This was posted 2 years 1 month 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Coleman Northstar 10 Person Darkroom Tent with LED $599 C&C Only @ Macpac ($539.10 in-Store Price Beat @ Anaconda)


We have been looking for a tent for our up coming camping trip to fit all the kids etc and not woken by the awesome 4.30am sun here in WA.
This hopefully does the job.
For the price I believe this is one of the better instant up tents, we grabbed some extra tent pegs as we read the included ones are lacking (either not enough or too weak)

I bought it yesterday at Anaconda Joondalup on their price guarantee, the staff member almost did not accept the request to reduce the price (even though it was in big writing covering half the wall behind her)

Plenty of stock in the Joondalup store.

Must be in store to get the price match, but she did not ask for my membership in the end, it's free to sign up incase they ask.

Happy to upload a receipt if needed.

Product detail at Anaconda

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closed Comments

  • +8

    The way things are going, a good tent may become a good investment in the coming days.

    • +2

      Wait what did I miss?

    • +1

      Could u elaborate a bit more?
      What way in particular?

      • +4

        They're referring to the housing crisis.

  • Shame about the weight

    • +1

      30kg, bloody hell.

      It's also 1.28m long when packed. It won't fit across or down most car boots.

      Would be ok for the odd long weekend, I think you'd get pretty sick of it for regular trips.

      • +1

        I've got the 8p version of this and just used over the weekend. The metal awning poles would be a good 8kgs and I'm going to leave them out next time as I can't see myself using them.

        • Address please 🤣🤣

        • Steel poles is an obvious cost saving measure. When designed for them, aluminium would be so much lighter.

        • Really? I've got the 8p version too. No way the awning poles are 8kgs…. probably more like 1kg each?

          • @pennypincha: There's 7 awning poles :p
            It could well be less than 8kg, I just remember thinking it was a significant amount of weight lifting up the awning pole bag and it's noticeably a fair bit lighter without them in there.

      • When we bought it, the guy handed to me still in the box so it just didn't fix across our boot (Ikea Carnival)
        But we are taking a trailer so wont be an issue for us.

        • +11

          IKEA sell cars now? Hopefully it’s not flat pack.

          • +1

            @barnacle: it's great for flat pack boxes, the middle row seats all come out and back row folds into the floor making a delivery style van.

      • +1

        I own this exact tent and currently have it in the boot of my station wagon. It's 118cm long and just fits. It's also 27kg with the peg bag removed.

    • +1

      You expect a 10 person block out tent at this price to be light? Come on mate… get serious.

      If you want light, it's not going to be this cheap, or block out.

      • +3

        Sorry I'm too cheap to afford a gym membership so i have no muscles, mate.

      • 30kg is ridiculous though. A lot of people would struggle to carry that even 50m to a campsite!

        • +2

          Maybe one day someone will invent some kind of way to wheel heavy things around, and if you're setting a 10 person tent there's a fair chance there's multiple people around who can help carry it.

          • @dav3: I mean, you're completely correct, I just think it's funny to think of taking a trolley or wheelbarrow on a camping trip.

            • @Presence: Why? If you're camping near a beach with a group plenty of people take those folding trolleys or sack trucks. Next trip I'll probably grab a folding sack truck with inflatable tyres to get my gear down to the beach for a day of fishing.

        • +2

          its a 10ppl tent, surely one of the other 9 can assist :)

    • +3

      Can confirm its bloody heavy and too long for two cars boots we've had. But it is good quality and dark so much cooler. Its so dark though you need a light on in the middle of the day to see anything, or go around and open all the windows. Any tent comes with basic pegs so you may want to buy others.

    • who cares - your car's carrying it

  • +2

    This is usually only $699 on any given day

    • Yeah, still a good but though at this price.

  • +1

    I have this tent. Got it from Anaconda around the $700 price point a couple years ago.
    I'm fairly short and still able to get this one up and down by myself.
    Roomy and more than adequate for our needs.
    Is quite heavy packed up.

    • -8

      Up and down muself thats what he said 🤣🤣

    • Wow, you're doing well. Every time I try to put my 8p version up, I curse the darned thing's supposed "instant up" capability. Yeah, right.
      Haha still - it's unquestionably easier to put up than other tents, but nowhere near "instant". And, word of warning - it's harder to pack up than it is to set up!

  • Which pegs did you opt for out of interest OP?

    • +3

      I always get the Aldi pack of pegs whenever they go on sale - $10 a box and quite solid. Won't bend like flimsy included tent ones.

      • Thanks placard, I was just there last weekend but didn't see any amongst their camping/outdoor offering. Will try my local before we go next :)

      • +1

        Yes very good pegs for the money. What you used to get with tents.

    • +1

      Found some more heavy duty pegs, I think the 22cm ones…
      Need to double check when I get home

      • +1

        If you can afford to wait, Aldi does 20 pack for $10 about twice per year. I grab a pack each time they go on sale as they are very strong and a bargain!

        • +3

          Good idea, I'll keep an eye out at the magic far away tree (Aldi's middle row) for the pegs.
          No doubt we will loose a few pegs.

  • Regular price elsewhere $699, but you still got a good deal.

    • That's what we thought

  • +1

    A real OzBargainer would have bought as many of these as needed to fit the family in… and then purchased these to stop the light waking you in the rmorning… ;)

  • +1

    I got it for 599 with price match from anaconda couple of weeks back…its an amanzing tent, we used it on Christmas camping.

    • They didn't give you an extra 10% discount for price beat?

  • That's an excellent deal for what is widely considered an excellent tent. I know where I am going lunchtime. Thanks OP.

    • Glad we can spread the word

  • does it really fit 10 people..looks small, atleast on the pictures.

    • +5

      Tent sizes are standard. A 4 person tent will fit 4 people in like sausages in shrink rap. No gear, no standing room. Or 2 people comfortably.
      Same with this tent. 10 sausages…. but 6 comfortable people with their gear (2 in each of the 3 sections).

      Tents are commonly measured in how many adults can lie down in them.

      • Keep going. I'm almost there.

    • +5

      10 very close friends

    • Yes, it is a big tent with three rooms

    • We have 5 kids, but 3 are still small enough.
      Worse case I get to sleep in the middle area but I think we should be fine

      • 5 kids what the hell, didn't you get the memo?

    • General camping advice : divide tent size (10p) by 2. That should be just right number of people for any tent. To account for belongings and not feel like a sardine can.
      From experience, for a family of 4-5, the 3 room design was perfect for us. We took 1 room, kids in the other room and we used the middle area as a communal area (storage, and even some chairs and tables for when its raining outside).

    • I normally stack friends or kids on top of each other. Can get 20 in that way

      • Stacking kids with others is not a good idea.

        • stacking anyone not a good idea

  • I have this tent in the non darkroom version and it's awesome. But we did have to get sleeping masks.

    We've camped in the rain a few times with no issues at all (just make sure the inside tent and flysheet don't make contact during rain).

  • +3

    I was literally planning on posting this when I got home today 😅, I just picked one up myself.

    Good idea on the price beat, I hadn't though of that.

    I did however buy macpac gift cards for 8% off with my free [NRMA Blue]
    ( membership from an earlier deal. So total cost for me was $552. This is another option if people don't want to go the price beat route.

  • +2

    Plenty of stock in Cannington, WA ~ 50.
    Had an older model of this tent for ~5 years which finally succumbed to wear and tear from a lot of use.
    We are a family of 4 - heaps of room for us.
    Only gripe has been the darkness in the tent with the fly on. Tip for beginners is to set the inside of the tent up before you put the fly on!
    Looking forward to having the version with the LED light strip.
    Thank you for posting this deal - was looking to buy this tent anyway and have saved money to spend on beers!
    For the person who asked about pegs, we use the drill pegs from Bunnings. $20 for the box. We use them in lieu of normal tent pegs everywhere.

  • +1

    These are great but too big. Need one half the size to fit on any decent bush camp sites around here.

    • 3m long by just over 2m wide. Must be high density bush camping if that can't fit.

      • I mean there's some pretty small sites out there, and if you're talking bush camping you may need your ropes pegged a fair way back to keep it stable in the wind. Still should be small enough to most places though.

      • 3m long by just over 2m wide

        No. This tent is 6m long by 2.3m wide

        … and someone even upvoted you! lol

  • Lightstrips look pretty cool. I have 4p coleman instant up. Fits bed only but its compact..

  • Darn - I've been eyeing off the 8P tent. Neither MacPac or Anaconda seem to sell the 8P :(

  • Browns Plains QLD store wouldn't match or beat saying it's only for C&C and I should drive to Macpac for it.
    Springwood store was only too happy to price beat so I went there.

    • That's crazy, I think depends on who you get. I just got it from Anaconda browns plains for $540

    • I got a price share at Chermside and no problem at all. They were amazed at the price but didn't object at all.

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Just got one from Chullora HQ and had no issues. Been holding off for a while to start camping with and been eyeing this tent for a few years now.

    What recommendations do people have for this tent such as poles, ropes, tarps, pegs and any tips etc. Will look at previous deals but just wondering at the moment.

    • +3

      Do not use a tarp. You can buy a groundsheet (shade cloth type material) that is around the same dimensions as the tent.
      If it rains, a tarp will pool the water on top and then you're sleeping in a puddle.
      Set the tent up inside with beds etc before you put the fly on.
      Mark on the outside of the tent which side has the controls for the lights so that you make that the side you go in/out of every time.
      Use drill pegs from Bunnings.

    • I'd also recommend a decent USB power pack. I've got a 5,000mAH one and it easily last 3 nights (incl
      leaving the central strip on its lowest setting all night).
      It has the usual pockets inside but I'm annoyed it doesn't have any hooks on the ceiling to hang things.
      All in all I'm very happy with it.

    • +1

      Agreed I have a good ground sheet to go under ours. Get one that comes out about a meter or two on one side of the tent then you can open up one side and set it up as an awning with the poles. This worked a treat even in light rain we had. With heavy rain and wind you will need to put the awning down. My only gripe with the awning is it has two poles in the middle which create a trough so any rain pools. It might be better to get a longer pole for one of the middle holes of the awning.

      Its very waterproof with the fly and cool, so no need for extra cover on top.

      You may want to buy some more sturdy pegs as the ones supplied are basic and thin.

      Yes get some good LED lights for inside and a power pack to run them. No loops for hanging a light from the ceiling, but you can hang them off some of the doors.

      And definitely look at a video to setup / pack down. The poles are built into the tent and easy to setup, but be aware when locking in place the poles and loops initially to make sure the fabric doesn't get caught in the middle 'locks' or the corners. It got caught on mine first go and ripped it - but Coleman replaced it which was good.

  • Great tips, especially about tarp. Will definitely be doing them. Cheers.

  • Can anyone who has one comment on the wind and flapping, I have a cheaper Coleman tent and the noise from the flapping was crazy, I had it all pegs down tight and every guy rope tight thanks in advance

  • Too many poles…

    • what's wrong with poles?

      • more poles longer it takes to setup… awesome in shit weather…

        • Poles are fully integrated with the main body of the tent.
          If it is raining, the biggest pain is getting the fly on quickly and in the right orientation.
          Another hot tip is to practice setting it up in your yard or at an oval so you've got some experience and save campsite embarrassment :)

    • +2

      Calm down Adolf

      • had to +1 this for dark humour skill

  • I've got the older version of this. Good tent. Fits - just - across the back of my station wagon. Heavy though. I can put it all up my myself and I'm a scrawny 50-something.

  • Hi OP or anyone who got Anaconda to price beat, could you please provide the receipt. Am heading to our local Anaconda in the next 45 minutes.
    Thanks in advance.

    • +2

      Sorry it's at home, will upload later.
      There is no reason Anaconda should say no, it's their policy to beat by 10%
      Still will upload as soon as I can

      • I got them to price beat at $540 so all good thank you

  • Check product review! We bought one of these and the poles were all twisted out of the box! Then we learnt there is good camping equipment just not from Coleman.

    Not all are unfortunate and wind up straight into landfill but after speaking with reps from Snowys and Tentworld, about 60% does.

    We now stick with Outdoor Connection, Exped, Zempire, Oztrail. It lasts more than 2 trips haha

    • Depending on how you deal with it, when go camping always be prepared or creative. I have the cheaper Coleman instant up and once tried setting it up amid 50+km/h gusty wind and broke of the pins of 2 folding poles. Luckily the provided pegs (which was weak and bendy as hell) came in as handy replacement. The tent still survives till now and managed just fine in similar gusty winds a few week ago (That night one of our camping neighbour lost his gazebo and his RV tent collapsed around 4am and had to wake up to set it up again).
      I've since put some extra bobs and bits in the car just in case.

      • Yeah always upgrade the pegs. Every tent needs upgraded pegs. Aldi once sold good pegs for around $20. But in recent sales they didn't have them.

        We always take Gear Aid patches too incase of a tare. Apart from that our Brampton which is a larger version of this tent has been extremely solid and 7 trips in. We love it!

  • +1

    Great find OP - have been looking at this tent for a while now. Are there any sites offering discounted Anaconda gift cards this can be stacked with?

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