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XGIMI Horizon Pro 4K Projector (In-stock) $2.94 Delivered while stocks last
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XGIMI Horizon Pro 4K Projector (In-stock) $2.94 Delivered while stocks last
EBay is hacked !!
Don’t waste your time, it is price error
So what happens with price errors, they just cancel your order?
They ship your order and take a huge loss
They personally deliver and do installation for you.
They cancel the order, send you a message taking onus on their mistake (although not always) and in some cases offer you a discount on your next order.
They receive bad feedback from angry people (morons) that don't understand why the company wouldn't go bankrupt to please their customers as per a significant price discount well and truly under cost-price.
Lol some of these guys must be the eternal hopefuls. Yes there have been mistakes that have shipped (nest hub max anyone?), but but does anyone with half a brain or less seriously expect to buy stuff like this for nearly free?
Yes, if you're quick enough or stack enough discounts. I remember the max, also got a Hue 5m lightstrip for $20, that free $20 of soap (day early lol), bunnings makita drills with cashback and rebates.
One time I got the missus an engraved Kikki-K $150 journal pack for $20, apparently it didn't fit her B5 notebooks, so they refunded and let her keep it, and I got $9 from CashRewards… So I got paid $9 to buy the journal pack lol.
@TogTogTogTog: Sure, if you are quick enough (and not post in OB until it's actually shipped or in your hands! Or get OW to price match before it all blows up lol)
Touched a nerve with a negger have I?
@ironworthy: Lol - perhaps I should have more correctly said touched a nerve with one of our resident snowflakes hence the neg vote?
After paying off your mortgage they buy you any car you want.
eBay is showing OOS now
Someone just bought them all!
Just picked mine up. Excellent. Thank you
Weird mobileciti also showing weird discounts…
Mobileciti / Allphones / SydneyMobiles are run by the same mob
ordered one 4k from allphones website :/ not sure if i would get one
And an extra $5 off if you purchase 2 items. So total cost of $1.38 for 2
seems like am the only one who paid the most , $13.60 for 4k :(
Thanks OP.
Finally I can afford a 4k projector.
AU $2.94
Was AU $2,938.95
100% a price error - I think we can all see what the price was meant to be based on the above.
If only it was real
If this was Amazon it'd probably be shipped lmao
Or cancelled like the WD debacle. 😭
The trick was to order before it was posted on OzBargain.
You guys are too quick…. zzzZZ
I think someone forgot to swap the price for the actual slight discount lol
you don't say ;)
will it be that day today when they would honor our order :D
Muzeeb to the rescue? Lol
The opposite of Jack
Pinging Dell chat support advisor @Muzeeb ;)
ow… sorry didnt get that earlier :D
Lmao 🤣 good one 👍
of the century
I came online to look at projectors as setting up a movie night in the backyard. Missed this but doubt they will honour it but secretly hoping they do for those that got one.
Kmart has pop up 120" screens back in stock. Bought one yesterday. $99 plus delivery $10
Missed this but doubt they will honour it but secretly hoping they do for those that got one
That's not how secrets work.
Lmao cmon 😂
I'm ok that I missed it. I'm holding out for sub 1 dollar anyway.
Folse advertising call the ACDC
Neone gots advice on sewing them
Fi they don't hon0r it I'm a feedback the negs
will officeworks do a price match?
JB Hi-FI has online chat which can do price match, lets try :)
Please update
XGIMI Horizon Pro 4K Projector
hahhahahahha if that works good luck..
DOES Price match apply on OOS?
No, it also doesn’t apply to clearance items either
The real question is should I also purchase an extended warranty?
Price error of the year
This is 99.9% down, not 99%.
Title price error.
Dratz! Missed out again! 🤬
What was the outcome, anybody get any shipped?
Some people haven't woken up yet and you're already mowing the lawn
No way to get it, not Amazon.
zero chance they will ship.
Shipping cost more than the price.
Who's the cheeky bugger that bought 2?
Did they honour it?
No Way
I remember some of you had samsung ultra 22 last year or two for price error, and claimed that Dreams come through.. that was epic
Got a cancellation email from Allphones :-(
Did you get any confirmation email before that?
I just received another confirmation email from Allphones_online.
And just 1 min ago I got the cancellation email stated wrong delivery address lol
Got the confirmation at 1:13 am, I think when I placed the order. After that got the cancellation email at 10:07.
Same here.
They didn’t even bother making a good excuse.
Unfortunately, the seller had to cancel your order due to the following reason: Something was wrong with the buyer's delivery address.
Horrible seller
The sellers address was 99.9% off course.
This is the reason all sellers use as cancellation for pricing errors/other reasons too to avoid ebay defects on their account.
See HT and their pricing error fiasco some time back.
Mine hasn’t been canceled yet
Next time put in the right delivery addresses. 😂😂😂😂
Plot twist: an employee of allphones just cancelled everyones order so they can buy them all for themselves, chad move
Mine cancelled, reason "not valid delivery address".
Gonna leave negative feedback in 7 days.
Did you really expect that they're going to ship it knowing that it was a price error? lol
Poor you.
Muppet of the day goes to…… ehardaway
Well they cancelled and blamed it on you. So might as well leave feedback.
100% Pricing error…