• expired

JusChek SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Antigen Test Kits - 5-Pack Nasal Swab $9.50 + Delivery ($0 with Prime) @ Tech4Good RATs via Amazon AU

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I have heard of some rural places still charging 30-50 per pack of tests, get a cheap set here.

About this item

Negative test results do not exclude infection with COVID-19 (so face masks, social distancing and good hygiene practice must be maintained)
Positive test results or symptomatic persons require immediate confirmatory testing using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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Tech4Good RATs
Tech4Good RATs

closed Comments

      • +1

        It wasn't an IQ test obviously.

  • Thanks OP, got one, going to travel next month to see relative, will come in handy

  • I never tested every second day for the past month. I think I'm negative and it didn't cost me a cent. A workmate wasn't feeling well, so he stayed home, thinking he either had a cold, the flu or Covid. He didn't spend money or time on a test. Reckons he's doing it the old fashioned way by using his brain.

  • will need for cruise

  • Have heaps if anyone needs it .. for free.

    • You can keep it for next waves

  • +6

    Is there any reason as to why people are still testing these days?

    The number of people out in the community who are positive and not testing kinda makes RATs redundant.There is no requirement to isolate and even high risk settings are generally down to a “recommendation” now. If you’re unwell, you present to medical professionals as you would with any other disease now. Just trying to work out if companies are still pushing testing for profit when the benefit of the test has been minimised.

    • +9

      It is still good to know whether you have standard flu or Covid. Would be useful if you are going to visit elderlies or vulnerable people. So mainly it is for personal use.

    • +12

      My father is immunocompromised and ended up in hospital when he got covid. I visit him every week and do a test if I’m feeling a little off to get some comfort (however minor) that I won’t be passing covid to him… that being said, the likelihood of a RAT picking up covid is pretty questionable at the best of times.

      • Wear a n95 mask?

    • +5

      We are testing so we know not to visit our 80+ year old parents if we are carrying the virus. Simple as that.

    • Some occupations aren't allowed to work for 8 days if positive.
      But incentive not there as won't be paid for those 8 days off if casual.

    • @mrmaltalian Yes healthcare workers still have to test depending on hospital policy or at specific times e.g.if they feel unwell or an outbreak. Some residential aged care facilities still require it.

      I think the bulk of people don't need to test though

      • +1

        I work in a high risk setting and RATs are supplied for free. Taking a RAT is also not monitored or enforced, so they become somewhat pointless. The bulk, ie most of the community on here, shouldn’t really have any need to buy a RAT any more.

        Best to just wear a suitable mask around those who may be more at risk for those who are concerned. Would certainly be a lot cheaper than buying inconsistent RATs I guess.

    • +8

      I was once approached by a very, very hostile group of thugs, but they got distracted and I wasn't robbed/raped/killed. The end.

      Never got assaulted and never will.

      • -4

        Nice try at a comparison but you clearly have no idea and a single-digit IQ.

        • +1

          and a single-digit IQ.

          Your high-digit IQ understanding of the IQ number range is overwhelming.

          • @SBOB: But very funny

        • Still playing with your DS?

    • Did you take the vitamins with or without bleach? There have been reported cases in the UK of families in which some have had covid multiple times and others did not apparently get the disease at all (ie they had no symptoms). "Down the road" people died from the virus. I got it, took nothing, got better in a few days. Daughters got it, were very ill for a week. They didn't take vitamin C but did manage to get their dose of vitamin D from the usual source. There are a million stories in the naked world, some of which may be relevant to each of us. The start - of learning.

  • +3

    At Sydney international airport yesterday, a single RAT was $49 in the tent between the carpark and departures……

    PCR was $79 with 90 minute turnaround

    • +1

      Not saying it's a bargain, but that PCR sounds like a better deal if you have time.

      • +1

        Totally agree. Last time I had COVID I tested negative to 5 RAT tests in 5 days but had increasingly severe symptoms each day.

        5th day got a PCR, was positive. NSW Health told me on the phone that a negative RAT means nothing as they often don't detect.

        They did say a positive RAT meant you had COVID, but that a negative RAT meant jack s….

    • Paying for the nurse

  • +3

    Bear in mind a new wave of COVID coming out of China now. Chinese government once again lying about it…

    • +10

      Ahh yes the new BS24/7 variant.

      • +1

        And you'll stake your highly regarded and hard won reputation as a medical scientist on that I bet.

        • No need, thousands of others already have.

          • +1

            @EightImmortals: And?

            Just a wild guess but I think you confuse adult intelligence, knowledge and ability with "need".

      • Damn, I can only upvote you once. Came here for the comments and laugh (at how many people are literally still 'buying into' it).

        • Buying into what exactly? Covid's existence? Its transmissibility? Its lethality? Its ability to clog up and cause havoc to health systems? Or are you hinting at government/CMO actions, in which case feel free to tell us in detail exactly what you would have done, when and why? I'm always up for a good belly laugh. Too scary for you?

  • -1

    Any Ivermectin sales? A treatment is better than aClot Shot.

  • +1

    Quick, free and just as reliable online results

    • Confucius say: man who swallow that is expert at pocket billiards

  • +1

    Thanks @Eightimmortals. Love lighting the Woke ones. ba ba

    • By "woke" do you mean with an IQ above 70, or just anyone who hasn't taken their first step along the gullible, I'm-all-right-Jack/ freedom junkie/sovereign citizen sociopathy path?

        • We know it's not just you. If it was just you there'd be no problem. Unfortunately lies and ignorance (both of which DeSantis apparently specialises in) are the currency of many neocons, especially in the land of the good ol boys.

      • It's ok. You are experiencing psychological regression, like many are after 2 years of fear-based propaganda and disinformation campaigns. Like your views on Ivermectin, which my above post (which I could add another 5 paragraphs to), which are views formed in ways you probably aren't even aware of. Not active research and learning. Queue cognitive dissonance.

        • There certainly was a lot of fear-based propaganda and misinformation (not dis information) and it looks like you were the perfect host.

          Which of my views on ivermectin were you disturbed about? The ones which pointed to the lack of any substantiated medical evidence that it works for covid-19? The one where I pointed out that gullible people who caused shortages of the drug here and moreso in the backwaters of the USA were not just kidding themselves and wasting money but also doing the wrong thing by their fellow citizens? The one where I said the efficacy of Ivermectin against corona disease may change as science advances and the virus mutates? Unlikely, but medical science rarely says never/impossible as you (cough) know.

          The Australian uni researcher responsible for the fools-gold rush on Ivermectin OS has since apologised and clarified exactly what their research suggested. You might want to look that up and post it here - that's a challenge.

          Feel free to psycho-parse my comments. Your psyche and lack of basic intelligence needs no special investigative skills, your second sentence says it all.

  • -1

    Just ask a nurse to grab you some from work, millions of these in clinical settings. Your taxes paid for them. They're worth cents, not dollars.

    • Stealing is wrong

      • Mandating an unnecessary expense on the population is also wrong. Pick your wrong and be happy with it.

        • -1

          Yes life is so unnecessary.

        • Stealing is wrong. Not everyone is your enemy

          • @Chocobros: OK, Karen

            • @[Deactivated]: OK but stealing is wrong.

              Ps. 2 wrongs don't make a WrightRightWriteRite. Many wrongs make a WrightRightWriteRite

              • @Chocobros: Not always. I'm OK with a starving man 'stealing' some food and a cold homeless man 'stealing' a jacket.

  • +7

    Everytime these deals come up, the comments are so predictable.

    All the conspiracy nuts and covid-deniers come out in full swing.

    • -1

      Every thinking person knows we were duped by the "experts" on this so called pandemic. More people have covid now than ever before and we're getting along just fine without tests and masks. You're the nutter, you just haven't twigged yet.

      • +6

        Yep, all those mask mandates, lockups, social distancing, clapping for the NHS, business closures and quadruple injections worked a treat!
        Better do more of that since it worked so well over the last 2 years.

        • -1

          What do the numbers say? You don't know? No surprise there. You don't care? No surprise there either, it comes with the territory. If ignorance is bliss you must be in Nirvana. To think that "NHS" and other health workers worked their arses off and that some sacrificed their lives for people like you is depressing.

        • Yea, more of what doesn't work and leads to unnecessary suffering and mass transfer of wealth and power.

          • -1

            @mfauser: What doesn't work in your expert opinion? Vaccination? Masks? Social distancing and sanitizing? Lockdowns at particular times (esp with low vax rates) because of irresponsible and willfully ignorant people doing the wrong thing, and in doing so causing even greater economic hardship? What wealth and power were transferred, who from and who to?

            Like alcoholism, regurgitating bs on public forums is an illness only you and your credulous mates can fix.

            Cat got your tongue suddenly? Why am I not surprised. Opinionate ignorance like yours never stands up to scrutiny

      • Interesting interpretation of the word 'thinking'. You think you know better than thousands of experts yet you don't have even a basic inkling for the reason we're now "getting along just fine" (apart from the thousands dying and blocking up medical services). The efficacy of masks and vaccines are apparently well beyond your comprehension level. I doubt that. Far more likely your ideological blindness and arrogance make you immune [sic] to reason.

        • +3

          You talking to me or to yourself? It's a bit hard to tell.

          Here's the latest NSW Health report for people who were admitted to hospital with a positive covid diagnoses in the last 14 days. Scroll down to the part that shows admissions by vaccination status and notice that 'no doses' is only 1 (it's usually 0) and how the cases increase in line with the number of injections they've had. https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/covid-19/Documents/…

          Now tell me how the numbers are somehow wrong cos I'm not 'interpreting' properly.

          • @EightImmortals: Your comprehension not good? That last comment was obviously to the Wrightboy.

            Your statistical knowledge needs quite a bit of work. We've seen the same mistake constantly rolled out by your demographic in the past. Small snapshot and the numbers vary from f/n to f/n and month to month but the trend generally doesn't.

            It's a very unsophisticated indicator (doesn't account for age etc) but 6 deaths from the 5% of unvaxxed population equates to how many in the 95% two or more doses cohort?

            Answer is simple enough: 6 x 95/5 = ?
            114 - which is 228% higher than vaxxed number for that f/n.

            • +1

              @Igaf: It's not a hard concept to grasp. They are willfully ignorant.

            • +1

              @Igaf: Sure champ.

              The problem with your explanation is that the numbers as presented in that one link are the same types of numbers that are being reported all over the world from highly vaxed countries. In other places, like Africa where the injection uptake was low the current covid infection rates are also low. The damage seems to be concentrated in the vaccinated and not, as the propaganda machine keeps bleating in the non-vaccinated.

              The first question that comes to mind from the NSW information is why, out of 793 people who tested positive for covid (admissions only) is only one of them unvaccinated? That means 792 of them were vaccinated. If the public narrative were true shouldn't it be the other way around? Why do the infection rates scale with the number of injections taken? The logical conclusion is that either the injection doesn't work, or as many, many doctors and scientists are claiming that the injection is driving the infection rate and the mutation rates.

              Secondly, the numbers as presented match up with my personal observations of the people around me, many (but not all) of those who took the injection are not doing so well and we know way too many youngish people who have 'died suddenly' over the last 12-18 months. These observations are not uncommon and are being reported from all over the world. Even the main stream media are starting to report on it (I guess they couldn't keep the tide of information held back any more?). A few days ago The Australian reported "Notably, workers who received more doses were at higher risk of getting sick. Those who received three or more doses were 3.4 times as likely to get infected as the unvaccinated, while those who received two were only 2.6 times as likely." If the mainstream are reporting it then it's pretty much game over for the whole scam IMO.

              So unless you can provide real evidence to counter those things plus all the stuff that's going on related to this topic, merely playing with the numbers is only preaching to the choir at this point.

              Here's a good book on the topic: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/51291.How_to_Lie_with_St…

              In the end I wish you all the best and hope you remain healthy. I have no issue with you taking whatever precautions you feel necessary in regards to your own health as long as you not encouraging the forcing of others to submit to medical interventions they neither want nor need.

              • +1

                @EightImmortals: No the problem is your preferred obtuseness. Statistics are complex for the uninitiated, so it's hardly surprising that you don't understand them. Always best to read the summaries when you can't follow the basics. Your quaint anecdotes simply doesn't cut it in the real world, nor does your attempt at correlation. I could explain the reasons, but your interest is fake, your mind is closed and I'm over spoonfeeding extremists. As I suggested elsewhere - there's a huge difference between informed skepticism, real fear of medicines, and regurgitators of lies and misinformation. You obviously have the facility to read, if not to understand, so the question is always - why don't you inform yourself? Here's a couple of clues to current numbers to get you started - complacency, relaxation of isolation rules (wow, what an unexpected outcome), significantly increased vax numbers, and, ta da, unvaxxed people not bothering with getting tested (see any connection there to stats for people with covid - it's as obvious as 1+1=2?). The latter must be be giving you nightmares.

                Thanks for the reference. I'm well aware of how easy it is to mislead and misinform using statistics, whether intentionally or through ignorance. Your previous post was a classic example, and one we've seen many times before. The media - especially the conservative and rw media promulgates such bs regularly, along with pseudo-science and lately even pseudo-medicine during the pandemic. That junk fools the credulous, angers the experts, and bewilders people not caught up in the melange of uninformed and/or paranoid conspiracy theorists, government haters, people who distrust expertise yet value their own ignorance, personal freedom junkies, sovereign citizen nutters, and their enablers/manipulators.

                Reading your comments it's clear you don't have even a basic understanding of what vaccines do and don't do, the risks and benefits (eg they don't prevent transmission, nor do they prevent covid acquisition - there's more but ydgaf), hence your conclusions about what statistics say is not even close to reality. Normally I'd provide some summary links to help you out of your self-induced fug but as a wise man once said - the hardest thing to open is a closed mind.

    • +1

      This comment is just as predictable as those you mention. COVID exists but what most don't accept is the government's over reaction and abuse of power. You're tarring everyone with the same brush. Conspiracy nuts and covid-deniers are a tiny percentage.

      • +2

        "these fookn gubbament mandated seatbelts! people still die wearing them so whats the point?"

        • The great thing about seatbelts is that they don't cause myocarditis in children.

          • @mfauser: Covid-19 itself causes myocarditis as you should know and the risks are significantly higher. If you do know then the question is why did you fail to mention it? Was it ignorance or a lie by omission because the facts don't suit your childish narrative? Both are possibilities but my money's on the former. As medical professionals and epidemiologists have been saying for decades there are/may be risks for particular people with almost any vaccine, medicine, or operation and it's important we understand the risks and benefits.

            Here you go - get informed and preferably in future keep your ignorance and half-truths to yourself. Why? Because as comment voting suggests, other equally credulous, ideologically blind and self-absorbed people might read and swallow your waffle: https://www1.racgp.org.au/newsgp/clinical/vaccine-and-infect…

      • Did you give even a moment's thought to health workers and vulnerable people in the community, especially pre vaccine? Do you have any understanding of the reasons why thousands of people in aged care had their lives cut short? Thank god you and your ilk were nowhere near the levers of power

        • +1

          Our ilk were at the helm in Sweden. They did the opposite of your authoritarian state heroes and came out of this overblown drama in better shape than everyone. But you hang on to your mask and tedious state sponsored horror story.

          • @[Deactivated]:

            Our ilk were at the helm in Sweden

            Comparing your demographic to Anders Tegnel is your first mistake. You're not even in his postcode, although it's heartwarming that you acknowledge the advantages of "democratic socialist" countries.

            Your second is swallowing the neocon Sweden myth without doing basic research. Here's some homework for you.

            What did the Swedish PM, King and the architect of the initial "open society" policy Chief Epidemiologist Anders Tegnel subsequently say about that policy?

            How did Swedish psyche affect (ie reliance on responsible conduct by individuals and care towards others) affect the outcome of their relative freedom, and why do you think the same would have worked here?

            Why did Sweden have much higher mortality rates than other comparable countries where socioeconomic, cultural, and geographical differences are not significant - Norway, Denmark, Finland?

            How did their economy fare compared to those other Nordic countries? (This is a far more complex question, but generally speaking will do.)

            • +2

              @Igaf: You're trying so hard to sound relevant through a bizarre addiction to a viral illness that was used as a political tool around the world by governments to oppress their populations through lockdowns and more. The world has moved on. You sound like a desperate propagandist hanging on to the last strings of manufactured fear. Nobody's buying the BS you're peddling anymore. Move along.

              • @[Deactivated]: Facts not fitting your quaint narrative? Can't answer the questions because your bulls… has no basis in fact? Whooda thort?

                The "world" has indeed moved on from your rightly marginalised and often despised "my freedom rules" attitude.

                • +2

                  @Igaf: Everyone hates what you represent. The authoritarian past. Move on, mate.

                  • +1

                    @[Deactivated]: "Everyone"? Everyone in your tiny self-absorbed circle you mean presumably. In the real world most of us grumbled and struggled along while understanding the bigger picture. Guess that's why the hard lockdown states all returned their govts with either enormous or very comfortable majorities. Fact is your cohort is a tiny microcosm of what is wrong in this country. In Sweden and Taiwan people generally did as they were asked - wore masks, isolated, sanitised etc.

                    Lockdowns were tough for many, hardly applied to plenty of others. Was the balance right? Difficult to tell but attitudes like yours made them necessary. There were some unnuanced decisions made by Palaszczuk especially which left people with kids trapped on the NSW/QLD border in makeshift camps for months. That should have been intolerable imo and hopefully won't happen again.

          • +1


            Our ilk were at the helm in Sweden. They did the opposite of your authoritarian state heroes

            I agree, as should be more like Sweden.
            Higher tax rates, higher trust in government, definite leaning towards equality

            Sounds like a bunch of woke leftists, but hey….you're the one calling for us to be like Sweden, so let's run with it.

            • +1

              @SBOB: That's the difference between the left and right. We have the grace to acknowledge the left when they get something right, which is rarely.

              • @[Deactivated]: I said I was in favour of your proposal….

                Wouldn't want to cherry pick statistics from a country, and disregard all the other social or demographic factors that would clearly contribute to that.

                So come on, embarass your Swedish leanings. All in….

                • -1

                  @SBOB: Covid policy, gravlax, arrest and jail Assange, and Swedish girls. That's the Sweden I love. The rest, not so much.

                  • @[Deactivated]: Lol, a walking contradiction.

                    Everyone hates what you represent. The authoritarian past. Move on, mate.


                    …arrest and jail Assange… That's the Sweden I love.

              • +2


                That's the difference between the left and right. We have the grace to acknowledge the left when they get something right, which is rarely.

                Example? Your unintentional comedy is obviously significantly better than your knowledge but even then you've been outdone by Godsson23's single digit IQ comment above. That was comedic genius.

  • People still testing for the FLU? Covid is so 2020

    • +4

      It says a lot about a person when they can't tell the difference between the SARS-CoV-2 virus and influenza virus.

    • If you want to get infected by one of the latest variants of Covid, that can be easily arranged. Then, you can decide whether these test kits are worthwhile or not.

      • +1

        What the "KRAKEN"? wow….if you are still scared of the flu, put your triple mask on and hide in your room. Ensure you have your fifth booster that has not been tested on humans.

        • Hardly anyone cares about the flu because it has largely vanished and been replaced by a far deadlier corona virus. The vast majority of people with functioning brains understood this more than two years ago but apparently you got left in the dunce's corner, or more likely you've had your head where the sun don't shine for 30+ months. Time to grow up pal, and try contributing to the community instead of being a handicap to its functioning and advancement. Your paranoia could be cured or at least alleviated by seeking expert help, your ignorance by reading instead of regurgitating inanities and uninformed opinion, but as with other self-acquired diseases that takes effort, moderate intelligence, and an acknowledgement that you know far less than millions of other people, especially experts.

          • @Igaf: That is certainly a rant of someone suffering some sort of mental health issue, the flu has not vanished, its here and has been prevalent. If you're still living in fear after 36 months of something that is a danger to less than .01% of those infected most elderly and with Comorbidities then sit in your closet and work from home. The rest of us, will get on with life.

            • @Senatekill: Tough when someone tells you some home truths eh? I said largely vanished, as the stats you know nothing about show clearly. The only thing I fear in this country is that opinionated ignorance like yours becomes commonplace. Thankfully atm the vast majority of Australians aren't that gullible or egocentric.

  • I thought we are over Covid.

    • which covid? not xbb i bet

  • -1

    You heard it again multiple times people You heard it first people propaganda infection.

  • perfect time just before the china variants are coming

  • +1

    If you’re in Adelaide, you can just get free 5x packs from SA health.


  • F-king Amazon driver knicked off with my order of 2 x packs without even turning up to deliver it.

    Amazon support say there is nothing they can do and that since their driver ‘marked’ it as delivered, they can only assume it was delivered even though there is no picture as evidence etc.

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