This was posted 2 years 2 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Kobo Libra 2 eReader $258 + $0 In-Store Purchase / $7.95 Delivery @ Harvey Norman


Cheapest price for Libra 2 at the moment.

Not as good as the $245 eBay black friday price.

Also available for $259 from


JB Hi-Fi…

And $259.95 direct from Kobo…

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Harvey Norman
Harvey Norman

closed Comments

  • I just bought this by having JB price match Amazon and then using me 10$ off voucher 5 days ago 🤦‍♂️

  • +1

    I got this slightly under $200 during black friday stacking with bonus cashbacks, increased cashback and discounted gift cards. Remember you have to buy a case/sleeve for it (not mandatory, but recommended)

    Usually the case it's around $49, but you can find it discounted here to $39…

    I had jbhifi price match it and then used my $10 perks voucher to bring it down to $29!

  • These things are great, I love mine. Definitely recommend.

    • +1

      What do you like most about it?

  • +5

    These days every comment is 'i bought this with x% discount and z% cash back and $y off coupon'

    • +3

      I don't mind it at all. It is one of the reasons I posted this. I actually haven't bought this yet, thinking about doing it soon but I'm eager to see if there's an easy way for me to get a coupon/voucher/discounted gift card etc prior to purchase.

    • +5

      This is OzBargain - what do you expect.

      Most of the fun is reading the comments and learning from others and getting tips to save you even more money.

  • Paid full price for mine at launch, best ebook reader I've had.

    • +2

      How does it compare against the kindle paperwhite signature edition?

      • like 100 times better unless you are very into Amazon system and 1,000 books there

        • +1

          Is that just based on the screen?

          • @alkalinity: kobo can download books from your local library directly on the kodo, that's not possible on the kindle.

            • +1

              @tor: Ah got it I just use calibre anyway - thank you

            • @tor: Can use Calibre to do that on Kindle and convert from any format. Do you know if the Kobo supports multiple ebook formats?

              • @dogboy: You can use Calibre to convert and put books on either Kindle or Kobo.
                This is better on Kobo though, because kindle only supports .mobi which has very basic formatting.

                Kobo can do epub, but I found it quite slow turning pages, so I tend to convert to the proprietary kobo format via Calibre.

      • The Kindle is more responsive, software seems better optimized.

        The kobo is better if you like to side-load your own ebooks.

  • Kindle oasis is only 279 during sales

    • +6

      Oasis still uses an old micro usb port. No way I'm keeping a micro usb cable for one device

      • I put a wireless charging receiver on the back of mine for that exact reason

        • +4

          Makes sense, but I'd just prefer my new decives to all be usb c

        • Wow.. where did you buy one for it please.

          • +1

            @FredAstair: Aliexpress, just make sure the usb cord is oriented so you can stick the pad on the back

            • @coxjon: I’m not sure how to make the link work on OzB but just search “Qi Wireless Charging Receiver”

  • love this thing

  • Slowly accepting my paper white is dying. Need to look into this

  • I've never really looked into non-kindle e-readers. Can you read books purchased through Amazon on these devices? If not, where do you buy your ebooks?

    • +3

      You can download all your kindle books and convert for the kobo. But going forward it isn't worth buying from Amazon if you have a Kobo.
      The kobo store is good, and price beats other digital stores. You buy the book you want, then claim the difference back as future credit.

      • This is great advice. Thank you.

        Are you saying that I can just extract the files (using Calibre) from Amazon Kinxle? Reason I ask is I have kept a bunch of free books, plus a few cheap paid books from the Amazon store that I'd love to bring over. Can I do it in bulk? Does it keep formatting retained etc?

        Edit. Just looked and found there's not really a solid way to do in bulk, but apparently using desktop app is better. Just pulled the trigger! Can't wait to get it. Ended up buying from Amazon ironically as I direct from Kobo was going to take too long.

        • +1

          Yeah, using the desktop Kindle app + Calibre + the DeDRM plugin, you can download all your Kindle books, import to Calibre and convert to Kobo format in bulk. It worked last time I did it, but that was a couple of years ago now.

      • -1

        Does Kobo price beat $0 sales

  • +2

    I got it cheaper at JB-HiFi through price matching with some computer store a while ago. Worth going to and do some hunting.

    • Was this during black friday?

  • Tossing up between this and the older Aura. I like the idea of going for the latest one, but don’t expect to use the extra space or the audiobook functions..

  • Anyone speak to the benefits between this or a Kindle?

    • +5

      Kobo uses epub for their ebook format and can happily display pdf as well. Kindle uses Mobi format, exclusive to Amazon. If you're OK with always buying from Amazon then a kindle is great, good product and very handy syncing functions. If you prefer to source your books from elsewhere (including ebooks from your local library) then kobo will suit.

      • +3

        Did you know that Amazon has accepted EPUB files when you upload using the Send to Kindle?

        • +1

          Getting ebooks from the library is very cumbersome on the kindle.

        • I didn't know that, thanks!

      • +3

        Amazon is actually dropping support for mobi books. You can use EPUB books as of about August 2022. However they have to be DRM free EPUB books and when you use send to kindle to get them onto the Kindle, they're converted by Amazon.

        IMHO if you use calibre for your ebooks there's no issue with using non Amazon books on the Kindle.

        One of the benefits of the Kobo Libra 2 compared to say a standard kindle or Paperwhite is the physical buttons. I'm not sure about the newer Paperwhites (mine is a few years old) but the Libra 2 screen can also rotate for landscape reading.

  • +3

    Kobo eReaders allow you to borrow books for free from your local library, via the Overdrive app, you just need your library card number and pin and it's all pretty intuitive.

  • I was hoping there would be a new Kindle Oasis released before Christmas, but that doesn’t look like it’s going to happen.

    How does this compare with the current Oasis?

    • +5

      A few things for me

      Spec wise they seem comparable, maybe slight advantage to kindle, with the exception of USB C.
      Kobo has USB C. Big deal for me.
      Borrow books from library is apparently easy
      Price match on ebooks apparently
      Replaceable parts on Kobo, including the battery. The Oasis and most kindles are made with this internal adhesive on the battery, impossible to replace. So annoying.

  • +3

    benefit of kobo over kindle is you can apply various mods as it isn't locked down.

    reduced wasted space, add fonts, add dictionaries - various other things.

    some people it won't interest, others it will.

  • +1

    Use 92WICKEDWED10 in jbhifi for extra 10% off

    • Thank you!

    • Thanks

  • Any idea on how I can get click and collect.

    I tried but got this message:
    The Customer Direct range is not available in store.

    • don't think you can, because, the customer direct range isn't available in store ;)

      • Ok. Thank you :)
        As post is confusing as it stated ($0 C&C)

        • yeah you are right.
          the post is wrong in that regard.

          you should have ordered yesterday @ JB with 10% off

          • +1

            @bohn: I tested it a few days ago and could Click and Collect. Doesn't work now. Will update post.

  • Does kobo have an app that can load realtime news articles? Or any e ink tablet (bar onyx as has bad ui it seems) does that? I dont want the hassle of needing to use another device to save via pocket

  • -1

    Here A$239.84

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