3 x $50 per child to spend on school uniform, books etc. NSW only.
Application for the vouchers will open in December 2022.
3 x $50 per child to spend on school uniform, books etc. NSW only.
Application for the vouchers will open in December 2022.
I cannot locate it either
still on maintenance. Back on Monday maybe
If you click the "program guidelines", it tells you more.
Its open now
You can apply via service nsw but not there yet.
When will it be ready?
Not available to apply yet
what's the price of school uniforms nowadays? my neighbour was saying it can hardly buy half a set.
Skorts (new style) $18-00
Shorts (new style) $15-00
Unisex Shorts $13-00
Polo Shirt $20-00
Jacket $35-00
Hat $12-00
Library Bag $10-00
Aboriginal Design Polo $45
From my local primary school
Pretty decent really
That's way cheaper than I've come across in SA
for nsw local catholic, mines is double those prices
150 is better than nothing!
My Sydney surburban public school prices are almost double that for uniform clothing with the offical school logo embroidered on it.
If I get generic clothing items that match the colours but without school logo, it will be similar to the above prices.
is that public/private/etc?
i wonder if there's a big difference in those fees…
neighbours saying a single jacket is around $180
I think that sounds like private schools. Some of my godchildren go to private school and they have to buy only from a specific shop (run by the school) at exorbitant prices.
What justifies the 25$ premium for the aboriginal polo vs vanilla polo?
Money goes back to the local artist that did the design and its optional to wear on Friday. It's really nice & made locally.
That's considered cheap. College uniform would be $1k just for summer set.
Mine one is three times dearer
Tell you neighbour Karen to keep working if she thinks $50 can hardly buy half a set.
Its a true for first year high school kid. My daughter cost about $400 in uniforms - 2xdress ($70 each), jumper $75 etc. But in saying that the $150 will buy come in very handly as will pay for 2 new dresses!
A single set back when I was in high school (and it wasn't a private school) not too long ago was easily $200+, and students were also required to buy a sports uniform for another 100, and summer uniform for terms 1 and 4 for about $150. Obviously 50 x 3 goes a long way but the neighbour is hardly wrong.
Local public high school: Trousers $50, Shorts $40, Short sleeve shirts $37, Girls skirt $60, Tracksuit $112, etc. I priced up the boys summer uniform to $160, and the winter uniform to about $270. And that's just for one shirt etc, which isn't realistic.
It's not to buy a whole uniform, it's to go towards it, or, other items which may benefit their education such as books etc. What is the problem? It's free vouchers and $150 which you would never have had originally?
People aren't complaining about the initiative, theyre complaining about the price of school uniforms, which have risen to a crazy amount and even after the initiative are still ridiculous. Reading comprehension levels sure have gone downhill these days.
@Fesnyng: exactly that.
i wonder if the price disparity can be addressed if all parents just disclose their uniforms prices on one site…
most of the time it's pretty much the same material but with a different school badge on it.
But it's $150 towards one, which they didn't have before. I bloody hate people who criticise any initiative just because it doesn't suit their narrative. It's so ignorant.
"I hate people that don't agree with me"
Well said….. Not ignorant at all.
But it's $150 towards one, which they didn't have before
All these vouchers that the NSW government has come up with are an incredibly inefficient way to redistribute wealth. It's the equivalent of Donald Trump signing stimulus cheques to make his name more visible. I'm surprised Perrottet didn't include his face on the marketing materials.
Obviously its vote buying as nsw state election is coming up Mar2023
i love people who get triggered by the wrong things thinking they have a soapbox to push their own narrative.
read it properly.
its not a statement, it's a question, asking if there is a mismatch of actual cost of school vs what government is seeing, or is there a greater problem of price disparity among similar quality goods with just different badges on it.
sure go ahead, bloody hate people, i think you have other things bigger to worry about
If you buy everything from the official uniform shop, yes it's barely enough for a skirt or pair of pants.
Get the school branded stuff from PSW or whatever the uniform shop is. The basics like shorts, skirts, track pants etc get from Kmart and cost 1/3 of the price.
This does't work in high school though! My daughter's highschool demands every thing be from the uniform shop as the kids need to be looking absolutely perfect every day for the schools reputation lol.. It is one of the best public high schools in nsw so we oblige! One jumper was $80 the skirt was $70, the tunics were upwards of $90…one pair of socks $15. I have spent more than $500 on buying the summer / winter / sports uniforms / bag etc somewhere closer to $800 I'm sure. Anyway it's not like you need to purchase the uniform every single year so its fine but the initial expense may make you cry lol
@Willy Beamish: When did I say my kids are other people's responsibility? Where did I even complain about paying for my own kids uniform? I have 2 more kids besides her & I pay for their uniforms too! and school fees! Wow! Try to leave a more use full and well thought out comment next time lol
My school is similar, except they have a P&C 2nd-hand shop, with plenty of stock in excellent condition.
The only problem is when the school changes the uniform :-(
The higher end schools will probably do this because they know people are willing to pay to go to those schools, so its a choice really. Alot of public schools arent like that.
Works fine for me, only bought the school embroided shirt and socks.
Tell your neighbor not to apply for the voucher and pretend it never existed so she won’t complain
I bet you don’t have kids
I do actually.
The govt is in deep sh!t financially, and they don't stop distributing money! First the Dine and Discover vouchers (which I admit was a good idea at that time to help stimulate the economy and help the poor hospitality owners who were hugely affected due to lockdowns etc) , then the parents vouchers, stay vouchers (which btw was a joke! $50?!!), and I think there's been a few more, then this!
People need to stop thinking that this is free money. You will pay for it one way or the other!
Yes exactly, theres been heaps but there are some people who just think "free money for me" and are happy with it, and then complain if anyone else says anything different.
Stop investing on the future of the country aye?
Lol game set match
Ha! Thanks for stalking.
Yes, I sold them be ause the $50 was a total joke. What can you get for $50?!
Btw totally can spin a profit off these too, but that's besides my point.
Dom perrottet has seven children. he should be investigated by icac
Seven! He must be rorting the system with $1050…. not really
its an election year coming, watch them splash yhe cash for votes. scomo tactic
I know this is a statement of fact but it still made me laugh out loud.
i think his wife should be the premier instead.
managing 7 kids… ffs. managing the children in parliament would be a breeze.
8 kids if you include the premier.
They have a nanny obviously and she works part time. Google her she sounds great compared to him
He is probably good for that only
And the school aged ones attend private schools, of course….
more wasted money
I bet you don’t have kids
Even if he did, it would be his responsibility to provide adequate clothing etc for his child's school not the government's.
Yeah but it's happening whether you like it or not, so I choose to be happy. Can't satisfy everyone 🤷♂️
Why do we pay such high taxes?
welcome to modern civilisation, if you are unhappy with the functions of society, there are plenty of other options to pick from.
i'm sure you could find countries that don't give a damn about children welfare. right?
Come on now, these kids are going to grow up and pay the taxes that will support the government services you will need in retirement.
Wondering when next election will be??
But its good one back to school vouchers
March 2023
Not soon enough
Of course, anything to benefit Dominic Perrottet and his 10 kids.
Pull out game weak
Catholic I think you will find
Nothing in the app.
I bet you don’t have kids
Whatever fool I have 3 kids.
How many mums?
Typical Liberal scum right before an election. NSW LNP are a rabble of a government
Username checks out
The big build will set us up for decades. Dan is doing the work that no premier has done in decades and creating jobs and prosperity for the years to come.
You can sit and whinge but Dan gets things done.
The use of the word 'dictator' indicates you are an uneducated zealot.
NSW has new airport, Metro, a few new motorway, light rail, etc.
@Arch9896: Hasn't the light rail had lots of controversy and been plagued by issues?
The NSW government rejected the advice given to them to delay the project
@Arch9896: NSW gave away pretty much all of that to private companies. Sydney airport is a farce since it got privatised. M4 and M5 have tolls again when they didnt previously….
Anyone numpty can get things done when you throw money at it. Money that you don't have.
Again, highest reordered debt.
@COVID-19: Keep watching Sky News and reading the Herald Sun, little man.
Clearly most Victorians aren't subscribing to the same dribble you are.
Maybe the people should vote him out?
Agree, it should be means tested for people that actually need it, not people that can easily afford it but want a handout anyway.
Currently in internal testing, watch the website for go live dates and please do not bombard them with emails or calls asking when it's live, it will be posted online on the service nsw website when it is available. If it's listed on news sites saying apply now and not the snsw website then the news is wrong as usual.
This is exactly right, it should be means tested.
But all ozbargainers dont have kids
You Ozbargainers are all earning $200,000 a year
people earning $1 a year are the real upper middle class.
if you have no idea what i'm saying, you definitely have no idea.
tax avoidance
Lol. You have to remember, people on $200k a year also pay about $75k in tax assuming they don't dodge it. They are basically paying true welfare to most low income earners as a result.
Having $150 of this come back into their pockets - basically not them, but their kids: is that really "not fair"?
Pfffff $50 wouldn't even cover my weekly tolls. The shameful out of date NSW government has no idea what things cost.
They are running toll rebate this year
Yip, that’ll save me $300 a year. Too bad i’m still $2600 out of pocket, thanks Mr Perrotet.
I hope u get more than $300.
"Eligible motorists who spend more than $375 a year on tolls, will receive a 40% rebate up to $750 a year."
Thanks Mr Perrottet
Or they could give you nothing?
give an (profanity) $1 and he/she wants $100
I can’t find the Apply button