Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order and Axiom Verge 2 will be the PS5 games for January 2023.
Full credit to Billbil-kun.
Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order and Axiom Verge 2 will be the PS5 games for January 2023.
Full credit to Billbil-kun.
Remaster a 3yo game?
@AustriaBargain: Not sure in what world it looks like an early PS3 game…
This feels like one of those comments where someone wants to crap on a game but is trying to sound like they arent.
@AustriaBargain: I agree with this. I fired this one on my series s and I thought my series s was week. Then loaded on my PC Rx 6600 xt and it still looks dull. Something off with face/skin textures
Good time to replay Jedi Fallen Order before Survivor comes out next year!
Axiom verge 2 Nice!
thank fk i didnt buy axiom verge 2.
I didn't even know there was an axiom verge 2. Wooo hoo
Fallen Order is blandsville
Perfect summary. Very by the numbers average game.
Have they given away axiom verge before? Feels odd to do 2 before 1
dont think so. its been out since ps3 vita days. but its a cracker of a platformer.
Sony knows exactly what they’re doing. It entices you to buy the first one, quite possibly on PSN as the first game had a limited release from memory, at least for PS4 anyway. Smart business
Fallen order was meh.. two or three good points in the game but otherwise it was so boring I just rushed to complete it to resell later before its value went down
Bought Axiom Verge on Switch this morning. Almost bought AV2, but the price difference got me to just get the first. So handy!
Great titles again, still have Star Wars: The Jedi Has Fallen Over in its shrink wrap. Will never be opened now or sell
Sounds like you cured your OCD.
Man those reviews of fallout 76 are savage!!
Eh the game has been updated a lot since release. Not so bad anymore
Fallout 76 currently has 13.5 million players, so it’s doing quite well.…
Concurrent or overall? Because if overall i dont think that means much given that everyone probably bought into it at the start and theyve given it away for free on pc
Agree. I got in late and wondered what all the fuss was about - it's a great game.
Yep, quite a good game and an active community.
Lol such poxy games
What’s in your top list? Clusters revenge??
Never heard of it. Is it good?
Poxy as in been free on multiple platforms before and here playstation is in 2023 allowing you to play as long as you subscribe. Pathetic.
wait what? What platforms have they been on before for free that doesn’t require a subscription?
Should suit you then
so what’s 76 like these days? Worth playing?
Also curious, as the initial reviews were hilariously bad. Did they fix it up like No Man's Sky?
I haven't played it but followed the release and the response it received.
It was broken when released but they worked at it and fixed it, was kept alive by the Fallout fanboys out there during the dark times and from most reports they have turned it around to make it a reasonable live service game.
They essentially repurposed Fallout 4 as a live service game but did minimal work on it so day one the servers crashed and it was essentially unplayable.
They worked on that and improved it to get it to a semi playable state, then from memory someone found the developer room, where they test all the items they are looking to roll out as loot, and that broke the whole game for a while as a bunch of people went around super OP slaughtering everyone.
They rolled the servers back but i dont believe they banned anyone because they were still trying to keep the player base alive, but they rolled everything back for everyone, including all the innocent players, whicj annoyed people, but they stuck around.
Plus they also introduced micro transactions for in game items when they said they wouldn't, not just comsetic items, but weapons, armour, health etc, ro make it a pay to win based game, this annoyed everyone but people still stuck around. This was a massive kick in the guts because the developers blanketly stated before the game was released that if they did include micro txns it would be purely cosmetic, but they pretty muck lied and said too bad afterwards.
But, it is still running and has a following, might not be for everyone but im sure they are hoping to have new players come in and play catch up through buying stuff to get up to speed to the longterm players
Yep, quite a good game now and had a very active community
New to the playstation scene and how PS plus works.
If I buy 1 month now, I’ll get these games for free forever when they become available?
No. Only free while you have a sub
you'll eventually realise ps plus is a pretty bad service. just buy the games instead and keep them forever, most of these have been about $9 for the disc at some point.
All are free now.
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order…
Axiom Verge 2…
Fallout 76…
Do these games only last 1 month? or do they last until my ps plus is cancelled?
Yep until it's cancelled. As soon as you cancel you will lose access. Keep it subscribed forever and you'll have the games forever. News games every month.
What if there’s a gap in my subscription? Will I lose access to my old games?
you will regain the access if you have claimed them previously
Woo! Had been planning on buying Fallen Order, so this avoids me picking it up in any Boxing Day sales.