Today I found a spider in my home. I have been in stressed since. What would be the best to avoid spiders and also drive away other exisiting hidden insects at home?
Best Way to Avoid Spider and Insects at Home

Alright, how do you avoid the minority of spiders that do more harm than good?
Well you shouldn't be intentionally avoiding deadly spiders if you see them in the house, you should be dealing with them directly to ensure they do not become a problem.
And if you can't stand doing that, a few sprays of Mortein should do the trick.
FYI I'm no spider expert or professional pest exterminator, I am only speaking from experience.
You have to learn how to identify those minority first.
Keep a lizard or chickens as pets.
"….small pests and insects." Insects I understand…. but how big are the spiders keeping your pests under control?
Spray the outside perimeter of your house with Outdoor insect spray from bunners.
Which spider you see?
I couldn't recognize but it was big one with thick legs and black in color.
Spray the inside and outside of yours and your neighbours' houses with fire.
If you must, as spiders do keep many insects as their lunch and out of yours.
Use a Bug Bomb kit every 4 months. Gets nearly everything. It is the ones you do not see you need to worry about.
It is the ones you do not see you need to worry about.
This is actually key here. By killing spiders we do see, we are effectively helping the evolution of those we can’t see, and making spiders a stronger species that are better at evading us.
Lots of spiders and insects this year with all the rains, not really much you can do but harden up.
People need to understand that Arachnophobia is not logical. Once a spider is big and hairy I can’t be in the same room with it. I, generally, get the man to trap it and take it out to the garden, I don’t want it dead, just not where I am. It doesn’t matter that I know it is beneficial, or I’m a lot bigger, it is a visceral reaction.
Since we replaced our old weatherboards with Colorbond we get less spiders. Certainly they like to hitch a ride with firewood. Get insect screens and keep trees trimmed near windows. If you are in the garden wear gloves to try to avoid being bitten. Be, very, careful turning over anything that has been sitting there a while.
You have my sympathy, being an arachnophobe is inconvenient. I have a lifetime of checking corners when I enter a room. Fortunately I have a size limit which means I can manage the smaller ones but Huntsmans are beyond the pale.
Get Pest control treatment done.
Insect bombs in garage. Surface outdoor spray outside and inside a good swatter, insect spray and keep things neat. Hidden areas tend to attract creatures and then suprise you as they get bigger. Dust and sweep external doorways and covered spaces outside and make sure the garden isn't right next to the house and out of control. Also try and adjust and get better at coping with them. It takes time but it does get easier.
Dude, where's your flamethrower?
Today I found a spider in my home.
I hate people sometimes.
Don't live in Australia is your answer.
Great answer. /S
From your lack of empathy I'd guess others feel the same way about you sometimes.Google: All countries have spiders, even the arctic and antarctic have spiders.
Insect bomb every 3 month gonna fix your issue
one way ticket to mars
no hayfever tooGeneral tips:
* Reduce habitats - clear out webs, reduce gaps and crevices
* Reduce food supply - for spiders esp. limit lights at night, clear out webs and deploy fly traps
* Reduce active population - use deterrents e.g. eucalyptus oil sprays or resort to pesticides as suggested aboveFound another huntsman spider today.
Most spiders do more good than harm; they'll catch small pests and insects. Many spiders would rather avoid contact with humans. If you really can't stand them, catch it with a takeaway container and place it somewhere outside.
And if you can't stand doing that, a few sprays of Mortein should do the trick.