.00% | 112 | 100.00% | 82 | 100.000% | 328 | 100.00% | 82 | 100.00% |
3080ti | 1920 | 79.04% | 628 | 384 | 10240 | 97.56% | 320 | 97.56% | 112 | 100.00% | 80 | 97.561% | 320 | 97.56% | 80 | 97.56% |
3080 | 1139 | 46.89% | 628 | 320 | 8704 | 82.93% | 272 | 82.93% | 96 | 85.71% | 69 | 84.146% | 272 | 82.93% | 68 | 82.93% |
3070ti | 959 | 39.48% | 392 | 256 | 6144 | 58.54% | 192 | 58.54% | 96 | 85.71% | 48 | 58.537% | 192 | 58.54% | 48 | 58.54% |
3070 | 809 | 33.31% | 392 | 256 | 5888 | 56.10% | 184 | 56.10% | 96 | 85.71% | 46 | 56.098% | 184 | 56.10% | 46 | 56.10% |
3060ti | 688 | 28.32% | 392 | 256 | 4864 | 46.34% | 152 | 46.34% | 80 | 71.43% | 38 | 46.341% | 152 | 46.34% | 38 | 46.34% |
3060 | 529 | 21.78% | 276 | 192 | 3584 | 34.15% | 112 | 34.15% | 48 | 42.86% | 28 | 34.146% | 112 | 34.15% | 28 | 34.15% |
3050 | 249.99 | 10.29% | 276 | 128 | 2560 | 24.39% | 80 | 24.39% | 32 | 28.57% | 20 | 24.390% | 80 | 24.39% | 20 | 24.39% |
Updated with release pricing I found on the web.
Stats taken from
Assuming 4090 is a true 3090 replacement
*4080 appears like 3070ti tier.
*4070ti appears like 3060/3060ti tier.
Pricing wise:
* 4080 is priced like 3080ti tier
* 4070ti is priced like 3080 tier.
The more I look at this table, the more I don't want to buy it.
No deal!!!
Good deal
I agree
I am negging. I prefer the HotUkDeals method of working out how hot (or cold) a deal is. This is a cold deal and if Ozbargain adopted HUKD's approach then members could legitimately vote on whether something is a bargain, within the rules, and consumers would get proper guidance. The cheapest price for something that should still be much cheaper is not an "Ozbargain". The rules should not compel us to upvote a rip-off.
Neg vote as this is not a BARGAIN its obviously a bad joke
actually issue I have is with product being overpriced by the manufacturer
If $80 below MSRP means it is a deal, then there are plenty of deals that can be posted. Invalid, not a good deal.
4090 MSRP is AUD$2995, yet there are plenty $2899 4090. Nobody post them as deals.
Dont give the retailers ideas :P
Down vote to hopefully prevent someone wasting their money
Overpriced. $100 cheaper tomorrow from SE. Still overpriced hot garbage at this stage though
Not your fault but MSRP is garbage for this card. Down vote to hopefully prevent someone wasting their money