How much of your take home pay are you saving? If you are a good saver are you living at home/rent & mortgage free? Are you happy with your lifestyle?
Did some numbers yesterday and between my partner and I we can maybe save $50,000p.a. between us if we want to make an effort, but don't want to scrimp on everything because who wants to live like that? Depressingly - that's only a $1.5m house if we did that for the next 30 years with zero interest, which if you are living in Sydney or Melbourne barely gets you a decent sized home these days.
Have paid off house. Save around 70-80% of my income per month. Do not have any liability or loans. I am extremely frugal most of time but sometimes I will spend generously on a nice holiday, experience. I have started focussing on my health and diet now as that is more important than money.