This was posted 2 years 2 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

JusChek SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Antigen Test Kits - 5-Pack Nasal Swab $9.50 + Delivery ($0 with Prime) @ Tech4Good RATs via Amazon AU

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I have heard of some rural places still charging 30-50 per pack of tests, get a cheap set here.

About this item

Negative test results do not exclude infection with COVID-19 (so face masks, social distancing and good hygiene practice must be maintained)
Positive test results or symptomatic persons require immediate confirmatory testing using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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Amazon AU
Tech4Good RATs
Tech4Good RATs

closed Comments

  • -3

    Mate that's cheap, Costco still selling them for $120-160 depending on brand

    • I assume not for a 5-pack?

      • $100+ is usually for 20 pack.

        • $100 yesterday at costco for 20 pack - saw them in the health section.

    • +2

      Almost sounds like you're quoting lockdown pricing for a 5 pack, did you just wake up from a 2+ year coma or something?

      • +1

        I just quickly walked passed the aisle lol, I maybe be wrong lol, all good

  • +15

    Great price! For those interested, this brand is listed as "high sensitivity" on the TGA website

    • +1

      Are there any oral tests that are high sensitivity?

      • +1

        Unsure about oral tests but I recommend the Clungene tests which are nasal and VERY high sensitivity

        Clungene Nasal Swab Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) COVID-19 5 pack ARTG ID:333341

      • +2

        JusChek has an oral test that is also rated high sensitivity. The whole list of approved tests and their sensitivity is here:…

        Note - high sensitivity isn’t the highest rating. The best is ‘very high sensitivity’. The sensitivity ratings are:
        Acceptable sensitivity - clinical sensitivity greater than 80% PPA
        High sensitivity - clinical sensitivity greater than 90% PPA
        Very high sensitivity - clinical sensitivity greater than 95% PPA

      • I use Orawell for the kids.

  • +1

    This is one listed as highly sensitive tests, from TGA approved list of RAT kits

  • Is there an expiry?

    • +2

      Yes, RATs have an expiry. See the item description on Amazon. Some are saying expiry is January 2024.

      • +1

        Can confirm the ones I just bought have an expiry of 2024-01.

  • -5

    Prefer free from the state government.

  • +2

    These are good, I've been buying a couple of boxes when we run out and the price has kept dropping. FWIW they work as we've had positives on them.

    • +2

      Came here to say the same - I've used these and had both negative and positive results.

  • +2

    RightSign COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test (Nasal Swab) - 5 Pack

    This one is similar at $9.9

    • Which one better?

      • +1

        RightSign expiry is 20/10/2023 so maybe go with JusChek.
        Both high sensitivity.
        Also JusChek is cheaper!

  • +3

    My local Covid check point gave me 10 packs for free on drive through

    • +4

      Though they would be giving these away for free by now to use the swabs to clean your ears

        • Who scammed who exactly? Bill Gates scammed hundreds of millions and medical specialists and workers across the globe via 5G towers presumably, although that wouldn't explain how people in numerous countries without 5G got the scam disease. Approaching 7 million deaths and millions more hospitalised and/or with long covid is all just a figment of our imaginations, just as was the "Spanish Flu" a century+ ago.

          • -2

            @Igaf: OP didn't mention anything abut 5G towers. Imagine feeling the need to come up with strawmans to "own" an "antivaxxer" online.

            If I sold you a product that didn't do what was advertised, would you feel scammed? No refunds remember.

            • +2

              @DonkSettingsEnjoyer: Which OP? The topic was chadleyshe's "scamdemic", try to keep up.

              Own an antivaxxer? I wouldn't take one even with 200% cashback.

              If I sold you a product that didn't do what was advertised, would you feel scammed? No refunds remember.

              Which product was that? Covid vaccinations? They were free to most people, and if you knew anything about vaccines you'd know they usually don't guarantee anything to everyone, nor do they come without some risks. Same applies to many medicines, something you'd know if you opened your eyes, ears and mind. The facts regarding covid vaccine efficacy (and risks for that matter) are there for anyone to read and are indisputable.

    • or hpv tests

    • +8

      Covid is still very real. There are plenty of people with vulnerable family members.

        • +6

          Modern flu is much less transmissible, unlike the 1919 flu. Also, early strains of COVID were much more deadly. If you want to help protect your community, suggest you take reasonable precautions. if you dgaf, then carry on. In some ways COVID was a good test run for the next small-pox etc, with 30-50% mortality. It was a warning. The next pandemic is inevitable and may not be so mild.

          • -4

            @seb: That's what we deserve anyway! Can't continue leaving the life we live with soon 10 Billion people.

            A great reset is needed.

        • +3

          I'm looking forward to the day opinionated ignorance virus becomes deadly. It's certainly transmissible among certain demographics

          • -3

            @Igaf: Sounds like a Dan voter.

            • +3

              @chadleyshe: Only Dan voters get covid? Interesting theory, right up there with the 5G one.

              Voting can kill apparently, although not in this country afaik. Stupidity does kill though, regularly.

            • @chadleyshe: Did the Victorian election go how you expected?

              • +3

                @ihfree: It was a big blow for the religious right/freedom junky nutters, especially after the SA, WA, Qld, and Federal elections.

                • -4

                  @Igaf: So you're anti freedom?…SMH…You are seriously brainwashed, but your just one of many who have swallowed the who SCAMDEMIC and given away your freedoms so you can "Protect Granny" & everyone else. You and people like you clearly have no idea about History. The same playbooks are used over and over and you people living in FEAR sell out everyone to feel safe. How SAD that the thing you were afraid of you are no injecting into your body because the Medical Mafia said it will save you, but just get another shot and another and another lol…Time you took a look at your decisions and rise above the FEAR to see what the F is actually going on. Turn OFF YOUR TV Woke Boy!!

                  • +2

                    @Abraxsas: Thanks for asking. No I'm anti freedom-junkie, which makes me anti your mentality judging by your sociopathic "protect granny" comment. Unlike you I have a good grasp of history and I don't fear living in ordered societies where the greater good rules and where we share responsibility for the lives of others. It's called being human in the rational adult world, and it's why we don't tolerate people driving dangerously, assaulting others because they feel like it, or toting guns as though they were water pistols. I do fear one thing - self-imposed ignorance and egocentricity. Fortunately in this country such people are in a tiny minority, which is a good match for their minds. Jmo of course.

                  • +3


                    The same playbooks are used over and over and you people living in FEAR

                    you're talking about those that are easily manipulated by misinformation, and cling to theories that align with anti-mainstream views and oppose 'fake news', claiming others have no idea about history or 'facts' and that they are just more enlightened and open minded than the rest of society.. right?
                    That playbook seems to be well rehearsed.

                    • +2

                      @SBOB: Yep there's a HUGE difference between informed skepticism/criticism and credulous ignorance.

                  • +1

                    @Abraxsas: Lol. Funny how you call others brainwashed while repeating those points.

                    You've been trained well. Get help.

    • :')

      • @spiff Name almost checks out :D

    • okay ChadleysheOZ

    • Imagine you still being alive

      • Yep I am.

        • +2

          Time to start putting your functioning brain cells to better use then?

    • -4

      Never Tested, Never Masked, Never Jabbed, Never Sick.

      • +1

        Iron man. Since you were never tested you wouldn't have a clue whether you were "sick" or otherwise, or whether your irresponsibility caused others to get covid, something you'd know if you read widely instead of gazing lovingly at the mirror as you downed your daily dose of ivermectin and bleach. Medical science already knows that some people are immune to covid, conjecture being that it may be a genetic mutation advantage. Researchers were calling for such people to contribute to a massive information gathering project. Google it - you might be able to contribute something useful.

        Ironically some of the most vocal anti-vaxxers in the USA contracted covid and died from it.

        • -1

          lol…when in history has anyone ever had to test themselves to check whether they were sick. That is the perfect example of TOTAL BRAINWASHING. Name some vocal antivaxxers who died? This will be good…Those that did get sick were probably testing positive for something they didn't have then were forced into hospital and injected with some cocktail of poisons to "Cure" them. Sorry but you clearly have NO IDEA what's actually happening.

          • +1
          • @Abraxsas:

            Name some vocal antivaxxers who died? This will be good…

            Golly, your ignorance knows no bounds does it? A 30 second search will find the answer. Here's just one of many articles on the topic.…

            That list doesn't include a young, healthy black conservative radio host who begged people on his death bed to not follow his path.

            Your last two sentences are hilarious. Classic D-K irony. Do you do stand up satire by chance?

            • +2

              @Igaf: So you trust Forbes a CIA Funded Propaganda Magazine lol Compare that to all the people suddenly dropping dead without warning…I'll take my chances thanks all the same ;)

              • @Abraxsas: Do you know how to google or has all that ivermectin finally taken effect?

                Here you go. Pick your own poison:…

                Or for just one example, search Phil Valentine and read. Should take 5 minutes max

                • +2

                  @Igaf: Sadly after your 10th Booster you may not be able to come back and tell us how wrong you were…but i'm glad those links make you feel good about your brainwashing. Yay for you. I prefer the 40,000ft view, things look quite different from up here you should check it out some time.

                  • @Abraxsas: So you googled and learned, or was that asking too much? Was that injection of knowledge good for you?

                    The facts regarding vaccine efficacy are freely available online. You of course know more than world medical experts and epidemiologists so will be busy from your lofty heights writing a rebuttal. Can't wait to read it. Should be a hoot. I suggest you line up Craig or Donnie to peer review it.

                    • @Igaf: Incase you didn't notice i don't trust 99% of Doctors or Corporate sponsored studies so you can stop pretending they have any validity for me. I took and still take Ivermectin (Horse Paste not the Big Pharma Pills) so i know the effects and benefits from first hand knowledge not some BS propaganda. Some of the symptoms you've pointed to in the link are simply HERXING (look it up). Try telling the hundreds of thousands of people using it daily to cure everything from LYME to Autism how bad it is for them. But hey you've got your published studies to gloat over and your ZERO first hand knowledge. I'm just a Nut who clearly knows nothing because i don't have the "credentials" you seem blinded by.
                      Ever wonder why there is a sudden jump in Cancers and Autoimmune diseases since they started jabbing people? what about "SHINGLES" suddenly posted everywhere or the renewed AIDS scare campaign or all those people getting Bels Palsy? Yeah no thanks, that's a hard pass for me.
                      Did you Know Dr Fauci headed the AIDS response back in the 80's, thousands died from his experimental drugs, again look into it (i know you won't it's OK). Or you could just believe the current headlines that it's the "Climate" that's killing people lmao. People are getting dumber and dumber and will believe anything actors on TV tell them. 1984 is playing out before your eyes but nope "CONSPIRACY THEORIST". I've heard it all before water of a ducks back.
                      Perhaps when your life is hanging by a thread and the Doctors say they can do no more for you then you might seek the truth until then i bid you good luck on your journey. For me i will always choose freedom over fear.

                      • +4


                        i don't trust 99% of Doctors or Corporate sponsored studies so you can stop pretending they have any validity for me.

                        Not even vaguely surprising. The arrogance is breathtaking but it's a fundamental characteristic of your demographic.

                        Given your disregard for expert knowledge and "studies" how would you know whether there is any jump in cancer numbers or auto-immune diseases, let alone if they may have some correlated connection to covid vaccines? I know the answer already. You read it on Facebook or Telegram. The hypocrisy is also breathtaking.


                        Covid-19 has been associated with auto-immune disease triggering, as have vaccines in a small number of people. Astra Zeneca sadly caused the deaths of some people, that is without question. Why do you think Morrison and his pals had Pfizer while exhorting the rest of us to get AZ? What is also without doubt is that AZ and other vaccines saved millions of lives.

                        Interesting concept of freedom you have. It ignores everyone else's "freedom" and apparently doesn't allow you to read, question and absorb data, information and knowledge. Is it ego, pathological distrust, or just mild sociopathy I wonder? No doubt plenty will be written about the anti-vaxxer and pseudo-medicine topic in the future, not that you'll read any of it of course.

  • +2

    Should be free or at least very cheap…

    • +2

      They are in some or all states. Why is anyone paying?

      • +1

        Because we aren't all pensioners

  • Kogan had 5 pack for $5 recently.

  • +10

    Might be one to avoid -
    Seller Profile: Tech4Good RATs

    2.5 out of 5 stars - 43% positive in the last 12 months (21 ratings)

    • +1

      Agree. Don't understand all the upvotes. Seller sounds dodgy

  • +1

    Cheaper if you buy 4 packs using this link…

    i bought some last week waiting to be delivered. Some reviews say they were only sent 1 pack but the seller i bought from had positive reviews for the product so i assume they will be sending the correct quantity… i would probably take a guess that the one when you first click it (listed as $21) will only send the 1 pack… i went for the 34.99 option by clicking

    Compare New (3) from
    & FREE Delivery

    • Was getting a $7.95 delivery fee for 1 x 4 packs (even with prime), but if you order 2 x 4 packs (40 tests in total), shipping is free (at least for me)

      • +1

        Do you know when is the expired dates? I think if I got 40tests would be too many testing kits

        • I just got sent 1 pack only instead of 4 yesterday
          Complained to Amazon and ask them to check with the seller
          Amazon is good to refund me though
          And the expiry date is Jan 2024

      • I just looked and although it is the same seller i bought from,amazon are fulfilling it… which is why there is now a 39 min spend for free postage. When i ordered mine it was being dispatched directly from the seller so there was no minimum spend for free postage.

        I guess atleast with amazon fulfilling you have the best customer service incase they only send the 1 pack

    • +2

      The ARTG number doesn't match the ARTG seller's name (PALE BLUE MEDICAL TRADING PTY LTD), or the description of the product on the TGA website. PBM Trading is located in Vic, and this Medcart business (Mediglobal
      Store) - if it exists - is located in Edgecliff NSW. Product could be fine but it appears as though the ARTG number has been "borrowed", probably to save registration fees. Both the PBMT and Mediglobal products are supposedly made by Jiangsu Medomics Medical Technology Co Ltd. Caveat emptor.

      • So it is dodgy business oh god, lucky I didn't buy it

  • +3

    And they are still making plenty of profit at this price.

  • Vic schools couldn't even give them away, my school have pallets of them. I got ten boxes on the last day. paying is so 2021. I imagine most schools have the same situation, maybe check them when they reopen if you're desperate for some.

    • Yeah same they couldn't get rid of them around here either.

      I grabbed a free box every now and again… and now have a few hundred in the cupboard… then thought what is the point?

    • Not everybody has access to schools .

  • +1

    Have been using this one for a long time with no issue. Would recommend! I bought it off Amazon at like $16 price point inc delivery last year.

  • awesome - we paid $50 for 5 down at the local chemist a week ago. Sucked but we needed some piece of mind before visiting relos

    great to have on hand

  • +1

    RAT are tax deductible I think so you will get some money back

    • What?

        • If you can prove you use it for work purpose.

        • Only if you can prove your work requires you to test and you keep your receipts. Combines with the fact any half decent company enforcing mandatory tests before work would be supplying them the number of people actually able to claim would be tiny.

          • @Blokeinhisundies: “Example: COVID-19 tests you can claim

            Mary is a casual employee at a local café. In April 2022 she bought a box of 5 qualifying COVID-19 tests, which she only used before commencing a shift if she had any COVID-19 symptoms or had been in contact with a person who had COVID-19. Her employer doesn't reimburse her for the cost of the COVID-19 tests.

            As Mary used all 5 tests to check her COVID-19 status before commencing a shift she can claim a deduction for the total cost of this box of 5 COVID-19 tests.”

            The above example from ATO does not state that you can only claim deduction if your work requires you to test. If you have Covid symptoms and you test it before going to work for piece of you mind you should be eligible.

            • +1

              @ozvictor: Back in April 2022, hospitality workers still had mandatory isolation requirements for positive cases. So Mary was required to use RAT for her work.

              There is no mandatory isolation anymore nowadays for cafe staff, so no you may not claim it for peace of mind before going to work at a cafe

  • -8

    I need these so bad so I can protect my self from the Chinese arriving in Australia infected by propaganda.

    • +4

      You need something to deal with your own propaganda infection first.

  • Thanks OP. Bought two - my nose can't wait.

  • I'd better order some. I know you can get them free somewhere but for $10 I can't be bothered finding out where.

    • That was only until end of last year unfortunately.

      • I guess for $0 I couldn't be bothered finding out when either.

  • -3

    You heard it first people propaganda infection.

    • +6

      I think you just tested positive….

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