was looking for a hdmi cord and stumbled upon this deal, seems like a pretty great deal, just make sure you apply the 50% off coupon
CableCreation 2m 8k HDMI Cable $8.99 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ CableCreation via Amazon AU

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There is an orange voucher icon under the item price and a check box beside it to apply the 50% discount.
get it, thx~~~
Thanks, ordered a couple for upcoming projects.
Some of the reviews are sketchy
Yeah like not great
Yeah, if you read the reviews, all of the complains are on HDMI 2.1 side or Dolby Vision not working.
Ones with positive reviews only tested 4K (and a lot of them seem to be 4K/60Hz tests).
How does this work? I thought we HAD to go to DP for higher res?
DP… wow thats a lot to ask for. I got away with a BJ and a few tequilas.
cable arrived today, no 8K printed on it, no specs on package
I also got mine today. It has 2.1 printed on the packaging but not on the cable itself. Could easily be a scam because its not a one-time factory sealed packaging and is zip-tight only.
I was only able to test on 4k/60hz which it does do, but even my old 1.3 hdmi cable did that and I doubt I ever get an 8k monitor or will I ever be able to chase these guys down, once they become more commonplace.
Could you share how to get the 50% off coupon ?