I just noticed now CBA App is facilitating free instant self credit checks. Log into the App, and click on your profile, next to the tiles for personal details , tax file numbers is the credit score tile.
I tried from their mobile banking app and also Net Banking. Both worked. One needs to log in to Net banking to be able to access this for free. The credit check service provider is Credit Savvy/ Experian. I did a test run. It actually reports down to every credit account and their monthly payment histories, in arrears, paid on time, paid in full, etc.
Anyone can request their own credit scores from any of the credit check services like DNB, Experian. However, you need to write to them via their web portal and they will mail out the report. For the instant service their used to be a fee charged. Looks like this is free via CBA. I had signed up with Credit Savvy few years back, which emails me a monthly report and occasional spam marketing emails. Although, these do not have the detail anywhere near I found via the CBA-Experian link. This is really unnerving to know how much history is collected to make a credit decision.
There could be other avenues of getting this for free, probably if more of us would try other possible sources, we can build up a OzB Wiki on this. Tried Westpac, nothing came up. Credit score checks have particularly become relevant with the spate of data thefts.
If you are not a CBA customer you can open an account. You will not have any fees if you deposit at least $2000 every month. My salary goes in and instant out to another bank, and have operated the account fee free. Although I have other products which cost me an arm and a leg which is why I have kept the account.
UPDATE: Members are reporting that similar instant report is now available from Equifax, Credit Savvy/Experian directly too. However, one member has reported that they will ask for your drivers license data. Any free access to your credit score to me is good. But for CBA customers, this service did not ask me for drivers license. At the moments this is most convenient if you are a CBA customer. However, please feel free to explore other options and post your comments to help non-CBA customers too.
Me too. I was wondering, what is going on with this post and why are people starting to comment after a year. Looks like this is auto reposted as a popular deal.