A friend saw this on a street advertising billboard in Sydney.
I couldn't find any website that clearly offered this price so I assume it is the price when you go through the sign up process. Codes thanks to Doweyy.
Use code 'hd2022' for new user
Use code 'upgrade2022nov' for expired/trial user
New code 'wb2022nov' apparently is added automatically for expired user.
Last few deals I found here were half price for only 3 months. This one is 12 months. Works out to be $3.75 per month.
Ends cyber Monday. Altho from the sound of the coupons they don't seem cyber monday specific, I wonder if they will work after this date. Will check after expiry and update.
Edit: a coupon code is needed, added to title thanks to [doweyy].
Edit Edit: some people reporting they didn't need the code.
Edit Edit Edit: new code apparently works for new users added. Thanks again to [doweyy]
Edit Edit Edit Edit: new code added but apparently it is automatically applied for some people.
Confirmed as a trial expired user.
Confirmed for past subscribed user with code thru cart.
Confirmed for past subscribed user that use the app without code.
Confirmed for users coming across to Paramount from Prime.
Confirmed for some new users with new code.
Confirmed for some users without needing to enter code, 'wb2022nov' was applied automatically for expired user.
Note: Android Paramount Plus app doesn't take coupon as purchase takes you back to Playstore instead of Paramount site. Suggest you try browser instead.
$6 or nothing. If you know you know