Anyone else shocked at the amount of food waste you see at restaurants? Regularly see waiters taking back plates that aren't even half eaten (and most of the time, the serves are not THAT big - I have never had a plate with 'too many' chips). It looks so wasteful. First World entitlement. I hope at most places the scraps at least go to compost, and not just straight to the dump.
- have smaller/no breakfast
- order less
- count it as two meals (if you think the restaurant has such large serves)
I'm shocked, but it is a byproduct of our greed. We want to get "value for money", so we get these "OMG! This is so much food for $15! iT'z AmAzEbaLLz!!!1!" then eat 1/2 of it and the rest goes in the trash. But you know, so long as people get their "value" out of it.
If you had to pick between a restaurant that fed you what you could actually consume, and one that gave you 3x time amount that you could consume and waste 2/3rds of it and they were both the same price, you would go to the one that gives you 3x the amount, because you perceive it as "better value".