Garlic bread - 574109
Value - 454754
Value max - 546297
Traditional - 188941
Premium - 230965
Selected stores only
Garlic bread - 574109
Value - 454754
Value max - 546297
Traditional - 188941
Premium - 230965
Selected stores only
If I’m not mistaken this week is 2-4-1 traditional via app wallet. Which works out to be $8 eaxh
Sliceline. Because it rimes with Priceline.
I had dominos on Friday. The worst I have ever seen it. Barely any topping, bugger all cheese. The thin base was paper.
I think they have gone too cheap and the pizzas are crap.
correction: cheap crap
par for the course as far as pizzazz are concerned
It’s no accident that Cashrewards have partnered with Pizza Hut. Domino’s are falling over themselves, and I’m not too sure how long it will be before they pick themselves up off the floor. Domino’s need to stop cutting corners with their pizzas, and bring back the square ones
Dominos is now crap.
Some of us will remember the glory days. Others, like me, will hear about how much better the pizzas used to be on OzBargain. Perhaps Domino’s should have retired when they were on top of the pizza pyramid. Trouble is, it’s really hard to balance yourself up there
@tharlow: Their best base was The Edge….was a little bit spicy and crispy, the toppings went right to the edge…then wowsers said it was too spicy, so they changed that to make it more bland (I had to ask them to do it the old way), then they took it off the menu altogether. Sad day when that was gone.
Domino's has always been crap.
You say this like Pizza Hut is quality though lol. Domino's is worse yes, but they're both cheap shit. You have to go to a pizza place if you want better pizza.
Agree. Domino's and Pizza Hut are FastFood pizzas, and not FineDine Restaurants where you get those soft dough base ones ;-)
One hack I use – Always order Deep Pan crust at Dominos. Their Thin Crust is not any good. If you're diet conscious, rather not have Pizza at all. The Deep Pan crust comes quite good in content and it is well made. I never had a problem with toppings at Dominos though I feel they might have reduced a bit.
My local Pizza Hut is definitely better than Domino's, at least in recent times, but I almost never go there if I'm craving pizza because their pepperoni costs twice as much as Domino's. 2 for 1 Tuesdays would be great if they didn't exclude pizzas under $16.
Agreed, I've given Pizza Hut a couple of tries recently and not only were their discounts better but the pizza quality was better. Not amazing quality, but better than the Dominos nearby.
oh how i miss the chefs best range.
The only good thing they have is the shakes and sundaes.
Isn’t that two things?
Haha yeah. Both ice cream.
The only good thing they have is the shakes and sundaes.
I never tried these, now I should give these ago. Are the shakes similar to Macas?
Are you saying that at some stage a $5 pizza was pretending to be something more sophisticated than a $5 pizza or did buy some premium one for $17 (or whatever it costs)?
Because it sounds like you need to learn either to control your expectations or what to spend money at a fast food shop :]
The $5 pizzas definitely used to be better as in bigger and more toppings but the underlying foundations (ie the dough, greasiness, the quality of the meats rather than quantity) haven't changed.
It's gone from cheap shit that would do you for dinner to lunch sized cheap shit.
I've been occasionally buying the $5 value range ones and across multiple shops in Vic I haven't noticed any degraded quality.
Its size changed years ago - like, 4-5 years ago? I remember they had that "big one", New York and it was possibly then when they made "large" smaller.
Defs need to watch for surcharges and whether a particular shop accepts your coupon.
@pizzaguy: Yeah the quality hasn't changed, it's always been $5 pizza quality. Quantity has changed (of dough and toppings). And definitely agree with the surcharges.
$5 gets me a uncooked pizza base at a supermarket…
@cloudy: It also gets you a pre-made pizza you just need to stick in oven for 10mins or microwave for even less. You'd expect the base to be better quality than the pizza. That's how price structure works..
That's how price structure works..
Yea, so if you understand that you’d understand why over the years, especially in a high inflation environment why something that is still $5 has gotten smaller. Right?
@cloudy: Is reading comments too much of a challenge for you or is it the comprehension that's the issue?
Quantity has changed (of dough and toppings)
I'm not a Domino's employee but I'm quite sure less dough means smaller pizzas.
@pennypincher98: Maybe you have challenges of understanding as well, shrugs. Your aggressive response doesn't change the obvious, if the price is still $5 many years on, its no surprise the pizza is getting smaller, you speak as though its some kind of revelation. I'm saying, no sht sherlock (in more civil terms of course)
$5 gets you an uncooked pizza base at a supermarket
I thought you were making a point that quality costs more that would've brought some merit to this ($5 pizza base should be better quality than a $1.50 pizza base, pizzeria should be better quality than "fast food pizza"). Turns out I just put too much faith in your comprehension and your point should go without saying.
Here is what I am saying in plain simple English so even you can understand (hopefully). Domino's pizza has always been bad pizza quality. With inflation now you just get less bad pizza or higher price (obviously).
@pennypincher98: Looking at the votes, it seems pretty clear more people understand than not. So to those who struggle, maybe just you, for $5, it gets you something more substantial than what you can get a supermarket, with less labor and no electricity cost.
The thin base was paper.
I agree with a lot of your points, but I dont get why you get a thin base and then complain about it being…thin. How about a normal base next time?
I happen to like their thin bases, its actually pastry and not pizza base FYI when you select thin.
Can't agree more.
Melbourne Nth East. Dom's now producing rubbish.
Back to my local pizzeria.
Once a cheater, always a cheater. Some people just don’t appreciate the toppings they had
Yeah! I guess I'm just a pizza slut..
Exploitive iNflATiOn of Traditional pizza from $6 to $8 - that's 1/3 increase. We need EU price cap ;)
7.95 used to be the 'normal' everyday price with a voucher coupon code, now it looks like it's only going to be the occasional one-off special.
I have three local Pizza joints close by, best one closes at 8pm most days, and 9pm Friday and Saturday. They have generous toppings and taste great, but very small selection and $15 for a Large. When I first moved here, they used to do 2 x large for $20, now it’s two large for $26, which is Domino’s delivery price. I always pick up from Domino’s.
The other two Pizza places at least have a Gourmet selection, but they too are $15 for standard large, and $20 for a large Gourmet. Is it just me, or are those prices pretty standard? Biggest issue is sometimes I order late.
Dominos is open until 11pm M-W, Midnight Thursday and 1am on Friday and Saturday. I don’t understand how the other three local ones survive when they are only open 3-4 hours a night, and their delivery fee is at least as much as Dominos, one of them is pick up only.
I thought my locals were a bit pricey until I got a Crust menu in the Mail. They are really expensive and I have to say, my local one isn’t that generous with toppings.
The most annoying thing with my local independents is the minimum wait time is usually 30-50 minutes, however with the three local independent shops they typically have more toppings and I’d have to check but their Large might be slightly bigger than Dominos. I’d pay more for a better Pizza and wanna support the local independents but when you are on a tight budget the Dominos discount codes usually get the price down to $10-$12 or even cheaper sometimes.
I accept that I am getting what I pay for, and agree some of the franchises are so tight with their ingredients, it’s pizza base, sauce and maybe 10-15 slices of Pepperoni if you are lucky, depending on what you order.
I think this is the definitive pizza essay
I think of my domino's as a maccas. You can order a pizza via app and have it ready to pickup by the time you drive there in 10 mins. Like maccas, its nothing fancy but its quick and can order very late too.
Kinda reminds me of a late night kebab craving too.
You can order a pizza via app and have it ready to pickup by the time you drive there in 10 mins
I actually press order when I'm in the car now as they make a pizza faster than I can drive to my local.
Correct. Apparently these new ovens pump out a cooked pizza in 3 minutes
@Spending2Much: Dominos is solidly the only fast food chain that is still fast, maccas isn’t bad but sometimes make me wait too. KFC made me wait 19 mins and 20 seconds for my order ( thank you online receipts with time stamps).
Pizza hut isn’t bad usually but last night Friday night I had to wait 8 mins past my order time for the pizza.
@Spending2Much: More like 7-10 mins. Some ovens at Domino's take only 7 mins, as they're the new ones - as a girlfriend of a friend's mate works for them. But worked at a constant more established one, where the ovens take 10 mins to cook.
@INDYVADER: Our traditional ovens take ~7 minutes (old). Our new ovens (fast bake ovens) only take around ~4 minutes to cook. We also have side ovens in some stores (specifically for cooking sides).
Bro wrote a whole essay on his local pizza joints lol
Hey‼️.. You wouldn't know what an essay was. Bloody hypocrite. Don't like my comment, don't respond. Simple. Others write paragraph after paragraph here on Ozbargain. At least I make sense, and not bloody jibber like most of u do.
IMO the only edible pizza from Dominos is the Pepperoni pizza.
The Chicken & Camembert pizza isn't bad either.
Some people need umami-loaded greasy sausage, some are fine with melted cheese and tomato sauce!
chicken surpreme all the way
spicy veg supreme all the way my friends
I love these, you want to save on pizza huh? Right here you go sweet savings.
Also you gotta order from this traditional list of pizzas, you're welcome
Oh no, the good days are over no more six dollar traditional pizza days. Last one was in September.
Oh well, It had to happen.
I think inflation has killed that, I hope I’m wrong.
Oooh thanks for sharing op.
Yay, more pizza for me! Thanks OP.
3Q! 👌🏻😁
Any ideas on if these will be valid for Australia Day?
I know there'll be a surcharge, but just trying to bring the price down.
276526 4 Large Traditional Pizzas + 4 Sides $44.99 Pickup
2 for 1 in your app wallet
693117 30% off Traditional/Premium/Impossible Pizzas
882426 3 Large Pizzas + 2 Sides $33.99 Pickup 19 Feb 2023
638565, 346527 3 Large Traditional Pizzas + 3 Sides $37.99 Pickup 19 Feb 2023
Hope it helps ☺ (should work OZ day except 2 for 1 maybe)
Thank you!
Have you tried any of them and do they work?
Remmeber you can change 2 ingredients for free of the same value!
I just checked out the app wanting to order - since when did they charge $1.50 "sunday surcharge" ? :-(
Before they started charging a surcharge for a delivery over the top of the delivery charge
Codes do not apply to delivery orders :O
Had Dominos pizzas last night in Adelaide. Happy with both pizzas, fresh and tasty.
You make pizzas to a cheap price point and guess what sort of pizza you end up with? :)
Do yourselves a favour and find a real Italian Wood Fired pizza. Then you will realise what rubbish both Domino's and Pizza Hut churn out….
With the price difference, that's like telling someone to not buy a Kia and go buy a Porsche instead.
Agree with this, but I don't mind even mediocre pizza, if you can actually call it that. Most pizza shops here churn out crap, way too many toppings and a crust that should be shameful.
The right crust should be light, airy, a little fluffy with the right amount of chew. Very easy to make at home, and the best part is you can create dough balls ahead of time, and leave them in the fridge for 3-5 days (for cold rising).
I do appreciate proper wood fired pizza occasionally and acknowledge they are superior than Domino's/PH. But I also do enjoy eating Domino's/PH at this price point. It doesn't have to be one or the other :)
Dude you're talking about a $20-$30 pizza vs a $5 pizza. I'll be throwing up if it wasn't better.
Do us all a favour. Do tell us which Italian Wood Fired Pizza place sell them for $5-$10. I would still go there for $15.
Thanks OP. Lunch, dinner and even breakfast for tomorrow sorted.
Hope you open all the windows.
There is another coupon in Wallet, Buy Premium and get free traditional, came to $17.99 which was $0.01 cheaper than this deal
I don't have that voucher in "wallet" on Domino's app….
(Unless you mean, the buy one/get one free voucher)
yeah i meant that one
Large size value pepperoni no longer available to order online. Can only get mini or extra large. What happen to large size pepperoni?
Still there for me… might just be your local.
Other nearby store has large pepperoni. Wonder why my local (which has always had it) does not have it today.
coupon js not accepted at most of the western sydney stores. Any list of accepted stores ?
Anyone else having issues with "this voucher is not accepted by your selected store" no matter what store is selected?
Only with Garlic Bread code.
Well as far as I can tell it seems to be only Sydney stores affected. Can anyone confirm the voucher(s) working in any Sydney store?
Both my Sydney stores aren't accepting any of the vouchers. Dammit!
I'll have to fall back on the in app offer instead.
Same, not accepted at Pyrmont NSW.
Reading through the comments it looks like it's not accepted at a lot of places… maybe someone should post if they found any stores which did accept it?
Not working for any Eastern sydney stores
damn i checked in the morning to see if this works for my store and it was fine but now as i’m buying for dinner it doesn’t work anymore😭😭 this is truly heartbreaking i should’ve bought for later in the morning
Truly heartbreaking?! You win today’s hyperbole award
Not working in inner west Sydney stores either - this sucks :-( I’ve seen this happen before though when codes mysteriously stop working ahead of dinner time. No dominos for us tonight.
Are you using the Domino's app? I just saw the advertising on Sky Channel right now. Available for today only on the Domino's app. No reason why it shouldn't work at any store.
in OP’s photo there’s some text at the bottom saying ‘only available at selected stores’ but it’s annoying because the codes worked in the morning they just stopped them a little while ago :-(
I just saw the ad again and after reading your reply I did notice the tiny conditions on the bottom which are unreadable. Probably some franchise owners cheaped out on this deal.
Probably some franchise owners cheaped out on this deal.
Not just some stores, but all Sydney stores.
Good one