• long running

Free Instant Credit Score Check (Experian) @ Commonwealth Bank Mobile Banking App or Net Banking (CBA Customers Only)


I just noticed now CBA App is facilitating free instant self credit checks. Log into the App, and click on your profile, next to the tiles for personal details , tax file numbers is the credit score tile.

I tried from their mobile banking app and also Net Banking. Both worked. One needs to log in to Net banking to be able to access this for free. The credit check service provider is Credit Savvy/ Experian. I did a test run. It actually reports down to every credit account and their monthly payment histories, in arrears, paid on time, paid in full, etc.

Anyone can request their own credit scores from any of the credit check services like DNB, Experian. However, you need to write to them via their web portal and they will mail out the report. For the instant service their used to be a fee charged. Looks like this is free via CBA. I had signed up with Credit Savvy few years back, which emails me a monthly report and occasional spam marketing emails. Although, these do not have the detail anywhere near I found via the CBA-Experian link. This is really unnerving to know how much history is collected to make a credit decision.

There could be other avenues of getting this for free, probably if more of us would try other possible sources, we can build up a OzB Wiki on this. Tried Westpac, nothing came up. Credit score checks have particularly become relevant with the spate of data thefts.

If you are not a CBA customer you can open an account. You will not have any fees if you deposit at least $2000 every month. My salary goes in and instant out to another bank, and have operated the account fee free. Although I have other products which cost me an arm and a leg which is why I have kept the account.

UPDATE: Members are reporting that similar instant report is now available from Equifax, Credit Savvy/Experian directly too. However, one member has reported that they will ask for your drivers license data. Any free access to your credit score to me is good. But for CBA customers, this service did not ask me for drivers license. At the moments this is most convenient if you are a CBA customer. However, please feel free to explore other options and post your comments to help non-CBA customers too.

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      • +1

        Me too. I was wondering, what is going on with this post and why are people starting to comment after a year. Looks like this is auto reposted as a popular deal.

  • Yep was confused on the date of this. It was always a pointless offer as all they do is send your details to CreditSavvy which is free anyway and you could just go direct to them.

  • Never have had any credit yet I sit at 792.
    How come do I lose points by sleeping?

    • Sorry for the late reply but i think you start somewhere in the middle then either go up (if you take up loans and credit cards and pay on time) or down (if you don't pay up)

  • I'm using clearscore app on android for free as well. Gives credit score report every month.

  • For those who use Clear Score, you can actually check your credit scores from 2 different credit bureaus which are illion (i have 804) and Experian (830). For Equifax then you can try Get Credit Score ( mine 851).

  • yay 881
    anyone got 1000 yet?

    • Just checked since last time, im still on 999.

      • wow
        do you even Credit‽

  • Took 3 hours for me to get a report from Experian

    This is hardly a notable deal from CBA.

  • What is this "Access Seeker" appointment for Credit Savvy. Why can't I check without appointing them as Access Seeker. Is this a permanent appointment or a one time appointment? As Access Seeker can they check my file regularly without my knowledge for harvesting data and keeping copies (which can get hacked at a later date). So many questions, not enough answers.

  • Is there credit check

  • +1

    972 for me with a steady income and then we have chokers like ANZ and AMEX that turn away customers like me.

    • +1

      Oh, I got turned back for a 200k mortgage from one of the banks because my credit score which is over 900, they rejected me on the basis I rarely apply for anything. The only thing that came up on my credit report in the last 5 years was 1 x ING credit card at 2k limit, ZIP and Circles Life post-paid plan. Apparently this is a red flag…. WTF

  • +1

    Why would you want to do this via CBA - from my understanding checking your credit profile requires consent - and this is essentially providing them the consent to get your credit details. So now CBA has a credit profile on you (Unless of course by having CBA services you have already consented to CBA checking your credit history).

    If DBA, Experian, Equifax already has free service - they why not use those services instead of going through a middle man and giving them access to your credit profile ?

  • Using the RateCity app, is one of the easiest ways to keep track of your credit score at Equifax and Experian. App is free, service is free. (I like free stuff…)

    Rate city is also a great app if you are looking for guidance on refinancing your home loan, or any other kind of loan for that matter.

  • Wisr.com.au shows both Equifax and Experian credit reports for free.

  • You have been banned from voting comments in this node

  • -1


  • 882 💪
    With 3 credit cards and 2 home loans.

  • We have a virtual hardware monopoly.
    Shall we have a bank monopoly?

  • I do not have the App - How can I find my credit score using Netbanking?
    I login to Netbanking, I go to Settings, Profile, My details then I get the following underneath: My contact details, Check & confirm ID. Tax file number. Online activity, Support for financial difficulty, Citizenship, residency & tax residency, Benefits finder, Business details.
    Where can I see the credit scoring?

  • I use ClearScore. They provide scores from illion and Experian and also give monthly reports and notifications if there are new checks or changes in the score or report which I really like.

    Strangely though, for this month illion shows my score increased by 59 to 891 and Experian is no change at 788. Not sure what to believe.

    • Using ClearScore as well, the app is quite handy.
      My illion score suddenly increased by 58 this month and I am on 1,000 right now, Experian score instead decreased by 33 to 876 in the same period.

      It’s very hard to understand how all these numbers are calculated, since I haven’t changed anything in terms of credit or enquiries for at least the last 12 months.

  • Been with CBA forever… Getting constantly asked to KYC…

    Why now after all these years?

  • I want to know, I'm very curious to know my scrore… but I don't actually need to know, and I don't want to share my data between Credit Savy <-> Experian.

    I'll pass again.

    • Thanks for letting us know!

  • 869 Excellent representing

    • wow I only have 800 apparently thats better than most people in Queensland lol

  • -1

    400s..not bad, given a few missed payments n one account with the debt collector.

  • +1

    didn't realize it is on CBA app. quite handy to access credit score or really check the credit history to see if there is any potential stolen identity activity going on.

  • I have a mortgage with Bankwest and it says that I missed 5 consecutive months in 2023/24 which I definitely didn't. Which looks like it has dropped my score to ~720. Why would that be and should I do something about it?

    • Yes you definitely should do something about it.

      • How should I go about it?

        • Wherever you are checking your credit there is a place you can submit a query. You most likely will need documentation from the Bank or your records. I have never had to do this but should not be difficult and it’s free. Worth pursuing if you ever want to get a loan or a new CC. Perhaps others can comment from personal experience.

  • you can get credit checks from many sites why would these guys be any different lol.

    • They provide a direct copy of the report, not just summarised data + score pulled from report I believe.

      IE you're seeing what the bank itself sees.

      • interesting.. So this doesn't hurt you credit score when you check it though with this?

        • Find out when he replies in 6 months

  • It has been a long time. I frequently do that though it is not accurate like equifax 🙂

  • Should always be free (and is in many places)

  • I recently applied Westpac Qantas Platinum card and got rejected - when I checked my credit score via cba app the score is 867.
    I wonder if anyone experiences similar situation, and is it normal? what do you suggest? TIA

  • Seems that mobile or utilities aren't listed on there, not sure why?

    Also does anyone have any advice on the best way to put a ‘credit lock’ in place?

  • You can get a free credit check with the Savvy app, nil CBA customer requirement.

    1. Not bad for a fella with 400k or so of debt..
    • +1

      They love people in debt. I have a score of 852 and have paid off my home (never a late payment) and my credit card balance is paid off in full each month.

  • Nah, free but at what cost? Need to give them too much info, and god know what will happen in the next breach.

  • I think I feel better, having learnt about this offer.

    We have a mortgage, no other plans/debts, and no want/need to know our apparent score. Just pay that bastard down as fast as we can, and finally sleep easy one day

  • Gotta be bonus points if you miss a repayment but pay it back often straight away, more $$$ for the bank. Impacts your credit score at face value, but shows you can reliably pay it back just late with a nice fat interest payment on top

  • 899

    • Home paid off, no debt and always paid CC balance in full each month.

      I did cancel my 28 degrees recently and other credit cards over the years, perhaps that knocked off some points.

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