Harry and Meghan

The Netflix documentary released by the pair.

I loved the Queen and Prince Phillip. I thought that Princess Diana endured tremendous invasive intrusion before and after her divorce.

I think that Princess Catherine is a remarkable partner, wife and mother for Prince William.

I acknowledge that whilst I always felt sorry for Princes Harry and William and the life they were destined to lead through nothing but an accident at birth, I realise that Prince William alaways had an inevitable path to follow.

When I heard that Prince Harry had left royal duties and moved overseas, my immediate reaction was that "at least one of those boys got out".

So far, I've just finished episode 1 of the documentary and I'm loving the tribute to princess Diana, Harry's African involvement and the progress of the relationship between he and Meghan.

The media is guilty of portraying Harry as a sesnseless , pussywhipped boy. So far I've just seen a young boy whose mother was taken from him too young, forced to live in the spotlight as he traversed the trappings of maturity and puberty to emerge very much, an intelligent, independent young man, who pursues autonomy and adventure and wants to discover his life and learn all about it on his terms within the overarching framework of all the trappings and obligations most people never have to consider.

For all the negativity surrounding Meghan, so far she has been portrayed as falling in love with an adventurous nature who has serious limitations to how their romance can evolve and progress.

I think she is carrying herself wonderfully. From a glamorous actress to a week roughing it in a tent in the middle of Africa? The first time they'd ever spent any serious time together all of which had been stolen moments and secret meetings? She pulled it off effortlessly.

So far, I'm a fan of them both.

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  • -1

    Prince Harry fell in love with a girl.

    He had had to watch the relentless media pursuit of his own mother, which some believe contributed to her death. He had to watch the media scrutiny of at least two previous girlfriends and the complete invasion of his life and theirs, whether the stories were accurate or not and he was expected to take it all on the chin without comment because of his birthright and position in society.

    Harry, his parents, particularly his mother, his girlfriends, his school friends - none of these people volunteered for public awareness or acknowledgement, yet they all had to endure it if they wanted Prince Harry in their lives.

    And what of Prince Harry, born into a spotlight of privilege and obligation that he never asked for, how would it be growing up never knowing the true intentions of why people wanted to associate with him or befriend him?

    How could he ever know who wanted to be his true friend? How could he know which people to attach to and which ones to hold at arms lengths because they only wanted to use him or may do so in the future?

    Then take Meghan, as an American actress, arguably she was somewhat used to some media attention and public life, but I still believe that her relationship with Prince Harry was destined for far more than she could ever have prepared for or predicted.

    The media infiltrated every part of her life. They sought dirt where none existed and then either created it or speculated about its existence.

    They pawed over her past, scrutinising every relationship both innocent and intimate and they questioned her "real" motives with Prince Harry, who by now apparently couldn't think for himself.

    And they did all this in public. They put her, her past and her relationship with Prince Harry under the public spotlight and it was the media who controlled the narrative of all that and Prince Harry had to listen to the horrible things they were saying about the girl he loved. Meghan had to suffer through the embarrassment and humiliation of what was being said about her and heard by her new boyfriend, his friends and his family and the entire world.

    I admire Harry for standing up for his girlfriend/now wife. That was/is his job. And it took honour, bravery and courage.

    I completely understand Meghan wanting to tell things from her perspective. To have all those embroiled in the slanging matches that the media aggrandazided and fueled, to see another side to what went on, whether they be genuine misunderstandings between two very cultures and sociocultural institutions, complete mis truths, awkward results from trying too hard to fit in - heck just doing all that was possible to be accepted by a new family, the British people, the commonwealth, other world leaders and dignatries - maybe she just wanted to fit in or at least appear to fit in and be accepted by others so that she and Harry could continue their relationship.

    Two educated adults fell in love. One happened to have minor celebrity status in the US, the other, had tremendous obligations and expectations thrust on him as a birthright he never asked for with unspoken responsibilities to both the British People and the Commonwealth.

    They did nothing wrong. They just fell in love and wanted to write their own love story and live it the way that best suits them, their children and their unified values and beliefs.

    King Edward VIII abdicated so that he could be with the woman he loved, I hardly think this pair have done anything close to being in the same ballpark to cause the world in general to turn on them and ridicule them and their union.

    They currently seem to make much of their money by living in and exposing their private lives to the general public and I think what they willingly offer, is fair game for both the media and public.

    But I think when we get into the territory of stalking them, creating unverified truths and fueling potential rifts between them and the royal family, whilst they're probably not driving the cars like in 1994, it does seem like the press are mercilessly hounding this couple and it's no wonder that they sometimes act out in exasperation and probably say things they shouldn't, say things they wouldn't ordinarily say or mean and definitely not say so many of the things that are so obviously taken out of context.

    • +3

      The press would leave them alone if they stayed out of the spotlight and practiced the “privacy” they left the UK for.

      When they put themselves out there, they leave themselves open for criticism.

  • +3


    • Yep 𓂬

  • +8

    Your op and followup post have officially made me in favour of voting for a republic…..

    • +1

      Lol I was wondering what you were replying to me about ;D

  • +5
    • +2

      that guys camera is wayyy too close to his face

    • This is a much better video RE: Paul Joseph

  • +4

    Thank you for sharing with the class.

  • +2

    Needs more dogs. When does the story get to the corgi bit?


  • +4

    Am 2 episodes in

    I'm sure the truth is somewhere in the middle - this might be considered a documentary but its also only going to show you what H&M want you to see so take it with a grain of salt too

    Also "H" ugh

  • -4

    what a lovely post, a break from the bitchiness of the usual ozbargain.

  • +11

    I wouldn't watch that show if you paid me.

    • +6

      It's Not A Show It"s Karen and Harry Tissue Time.

  • +8

    You miss the whole point of monarchy and aristocracy which is the social contract they must perform in order to maintain their place and the social, cultural and economic benefits.

    That requires a high level of duty and honour, of getting on with the job of performing a role and accepting that one doesn't get to marry for love etc. Rather medieval but it is still what drives it and those that play the game are able to stay at the top whilst those that dont (and marry for love and pursue other ludicrously banal day jobs) have, until recently, lost their positions (through lack of status and income)

    Harry and his missus are more than welcome to become average Joe's but in doing so, they forgo the benefits of the social contract of aristocracy. Why should they have their cake and eat it too when, for centuries, other aristocrats, have given it all up and walked away?

    There's nothing to feel sorry for here and nothing exceptional. If his Great Great Uncle can become an obscure Duke, Harry can too.

    • HAZ wants what Will has.

      His book is tittle 'Spare' … he is not happy about being 2nd born and 5th line.

  • +2

    Kardashians or the Mountbatten-Windsors. Who wins?

  • +9

    Whinger and Ginger, the comedic duo. The struggles of life and wealthy trappings must be a real b1tch for them.

  • U wot m8?

  • +10

    You're wasting your time watching the usual aob story from that pair.. they will forever be using the victim card til they both fall off the edge of earth.

    For a couple who constantly complains of being in the public eye, they sure make a huge effort to force their faces in everyones life.

    Zero sympathy or attention to them from this household

  • +2

    This made it to Hot Discussion Topics in the daily OzBargain newsletter.

    Slow news day?

  • +2

    I’m not wasting hours of my life watching this entitled pair whinge about what appear to be relatively trivial things. The sooner we all stop giving them attention, the better.

  • -1

    It’d be a lot better is meg would just shut up and stop bringing the spotlight on her. She is a drama Queen and thrives on the attention. She just dislikes that the spotlight costs actual work lol.

  • Meghan told Harry to go for broke as he’s essentially no longer part of the royal bloodline, especially with Kate popping out so many kids. Leveraging Diana’s historic treatment by the royal family as a tool but Meghan can’t even compare to Diana.

    This shitshow is the result lol 😂. More premium version of the Khardashians.

  • ….but Meghan can’t even compare to Diana.

    In what sense(s)?

  • They should name their next child 'Seatbelt'.

    It's definitely what Diana would have wanted…

  • Didn't they produce this "documentary"? They're not going to portray themselves as the entitled ones are they?

    TLDR Megs thought she snagged a Prince and was going to become a disney princess until she realised she will be walking behind Kate for the rest of her life. That ain't gonna happen so went back to the US to sell whatever story they can spin. As for Harry, well he wanted to get out for a long time Megs was just the perfect excuse. Noone cares cos he will never be king.

    • +1

      Noone cares cos he will never be king

      Seems you do. 🤔

      • I love it how strangers like to assess my level of caring just by one comment. By the way i watched 15mins of this "documentary" and I would like that back. 🤣🤣🤣

  • Meaghan is not a wonder actress. She was always a so so starlet. She never made it big.

    She is not handling herself well as per interviews.. she wants money. She misses being in front of the camera.

    No one cares about them

    Harry wants to be King. He also wants his freedom. He was never going to be king. he, he has his freedom. He hates the intrusion but he is inviting it in.

    Time to let harry fade into obscurity together with his starlet wife.

    • No one cares about them

      So why did you produce this insightful post?

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