Destination: San Francisco, Los Angeles & Vancouver
Airline: United Airlines & Air Canada
Valid Departure Dates: January to June 2023
Deal Expiry: Till Sold Out
Cheapest direct flights to Los Angeles & San Francisco seen to date post-covid! - note United Airlines is now aligned with Virgin Australia allowing velocity points to be earned and status to be recognised
Great value to Vancouver direct. In recent times prices have ranged from $1600-$1800 - note flights to Toronto/Montreal can be had for $1600-$1700 odd (no real value there, unfortunately).
However those that are ok with a stopover to Los Angeles. Air Canada has deals around $1100-1200 via Vancouver. Use the multi-city option when searching (May to June)
SAN FRANCISO (Direct with United Airlines)
Melbourne to San Francisco Flights from $1144 Return.
27/Apr - 10/May $1144
22/Feb - 08/Mar $1144
26/Jan - 12/Feb $1144
02/Feb - 20/Feb $1144
02/Mar - 21/Mar $1144
23/Mar - 12/Apr $1144
04/May - 24/May $1144
11/May - 31/May $1144
23/Feb - 15/Mar $1144
19/Apr - 10/May $1144
Brisbane to San Francisco Flights from $1155 Return.
14/Mar - 29/Mar $1155
07/Mar - 22/Mar $1155
06/Jun - 25/Jun $1155
07/Mar - 26/Mar $1155
31/Jan - 19/Feb $1155
07/Feb - 26/Feb $1155
14/Feb - 08/Mar $1155
31/Jan - 26/Feb $1155
14/Feb - 12/Mar $1155
07/Feb - 08/Mar $1155
Sydney to San Francisco Flights from $1198 Return.
07/Feb - 14/Feb $1198
30/Jan - 07/Feb $1198
07/Feb - 15/Feb $1198
01/Feb - 12/Feb $1198
26/Jan - 12/Feb $1198
02/Feb - 20/Feb $1198
02/Mar - 21/Mar $1198
04/May - 24/May $1198
11/May - 31/May $1198
23/Feb - 15/Mar $1198
LOS ANGELES (Direct with United Airlines)
Melbourne to Los Angeles Flights from $1152 Return.
26/Jan - 12/Feb $1152
02/Mar - 21/Mar $1152
23/Feb - 15/Mar $1152
15/May - 05/Jun $1152
26/Apr - 21/May $1176
27/Feb - 06/Mar $1176
26/Apr - 24/May $1176
03/May - 24/May $1176
08/May - 31/May $1176
08/Feb - 15/Feb $1176
Sydney to Los Angeles Flights from $1198 Return.
07/Feb - 14/Feb $1198
07/Feb - 15/Feb $1198
30/Jan - 07/Feb $1198
01/Feb - 12/Feb $1198
26/Jan - 12/Feb $1198
02/Feb - 20/Feb $1198
02/Mar - 21/Mar $1198
04/May - 24/May $1198
11/May - 31/May $1198
30/Jan - 19/Feb $1198
VANCOUVER (Direct with Air Canada)
Sydney to Vancouver Flights from $1387 Return.
25/May - 07/Jun $1387
18/May - 07/Jun $1387
30/May - 19/Jun $1391
06/Jun - 26/Jun $1391
06/Jun - 27/Jun $1391
30/May - 21/Jun $1391
04/May - 18/May $1391
19/Jul - 19/Aug $1438
19/Jun - 29/Jun $1438
18/May - 05/Jun $1438
Brisbane to Vancouver Flights from $1459 Return.
11/May - 29/May $1459
25/May - 07/Jun $1459
08/Jun - 26/Jun $1459
18/May - 07/Jun $1459
23/May - 12/Jun $1459
06/Jun - 26/Jun $1459
11/May - 05/Jun $1459
06/Sep - 02/Oct $1459
12/Jul - 24/Jul $1464
10/Jul - 24/Jul $1464
- Checked baggage, meals and entertainment are included
- Please take into account any vaccine/covid test/insurance requirements when traveling
- Based in Canberra, Flightfinderau is an aggregator of flight prices (like Skyscanner). With any online purchases, do your due diligence!
For this deal and more cheap and great value deals (not just focusing on budget carriers) visit and subscribe to flightfinderau
So happy to finally see some sales in the airline space. May the prices continue to fall!