Harris Very Strong/ Strong/Smooth BEANS Coffee, 1kg 46% off sale.
Harris Very Strong/ Strong/Smooth Coffee Beans, 1kg $13 ($11.70 S&S) + Delivery (Free with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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is there a way to report this guy?
I tried to report them but nothing happened!
Trying to report him! Will have a look. He trolls, have a look at some of his other comments.
Link to Strong: https://www.amazon.com.au/Harris-Strong-Coffee-Beans/dp/B088…
Link to Smooth: https://www.amazon.com.au/Harris-Smooth-Coffee-Beans/dp/B088…OP you should update the title to include beans coffee and your link is for beans not ground
My bad, was a quick copy and paste job
Aldi Lazzio Dark Roast 1KG is $11.99. Not sure which one is better.
ALDI’s Lazzio Coffee awarded the 2022 Golden Bean for fourth consecutive year
We normally have Lavazza Espresso Barista Intenso and are trying the Aldi dark beans. Tastes not as strong even tho we reduced the amt of milk. Will go back to Lavazza ($17/kg when half price) for sure. YMMV.
So is strong taste what your looking for?
I like strong coffee beans
Any recommendations? Usually just get vittoria mountain blend
@ATTS: Nope lol, though the Delonghi coffee that came with my La Specialista Arte is quite Strong in flavor imo though I guess it would be on the higher side in terms of price.
Will be trying some Aldi beans once i run out of them.
The ones that came with my machine: https://www.delonghi.com/en-au/signature-blend-coffee-beans-…
(can't find a roast date, tbh wouldn't purchase it myself for that price)
Ever since I moved to Aldi Medium Roast beans I've not looked back, consistently get asked by guests what coffee I am serving. No way to justify the massive price difference for minimal gains from premium roasts.
Yep Aldi beans are surprisingly fantastic
Aldi recently increased the price on the 500g grounds so I wouldn’t be surprised if they do the same for the 1kg beans soon.
Aldo charge more for medium dark and even more for medium.
I think theyve added arabica beans to the medium variety hence the increase cost.
Who's Aldo?
It's Jose
Great price, but it's hard to give my cash to any bean seller that refuses to print the roasting date on the pack.
I'll pass a handful of cafes on the walk from the car to the supermarket each week. If you're making the effort to grind your own beans, then IMHO the slight cost bump on freshly roasted beans is worth it.
Those beans cost like 2-3 times more!
I am back to blend 43 now - thank you covid19.True.
In our case, we're buying from a local roaster in 250g-500g hits, so the extra cost is partly offset by a massive reduction in wastage. We buy what we know we'll use in the next week or so, so no tossing out stale beans.
Obviously, each to their own. As the saying goes, YMMV.
Those beans cost like 2-3 times more!
Not Aldi beans. 🙂
I'd still choose the cheapest nastiest bean over blend 43. There's just some things you never go back to.
I've bought beans from most of the regular places that get posted here in Ozbargain and honestly they're not that much better…
Coffee taste is a pretty personal, subjective thing.
If supermarket beans happen to hit the mark for you, then that's cool. I'm kinda jealous…
Haha yea. Kinda like wine.. all tastes like vinegar to me!
the quality of machine is a huge factor, sh!te machine will not make good coffee.
Rosters can have a pretty average coffee, too. Some are charging much more like AIRJO. People are falling for it when they see a big discount. The end price counts and it’s beyond a joke paying then more than $30 for a bad coffee like the AIRJO Sumatra blend.
@Thrifty Dan: Yeah. We tried quite a few of the NSW based roasters who do online ordering over COVID. Some were very good, but there were definitely quite a few bad eggs amongst them.
In the end, we got lucky and found a good, local roaster/cafe. (No more stressing over auspost delivery delays and stale beans)
We're buying our beans from the same place that we drink at regularly. We'd do neither if the coffee was bad. Plus we get to compare our brewing efforts against theirs.
i rang vittoria customer service and asked them how long it was from roasting to being on supermarket shelf’s …… seems they leave within 48 hours of roasting to supermarket warehouses, and coles and woolies don’t stockpile, so probably less than 7 days for when it’s on the shelf, think of supply chain efficiency that also supplies fresh meat in the supermarket fridge, and if on special probably even less time to get on shelf……. lavazza being imported would be older but they pack in nitrogen to stop oxidisation …
the australian bulk roasters offer great value, but the experience isn’t the same as the smell at the roaster the as you buy your 250gram bag of beams and they talk to you personally, unlike just picking up beams off the supermarket shelf
I agree, I'm happy to pay 50-70 for a nice bag of coffee but then again I'm a fancy C word
Aldi dark is the best cheap 1kg bag. Can't be beaten for $12.
The other aldi ones are awful/average. Medium, medium dark, brazil, columbia etc all taste awful.
Lavazza gold and red bag when on sale for $15 is alright at woolies.
Illy is nice but too expensive and small.
Have not tried Harris before. Anyone tried this?
Yeah, it's fine
I dont think Aldi price still at $12. Only Woolworths and coles brands still at that price but only if you can find the stocks. Been using their own brands for years but none in stock for months.
Aldi's dark is still 12, all the other flavours have gone up and I think I know why. Ever since Columbia hasnt been available (I miss it sooooooo much) Ive been trying the other ones and dark is sooooooo boring. Its not even really strong. Brazil is rather strong, but Im not really into its flavour, its to, um, I dont know how to explain flavours but deep or chocolatey comes to mind. Im sticking with the medium/dark until Columbia comes back (if it ever does), its reasonably strong and no where near as boring as dark.
If the medium roast tastes awful then you are extracting incorrectly, slightly longer extraction on a medium roast (presuming espresso extraction) I shoot for 33 seconds.It's won Golden Bean awards for a reason.
2021 Harris was number 2 after Aldi Lazzio at Canstar. https://beanscenemag.com.au/aldi-lazzio-beans-win-2021-canst…
Thanks, got 3 bags for $29 from coupon
How fresh are these coffee beans that have been stored in Amazon warehouse?
Probably, on par with the equivalent bags at Colesworth… but if you're concerned about freshness, Harris doesn't bother printing a roasting date on their retail packaging.
To their credit, the Campos beans in woolies actually have a roasting date which are normally only a week or two old.
13/kg is a good price if you just want caffeine to wake you up in the morning. Beans doesn’t have the aroma, even very strong beans
Thanks. I ended up ordering 4 of the Extra Strong ones for $42 delivered by using the Amazon App with the promo discount code. The Extra Strong is my favorite ground coffee.
You linked the strong version not extra strong
Sorry yes that's the one I meant. I have not seen the Very Strong one in the ground version and can't see it as one of the products on the Harris website. The Very Strong in 1kg only comes in the beans from what I can tell.
worst beans I've ever had
What kinda coffee do you make from these?
Hi, I would like to know which promo discount code you guys used?
No promo code. You select subscribe and save which gives 10% off. You can cancel future S&S orders if you don’t want it delivered in future.
How does it compare to aldi beans?
Sorry, unpopular opinion, but this coffee sucks.
If you want good coffee beans, I suggest you wait for deals on here for local freshly roasted beans that they deliver to you in a day or 2. Then use it with in the 2 weeks. Just my opinion, but WOW, it is a huge difference from grocery store beans that have no roast date. they only have an expiry date, but honestly coffee doesn't expire. it won't taste great, but it's not expired. There is a huge difference in crema in freshly roasted beans vs in store sitting on the shelve beans.
I use an espresso machine, grind the exact amount i use moments before brewing. I find this to be the best results.
Coffee snobs… Right on queue 🤣
lol, not a coffee snob. just someone with taste buds, lol.
I pretty much purchased all the grocery store coffee beans, and none will ever compare to local freshly roasted beans. I didn't become a believer until i paid more then i wanted to for a bag, and i never bought grocery store beans ever since.
by now means am i rich, but i am willing to pay a little extra for a lot better quality. I hate purchasing from baristas now since i can now make a fantastic cup at home for the fraction of the price.
roughly $40 for 1000 grams > 20 gram dose = 50 servings = $0.80 a cup vs paying $5.00 at a barista.
going to a cafe you are paying $5.00 x 50 cups = $250+ a month.
now that $40 bag no longer sounds expensive for high quality fresh beans.
advantage of local roaster is that you can buy 250gm batches …. i walk past one roaster on the way to the train, another on weekends when i supermarket shop so for some city dwellers it’s easy, for some people in the burbs there are no local roasters so supermarkets fill a gap, and a budget .
If you like typical supermarket coffee then NEVER buy the good stuff.
I use to LOVE a cheap brand from the supermarket, then I tried Aldi beans. After a couple kg's of that everything I try from the supermarket tastes…um, dirty, its awful.
Stay ignorant, stay happy.coffee snobs ….same people that go to wine tastings and talk champagne samples as it gets warm and flat , supermarket coffee buyers would drink the chilled champagne before it gets warm and flat , don’t over analyse, if you find a coffee you like in your budget enjoy it …… you dont want to get performance anxiety over coffee.
If you want to test his hypothesis - its really easy. Buy some fresh beans. Make some espresso, taste it. Wait a month and do it again. You'll see that he is correct. There is a massive loss of flavour.
Are there any beans at this price range that taste similiar to Nespresso Arpeggio, L'OR Supremo, or L'OR Ultimo?
I live in Fremantle and my usual roaster "pound coffee" charges $32/kg and there is another "Fremantle coffee roasters that charges $22/kg. All freshly roasted speciality coffee. I don't know why you would go to the supermarket for your beans when there is much better quality and freshensss available for alsmot the same cost.
Because not everyone knows or lives near a coffee roaster who sell fresh coffee beans at cheaper prices.
But you can still order online. Would only be marginally more $ for a large increase in quality.
Wow I have received my Harris Coffee for $11.70 the kg (delivered) and I really like it! Cheers OP! It seems to be very fresh roasted even if there’s no roast date. Sicilia also doesn’t have roast dates on their bags, but I often pick them up directly and they just filled the bags! This coffee easily beats the Sumatra beans from Airjo!
Beans! Better than AIRJO! Thanks OP! Ordered!