Do I work with lazy people or is this the norm, third picture has really got me puzzled. Why just why
Do I Work with Lazy People

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Yes, they are lazy
That, or it could be they want to get the hell out of that sh!t hole of a toilet asap.
Why didn't OP fix it? It's seem like it's not their problem either, seems rather ironic?
Who says they didn’t?
I don't know my tick is not that bad, as the currently mounted roll is at least the right way around.
Lemme just heat up some popcorn before comments.
Plot twist, OP works from home.
They are lazy, however you have to be smart yourself. I navigated the floors of the building I work and found a beautiful lot of toilet stalls. Clean, soft paper, soft hand towel paper, ultra violet lights so soothing! I keep that to myself, so whenever I want to release the Ben and Jerries I go to that place of zen!
surely just doing it to trigger you - no one could be that ridiculous to seriously do as per number 3…
As a lefty…. but it does get returned.
I read that as "do a number 3" and wondered what a number 3 could be…
1 + 2.
maybe they had their hands full, doing number 2 + drinking coffee, that's actually the opposite of lazy multitasking non working time
Lazy people are the norm.
You did it didn't you?
Might be lazy people, might be work culture, might be something else.
Re work culture - "The standard you ignore, is the standard you accept"
To be fair if I was going into that toilet I would also try and minimise contact with any surfaces.
You're going to be washing your hands anyway… wash them right?
Why don’t you just wipe your ass with your hands? You’re washing them anyway.
Probably better than the paper provided at some workplaces.
My son doing that too, including put it back snack bag that is emty abck to pantry, I think he does this without thinking, but he is really not lazy (of everything else)
The rule is you dispose of the packaging when you take the second last item, leaving just the item in the pantry.
News to me
If they were my workplace toilets I would be holding on until I got home.
Friggin' disgusting.
Lazy employees are the least of your problem. I'd be on to management to get new cleaners ASAP.
OH&S report needed & BIOHAZARD sticker.
Cleaners don't seem to be included in the payroll of most public or private companies in Australia. The things that we see…
If they were my workplace toilets I would be holding on until I got home.
FFS! Just ask to work from home.
Seriously, what lazy c***s leave TP rolls on the floor!
Some industries you dont have toilets and are 30 klms or more from the nearest dirty public toilet.
One word: Straya!!!!
Not really
It comes from our leaders: Not my job
Albo is too sick to change the toilet rolls this week.
Is he qualified?
He has a PhD in scatology….
I think so. His daily view is across a bit of carpet at a bunch of stupid sh@ts…..
A bidet is not a hose
Who is responsibile for cleaning to bathroom? Could be plenty of reasons staff DGAF.
do you mean people reading and writing now ?
I wouldn't say it's "laziness". I think it's because people don't want to touch what they don't have to in the toilet. Plus it's not their's so they don't care. They probably wouldn't do that at home.
looks like they are pretty lazy, but it is also because they don't like to use the paper from the roller, the person doing this holds the end of the paper with their right hand, then they put their fingers through the middle of the tube and roll it around their right hand then slide it off, making a perfect rolled/folded handful of toilet paper, that is the reason they have gone to the trouble of actually removing it from the roller, putting it on the floor however is gross and unnecessary
So they stick their poo fingers inside the cardboard roll while they unravel it?
no, i think you misunderstand
What's wrong with the first 2 pics, the old roll still have poo tickets on it?
Poo tickets? Bhahaha gold!
Yeah, i thought the first 2 pics were acceptable.
Didnt see anywhere else to put a spare roll.
Pretty standard these days.
If it's not in the Job Description, then it's not your job.
Sometimes its taken a bit too literally though.
So just to clarify, who do you work with? The janitors or the people who use the toilet?
The people I work with. The toilets are cleaned once a week on Saturday.
If you are saying its not their job to clean up, I would have thought it a courtesy to leave the new toilet roll on the holder. I am not the cleaner but I get the rolls from the front of the factory and store them near the toilet and when I notice the roll is getting low put another roll on top of the cistern. They come wrapped in a purple wrapper that I remove to save having to pick that up too.
This just blows my mind, it doesn't make me angry but it mystifies how entitled some people feel.
Thanks to the people who suggested the reason for toilet roll left off the holder might be because they are left handed, I never considered that.Im not left handed i often take it off the roller to get the paper off but i do put it back on the holder.
I've happily put my thumb in the roll for easy dispensing - many wall holders are inconveniently placed
you don't want the roll put down on a dirty floor tho' -
that's a paddlin' -
Photos 1 and 2 are somewhat explainable. Photo 3 is very strange. Would just about be more effort to do that rather than do it properly.
Nah it's the camera distortion it's not that far. Look carefully it's just one tile apart.
the roll could've dropped into the toilet full of piss and hence someone left it on the floor… it's all about context
Without even looking at the pix, I already know the answer. Yes!
Looks like the loo in a couple of dodgy roadhouses I've stopped at.
no brown stuff on the walls - it's like a hospital !
at least they leave you with a roll of tickets and not just a core.
Not my job.
I wasn't hired as the janitorThat bathroom is horrendous…
I worked at a place where your lunch in the fridge always got eaten by others. A colleague got fed up so put a heap of laxatives in his mayonnaise jar and HE ended up getting disciplined by HR lol
I've never understood how some people can just go and eat other people's random food in the fridge. Who knows how hygienic that food is? It could've been leftovers from a family of 10 where everyone's stuck their chopsticks and spoons in there. Or it could've been left out for a few days already and full of harmful bacteria.
Gross.. .
Out of interest, have you ever bought a cake or similar from a cake stall?
I'm sure I have had cake from the stalls in the past.
For me personally, if I was preparing food for lots of people (like at a party), I'd always make sure that I am as clean and hygienic as I can because I wouldn't want anyone to get sick because of me. But if I was making food for myself, I wouldn't really care so much. And that'd be the same if I was going to bring leftover food from home to eat at work. The person randomly taking my food out of the fridge has no idea where that food has been. The extra saltiness could've been from when I scratched my balls while I was cooking .🤣
Maybe he has constipation and needs the laxatives. That's poor on hr to have not dealt with the issue as well tho.
HR probably consumed a lot of the mayonnaise themselves.
Do I work with lazy people
We prefer the more politically-correct term "diligence-challenged".
Lazy and grotty
God,I feel like I need a bath in bleach, followed by an autoclave to dry off after just looking at that.That isn't a bathroom, that's a petri dish incubating bio weapons ingredients.
Ok I'll give a reason for #3, maybe it just fell and the person thought they should leave it there incase anyone wanted it but then at the same time, don't put it on the holder as ppl will assume it's clean. It's interesting that the holder is open in that picture, maybe it was on the holder in the 1st place. Is there something wrong with the holder? That's very unhygienic but where is the spare roll supposed to go?(maybe it was a spare?) Lazy ppl but I know when I've had a workplace with a crappy toilet, you tend to get in and out fast as possible, touch as little as possible and don't give a shit because nobody else does.
More like it fell, bounced a bit and he thought eww, I'm not touching that.
Most people are lazy, feckless and take shortcuts. Wait until you have a new house built and discover all the shortcuts you paid an absolute fortune for.
This is Covid Hotspot.
They are used to their wife doing it for them
The toilets not great but ive been to a lot worst and also turned around and looked for another quite often. 90% of the public are filthy with no idea of hygiene.
Looks like a public toilet of Bunnings
the real lazy ones wont even flush the toilet.
Why is the toilet roll holder all the way back there? Grab a hammer drill and move it forward 500mm so people can access the toilet paper without removing it from the holder.
You work with people who suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
That's not lazy. I once worked at a sports team where the assistant to the travelling secretary had a carpenter build a nap space underneath his office desk! He had a bomb threat called in when he was nearly caught by the boss's grandkids.
Are you talking about George?
OP was supposed to be working but was instead doing a photo shoot of the toilets and creating a forum post calling others lazy.
Same at our work place. I always clean the toilets every day I spray and wipe it. People leave the empty toilet roll and plastic on the shelf never throw it in the bin
It's less laziness and more entitledness.
People think that the effort of swapping over the rolls is not their problem and don't care about the experience or how it will affect the next person. It's all about them and their selfish ways.
The last pic is a clear example. That person got a brand new roll, used it and instead of spending 10 seconds to put it on the rack, they threw it on the floor knowing well that no one else, including themselves would ever use it again. And they just don't care because it's not their problem now. Pure, selfish, cuntery.
Self interest and the all about me attitude in this country is really bad. You can see it at work, at the shops, when people drive. There's no more sense of community or working together, everyone only cares about getting what's theirs regardless of how it can negatively impact others.
Same mentality when it comes to putting dishes in the dishwasher, cleaning up after themselves, not emptying their desk bin etc…. its disgusting behaviour.
Even if there's a cleaner, they're not there 24/7 cleaning up after you.
I hate people
I understand
I don't have to go to work to experience this type of laziness to be fair. My kids are expert at this stuff.
Plot twist: OP is working from home.
Maybe I'm overthinking it but could it be that the previous person was actually being courteous by supplying a new roll instead of leaving the next person literally hanging?
Biggest issue I have at my workplace is people with bad aim or just standing too far from the bowl and one too many shakes to finish off.
When I am in the office it seems to be all about timing. Mid morning can be a hazardous time to visit.
Did you take those pics and make this post during work time?
Because that is lazy.
In before "on my break etc"
This triggers me a lot and my OCd goes through the roof. If only I could catch those lazy workers and punish them. Cleaners don't come in until end of day or week, these entitled lazy people leave the work for people like us.
Wouldn't even touch the flush button there.
What you're seeing in the pics above are manboys whom have wives/girlfriends change the roll for them. Worked in a recycling centre in a semi-rural industrial area where there was one shitter for the staff & public (no cleaner employed). The scrapies in bowl looked like medical episodes, the slosh stains on the walls were works of art. Just went in there one day and spent about 3 hours cleaning it 'my way'. Cistern in pieces, toilet seat removed, and a ton of scrubbing by hand with all sorts of cleaning agents.
After that, made the boss call in the Septic pumper to empty out the system. Should've seen all the staff who use to 'save it up' or sneak home suddenly, start admiring my handy work & using the shitter like it was brand new.
For a laugh get some nutella and smear it 3cm inside the roll that is sitting on top.
Hopefully it will wake some people up to the hygiene issue with this setup.
non meum officium.
Could be worse, like the toilets at Lambs on Lygon… (profanity) me was that an eye opener.
Now, did you remedy these after noticing by placing them in the holders?… be honest…..
This needs a poll.
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Yes, they are lazy