Is there any one who can provide some details of a lawyer who can help me with compensation from the driver at fault?
Is there any one who can provide some details of a lawyer who can help me with compensation from the driver at fault?
Not enough information
Need STATE to begin with !!!!
Pls add to your post
But the Green Slip in NSW covers you for "injury" compensation from car accident
Thats what its for.
Same in other states
Known as "Third Party" Insurnace
You can only claim for actual personal injury arising from the car accident
Therefore pls add that information to your post as well
Are you really just piggy backing off top comment?
Top comment is USELESS without the requested information
@spackbace: Top comment is a reply. Thats why its there.
You need to learn more about the subject before making recommendations
@Dr Phil: It is pretty rude to piggy back of the top comment.
Based on the information provided. it does suggest Lionel Hutz is a good choice.
no, money down!
Remember its not the USA…i don’t think you can claim for pain & suffering etc, just measurable stuff you are actually out of pocket for.
OP hasnt provided any details
Dennis Denuto is your man.
Fax is good to go though.
It's the vibe of the thing
How do you know?
OP hasnt provided any information whatsover,
For a start we need the STATE and then what injuries OP has suffered (if any)
Some say @Amayzingone is still ducking to this very day.
What state? NSW?
I think OP is in a pretty bad state after the accident
They said pretty bad state, not worst state.
Isn't that what TAC premium we pay in our rego Is for all medical injuries from road accidents??
I was thinking that, but maybe the OP doesn't have insurance, got hit by the other party who also doesn't have insurance, and now wants compensation for their car that got written off
Sounds like both parties are from ozbargain then..
Guess I better hand in my OzBargain licence then, as someone who has comprehensive insurance
@kerfuffle: No need to do that, you can be just like a member of an Outlaw Bikie gang and be a one percenter.
Seriously needs an MS Paint diagram.
What costs are you after?
Loss of earnings?
Pain and suffering?
Just cos I saw it on a murcan tv show?
Hey! Enough of the logical thinking. This is OzBargain, all OP wants is confirmation bias, not more questions…
Sooo.. my guess is you used one of those scammy “Right-to-drive” crashed car chasers to loan you a car at some extortionist daily rate and the other driver is telling you to stick the ridiculously large bill up your back passage and now you’re stuck with the bill because you didn’t read the fine print on the contract?
That right to drive thing is so dodgy.
You're entitled to a hire car if you're not at fault. Whether their car insurance wants to provide that service is up to them, if not then they deserve to have right2drive sicked on them.
While I agree that people are entitled to be made whole and part of that may be the use of a hire vehicle, what shouldn’t be allowed is some scumbag company hiring out a car at some stupid and unreasonable rate and then seeing the at fault party for costs.
The contract is not with the at fault party and the hire company, so they get no say in it, and I have heard of cases where the damage to the not at fault party’s car was insignificant yet the hire car mob has tried to levy charges upwards of $20~$30,000 or more.
The other issue is that with these shifty car crash chasers is that if they fail to get the money from the at fault driver, they then turn their focus to driver who hired it and take them to court to get their funds.
I don’t think it is fair that if you and I had an accident and you were at fault, that I could just hire a car with some arbitrary made up exorbitant and unrealistic fee and then just pass that onto you to pay when you had no say in the contract. This type of industry needs to be regulated because they can basically just make shit up as they go.
And it’s all “bUt ThEy hAvE a RiGhT tO dRiVe” until you are on the receiving end of one of these unscrupulous operators.
@pegaxs: couldn't agree more.
I had a car accident - roughly 2016'ish …100% my fault - as per below …
car hesitated to turn left - started to go through intersection, then came to sudden halt … I hit back end of car … this was a left-turn into a main street (stop sign).
I was 100% comp insured - other driver had no insurance at all.
They used Right to drive.
Impact speed was less than 10km/hr … initial visual damage to back end of other car … it had slightly pushed up the boot (but boot was still able to open) … ALL lights + other backend fully functional.
Did almost no damage to my car … except where his tow-bar impacted my car rego plate (which ended up with afew cracks).
As said - he used RTD.
After my own insurer denied his claims for cost - he personally persued me in court.
His costs for using RTD that he was chasing me was == $800/day (total of 3 weeks) == $16,800 (+ then trying to pursue me for court/laywer costs as well !!!).
And this was an old early beatup 2000's mitsi lancer - prob worth total of $3500 MAX at the time.
[EDIT] : this was his car - not mine.
I passed details onto my insurer … then never heard anything more about it.
If you do go through this, don't use your regular doctor and don't let your lawyer cheap out and dump all of this on your regular doctor. Your lawyer should believe your case has merit and pay for you to see an experienced doctor who specialises on compensation. A bad lawyer will take it on just in case the other driver or insurance pays to make it go away, and will expect your own doctor to tell them whether your injuries have merit. But if your own doctor is too scared to get involved or has some kind of undisclosed conflict of interest (maybe the other driver is a government employee and your doctor works in a state certified clinic) then you're going to be left holding your dick while sweet fa happens.
So you didn’t have insurance?
Just ozbinsurance
Ozbargain, where absolutely no one will give you a straight answer, ever.
Yours included.
Can't give a straight answer if we don't know what kind of compensation e.g. injuries, loss of work vehicle, etc.
Hard to give a “straight answer” when OP won’t even give any details. No point sending them to a personal injury specialist if what they need is a civil damages lawyer.
If it’s medical you’re after, you need to get a mv accident medical certificate from your doc asap and start physio if you’re not too badly injured.
with a solicitor r, you can apply to the TAC to receive compensation for loss future earnings, loss of mobility etc. Some Solitors take 25% of the compensaiton. my mum was hit by a car.
Rudi Guliani
Gruber & Fisk.
Dewy Cheetham and Howe
one hopes that OP has dashcam footage of incident …
due to him posting 2 weeks earlier about installing said dashcam + trying not to void "new car" warranty in process.
@sam2216 has been online multiple times since posting this thread, but refuses to respond to any comments.
This always happens. Then as soon as someone posts the confirmation bias they were looking for, they will come back and thank them and scold all of us for not just saying the same thing (even though 99.9% of us don’t know WTF op is talking about…)
Go see Judge Judy. She'll sort you out.
Lionel Hutz