TGG has put the item on clearance! Grab it at $295
Apple Watch SE GPS + Cellular 40mm Space Grey Aluminium Case with Midnight Sport Band
Looks like Harvey Norman also had the same a few days back -
TGG has put the item on clearance! Grab it at $295
Apple Watch SE GPS + Cellular 40mm Space Grey Aluminium Case with Midnight Sport Band
Looks like Harvey Norman also had the same a few days back -
Free Apple Watch!!
price in title please OP
Which year is this model
Noob poster apologies, updated with Price info
Probably not significant to potential buyers, but this is recent news:
Apple Watch Series 2 Marked as Vintage
The vintage products list features devices that Apple stopped distributing for sale more than five years ago and less than seven years ago. Apple provides service and parts for vintage devices for up to 7 years, or as required by law, but repairs are subject to parts availability.
Both the original Apple Watch and the Apple Watch Series 2 are considered vintage, with the Series 2 having come out in 2016.…
SE is a 2020 model that is similar to a Series 5.
But this is Apple Watch SE, not a series 2 tho???
Upvoting you as you were just trying to help, but the point has been clarified elsewhere. These watches are very much current (using one now).
Heads up the new watch OS (whilst a lot better than the last OS in terms of usability) has not been kind to my SE 1’s battery, 85% battery health and we’re suddenly near death around bed time. it makes the day, but only just.
Ouch…I’m finishing my day on around 55-60% with the latest OS (7am-11pm) and 87% battery health. Could need a reset?
try resetting, my series 4 was having battery issues and a reset fixed it
Mine are still strong, around 50% at the end of the day. 2020 model.
Bought my partner an se series 1 44mm for $135 used on ebay. Was in almost perfect condition, can't stomach paying $295 on clearance, I'm stingy but 🤣 you do run the risk of no warranty etc but never had a problem with any second hand tech i buy.
I would call you more of a fool than stingy.
This made me laugh!!
Not sure why you think this makes me a fool? Paying for over priced tech because of a brand name seems foolish to me.
Wish I had balls to buy second hand tech, we need a lot more people doing it to reduce waste.
@Deals For Days: I understand why people hesitate to buy second hand tech but i have bought and resold a shit ton of phones and also tons of other things for myself and friends/family with never any fault or complaints. 9 times out of 10 you can get almost new or new stuff just because people change their mind or get gifts they don't want.
@JeBs: They're on par with any other new purchase aside from being a "used item".
i never gloated at all? I just simply stated i got it a hell of a lot cheaper second hand and couldn't justify the price new? Never also said i recommend everyone should do that. If 1 purchase fails on me and i lose money then i would still be miles ahead on money saved from the other purchases.
@JeBs: Man you're just going on a wild goose chase now. I said that specific product(maybe a few other certain one's) is overpriced for what it is. This is all opinionated and may not be overpriced for you.
@JeBs: Your arguement is stupid. You’re debating new vs used by comparing a Ferrari with a Ford. I get that your comment relates to brands but your analogy is really far fetched.
Have you ever bought a used car? By your comments, I assume you havent, in which case congratulations on your privilege while the other “fools” try to save a few bucks where they can.
God forbid you’d have to stoop so low, but hypothetically, if you were to buy a used car, wouldnt you assess the condition of that Ferrari and also the seller? Its only pot luck if the buyer is an idiot, a predicament you never have to face as you buy everything brand new.
I wouldn’t call a watch with a phone built in $295 overpriced. It’s amazing what we take for granted now days, dick tracy tech for next to nothing
@UberIsCool: I agree that for your money these days tech has come very far, i just meant that in my opinion that product is overpriced compared to samsung watches and other brands. Apple in general just overprice their new products with little upgrades just because of their brand and ecosystem which has people hooked in to having to keep buying apple. Dont get me wrong i own both apple and android things(second hand 😉) but i just can't personally justify their prices in most cases.
@Shanetrain: That because apple is a higher quality and their R&D patents etc are unique, like canon cameras compared to other brands. You’ll pay higher price for better quality. It cheap to copy other brands designs
@UberIsCool: Hmmm to a certain extent, there is little difference between samsung watches and apple watches, mostly OS and interface. The iphone 14 is also almost identical to the iphone 13, apple are just slapping together "new products" with one tiny upgrade or feature and calling it visionary. Just my opinion, they're good phones and their ecosystem works well but the old "higher price for better quality" is sometimes a sham.
Razer for instance, also has absurdly expensive laptops but they're subpar compared to other competitors laptops in build quality, price and for gaming.
@Shanetrain: Apple use high end aluminium vs cheap moulded plastic for most of their items and their patents date back to Steve Jobs and Johnny Ive days but yeah their latest stuff is just small changes based off award winning original designs. be interesting to see if their AR device looks any different than an Oculus Quest.
@UberIsCool: Patents and high end aluminium unfortunately don't mean much when the actual tech itself is either outdated or hardly changed. Don't get me wrong i see why people are into them and their cameras are crazy good, just not good enough in other areas for me personally.
@Shanetrain: I wouldn't call 1. A two year product outdated and 2. From $499 to $295 is almost a 50% discount of an Apple product is almost unheard of. And far as new phones are concerned, what else can you do? competitors aren't doing anything other than folding devices that break or show screen fold wear. No one has brought out anything revolutionary/holograms, etc.
@UberIsCool: I said outdated or hardly changed which stands for majority of their products. Apple rarely ever discount their products because they know customers are stuck with them and tied to their brand.
I have a z fold 3 and it has no issues at all, no breaks, cracks or fold wear. Innovative tech which is something apple has rarely produced, hence why i said i personally wouldn't ever buy their products full price.
@Shanetrain: "Innovative tech which is something apple has rarely produced" WHAT? Mac, iPod, Firewire/Lightning, iPhone, iPad, Coloured iMacs, MacBook Air, Apple Watch, AirPods, the App Store….
@UberIsCool: Majority of those things are also produced by android companies also.
The z fold 3 has rarely had issues with cracking, breaks etc. Of course there is some but that happens with all new releases of tech especially one this advanced. Had mine for a year and no issues whatsoever and there is definitely plenty of benefit such as note taking, watching videos, can be used as a kindle and even a lot of doctors have been know to use them.
@Shanetrain: Also all folding phones crease/break/crack, until they sort that out it's just novelty without any real benefit
@UberIsCool: Anyhow lets just agree to disagree mate, most of this is all opinionated, like i said earlier apple stuff especially full price just isn't for me. What others want to pay for that's up to them
I assume they were calling you a fool because of buying your partner a second hand item - grounds for divorce in some households haha.
@Dogsrule: Nah, that kid either grew up in a wealthy neighbourhood or is just not savvy enough to find a reliable seller with a bargain.
I wouldn't get a watch off Gumtree unless I met the seller in person. I could trust a person on ebay in certain citcumstances.
Calling people "fool" for being resourceful is awkward, to say the least. Continuing a debate to defend a self-righteous stance like that person is just being a pain. Like, we get it - you have heaps of dough, you don't deal with ebay, good on you.
@pizzaguy: Couldn't agree more! Ebay also has money back guarantee which i have used and works fine. Only downside is a week or two to get the money back, which if you have no money left or extra income may be risky.
@pizzaguy: Oh wow well that's ridiculous, imagine calling somebody stupid for being thrifty and seeking out bargains 🙄
@Dogsrule: She actually loved the watch haha! Was going to resell it but she tried it on and loves it so i let her have it since i got it way cheap past retail value. She is slowly becoming less hesitant on second hand buys.
@Shanetrain: That's great to hear, you get to save money, make her happy and reduce consumption all in one go, nicely done!
@Shanetrain: I think the ‘fool’ accusation originally made against you was for buying 2nd hand stuff for partners generally.
… this is seen by many as risky or living dangerously. (As your partner may view it as a slight).
However, it really does depend upon one’s partner. And of course one’s relationship.
@Eeples: Definitely wasn't the case, if you read his second reply he implied i was a fool for "gloating about success" when i never did. Just stated i got one super cheap second hand and i personally don't pay full price for most things(especially apple).
“Second” “hand” tech - you forgot the unintended puns tag
Without the tag it means they were truly unintended.
Battery Gone
With the commbank cashback (targeted?), bring it down to $265
Any 44 deals?
Better than HN deal as this is GPS+Cellular
Best just to buy the latest SE minimum.
Sure. $295?
If a hot tub and apple watch doesn't get me laid on Xmas I'm leaving my wife
My wife has this exact model in gold. Paid $499 2 years ago. Still going strong. As is the watch.
How much did you pay for the watch?
I thought your comment said how much did you pay for your wife
You got a ticking deal
This is why you don't get married folks, there are cheaper ways to get laid
G-shock would be better
Kraft's Mac n Cheese would be better.
All depends on the context.
Is there a prepaid plan that you can use for this?
It’s an extra $5 as I recall on Telstra or Optus or Vodafone monthly subscriptions.
Not available prepaid or other services. I suspect that is a Telstra/Optus/voda thing.
Truth setting up an eSIM on the watch isn’t really necessary if you are never more than a 100 feet from your iPhone (even the ones without cellular) as the call can be routed through the phone, but it really is a nice have at this price and if you already are on One of those three carriers…
Buy the watch, hold it for 20 years and put it up for auction.
So how does this cellular work then do you need a sim for it?
I own a iPhone which obviously has a sim with boost so I’m not sure how this works with these watches.
you need to tack on an eSim to a plan. Boost dont offer it AFAIK.
So with myself being with boost how does one use same sim network ie if someone was trying to call me and I never had my phone it would call the watch or is this not possible.
I’m not even sure i maybe right but if this was non cellular watch and I had phone near then get the calls on watch.
So are you saying I need a different network to use the watch? And does watch take a sim I assume so
Telstra/Optus/Vodafone only. I guess those three don’t want that feature to be available to the MVNOs.
So with myself being with boost how does one use same sim network ie if someone was trying to call me and I never had my phone it would call the watch or is this not possible.
In your prescribed situation where you are on boost, its not possible to receive calls on the watch if its not connected to your phone.
I’m not even sure i maybe right but if this was non cellular watch and I had phone near then get the calls on watch.
Correct, for the non-cellular variant of the watch, calls would also be announced on the watch if it is in range/connected to the iPhone.
So are you saying I need a different network to use the watch? And does watch take a sim I assume so
No, the watch doesnt take a physical sim. One you have an eSim service, you simply configure/set up in the Watch app on the iPhone.
Yes, like entropysbane said, Telstra, Optus and Vodaphone all offer eSims. I pay an extra $5 per month on top of my plan for the eSim for my Apple Watch.
@Neilzy: But boost is part of Telstra and they use Telstra.
I do have an older iPhone SE not that it makes any difference but surely if them providers offer esim boost would.
Does your phone need to be duel sim? Or do you swap your sim for an esim.
The reason I got this phone was for the cellular part of it as I was told you don’t need to have your phone with you and can receive txt and calls on phone.
It might sound crazy but I purchased the non cellular apple 2021 from Harvey Norman as it was the 44mm model but I was not 100% keen on the strap colour.
I can still return it and when I seen this cellular edition I also purchased it yes I might keep both or return other.
But as this was cellular edition I went for it but it seems by what I’m told the cellular part of this is no good as boost don’t have esim?
So what’s the point in the cellular on this model for me.
@bwatt72: Boost is not part of Telstra, they just use the Telstra network. I dont know if they offer an eSim or not. Googles says they dont.
No. your phone does not need to be dual sim for you to use the Watch SE. Both phone and watch require their own Sim. The iPhone SE can be used with a nano physical sim OR an eSim. the Watch SE in this post only has provisions for an eSim.
TL:DR If Boost dont offer an eSim, then this Watch SE wont work for you as a standalone without your phone.
@Neilzy: I already purchased the phone and the reason was for cellular.
My boost plan is up in about 3 weeks or less which I have been using for several years now cause it was cheap and used Telstra.
But it’s not so cheap these days but I’m sure cheaper than Telstra.
So is there such thing as esim plans? I rather I had one paid upfront for the year and I would want to use my same number.
By sounds of it until boost take out there esim I might need to go Telstra this time.
Do Telstra do deals esim deals for 12 months?
Sometimes I wonder if the watch is worth it, yes I can use the watch to get txt and make calls but the objective of the cellular was to if I wanted leave the phone behind or at home at times and use the watch.
I can return the watch as I did get the none cellular one prior but could not resist the cellular on this one but it seems to be not compatible with boost who I’m with which is annoying.
you need an esim. Boost currently doesn't have the option of esims.
no won't work with cheap arse phone carriers, cough up for a real one lol
I bought of aliexpress, ZD8 Ultra MAX for $60 delivered (fast too) and its a Apple iWatch Ultra clone 1:1 ~ Now i the software is ok, does heart ecg, bp and rate. Lots of sport modes, 500 free watch faces and it fits all apple bands like the genuine article. Made from Titanium, its light and strong too! Cost again $60 and its battery is good for almost all day constant use (died near midnight on me but like I said, I listen to podcasts on it for hours a day)
I see it has the ability to be updated so Im just hoping the animations get some love and imporovment but damn for $60 why would you spend more as no one would guess its not the real thing and it makes you think, if a clone can get this good this fast and for so little in china, how much markup is apple-tax taking out of your wallet for the $1300 real thing! BTW: Unless you dive with your watch, Id go the ZD8 Ultra MAX any day as its just GOOD ENOUGH
It doesnt have cellular right?
This is crazy. you can see what the apple's margin are on these devices.
I like Apple stuff and this is a good alternative. But I’m assuming you don’t get the Apple software which means you can’t load on the App Store apps or receive the same notifications. Someone has to help pay for all that infrastructure to deliver these quality of life features.
For what you can get for $60 is pretty amazing these days.
Idk man, like most people I buy Apple products for the software that comes with them, not for the appearance.
I expect at a max it is Android wear OS. Which has been a bit of a dog compared with Apple or Samsung watches. Not sure about the latest pixel phone.
I also find it hard to believe actual titanium and sapphire face at that price.
It doesn’t even actually measure your heart rate, it doesn’t even make a sound to find your phone when connected for calls (hint: Apple Watch always has that on) and the UI is trash, trash, trash. The battery life is literally like three hours screen on verses 20+, not to mention the myriads and myriads of things missing like GPS, cellular etc.
If you look at the activity log the Apple Watch keeps you will understand: it’s overkill and you absolutely get what you pay for and more.
You have a different model, this has real BP and heart monitor. Other clones don’t
Battery life is amazing. 380mh all day use
No cellular but you can make calls via BT
Can stack with $30 off $300 spend with commbank if you find something for $5
I did this, picked a $5 iPhone case.
Ultra is the go, the rest are just toys.
Not sure why you are -. I have the Ultra and has been the best watch I have owned.
Those- are just jealous
Nah we just like our money this is ozbargain after all! Clearly you DO NOT!
What I spend on something I use, you probably spend it on deals of no use.
Smart watches are gimmicks at best! But continue spending hard earned cash on the "bleeding tech"!
Hahaha yup and I’ll continue to spend my money on stuff I like. Feels good to as well:)