This was posted 2 years 3 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

KitchenAid KSM160 Artisan Stand Mixer $399.98 Delivered @ Costco (Membership Required)


Lowest price for this machine. Price will drop to $399.98 when you add the item to cart.

You can search other colours in this link…

Brand KitchenAid
Country of Origin USA
Product Dimensions Product: W 285 x H 425 x D 415 mm
Product Weight 12.6 kg
Accessories Included Flat beater
Wire whisk
Dough hook
4.8 Litre stainless steel mixing bowl
2.8 Litre stainless steel mixing bowl
Ppouring shield
Model Number 5KSM160PSABM

Related Stores

Costco Wholesale
Costco Wholesale

closed Comments

  • -2


  • -1


    • Thanks for the heads up.

      • Good to know so you can maybe hold off buying something. I just hope the discounts are as good on the subsequent days.

        • I had a look at the TV, it appears the prices are available now. "Price valid from 02/11/2022 to 21/11/2022. While stock lasts"

          • @kev go westie: I'm expecting a better price than that. These offers should be for the one day only. I'd be disappointed if that's all the discount they are going to apply.

    • thank you for sharing, excited to see what day 7 pricing will be…I've been keen to get one for ages

  • Good price!

  • That's a pretty solid price. We've had ours for 15 years or so now, and it's been an absolute workhorse.

  • dammit.. can you purchase with someone else's membership but have it delivered to your own address?

    • Should be able to as I've managed to do it before.

    • +1

      Certainly can , I regularly purchase for family/ friends and have their names and addresses listed on my online delivery addresses.

    • I've done this before with no issues

  • +2

    Also $69.99 for the ice cream maker bowl addon. Cheaper than elsewhere

    • Are these any good? Seems a good price

      • +2

        For anyone interested in new attachment it’s on sale for $156.75 at Kitchen Warehouse - $10 off on first order

        • +1

          What's the difference apart from looks

          • @punkel: The cheaper one is plasticky and apparently not as good as the better one but I haven't tried ours yet tbh

          • @punkel: From what I've read the new version has a redesigned mixer attachment. I have the old design but haven't used it for a while but it does make awesome ice cream! Aesthetically the newer one does look a lot nicer, rather than the industrial kitchen style.

  • Thanks OP, got one. Site is running a bit slow, assume it's getting hammered.

    • +1

      I've been having issues with the Costco site for maybe a week now?? Randomly get the "under going maintenance" page every now and then.

      • Might just have been with the purchasing for me, browsing seems fine.

  • Cheapest ive seen this before. Purchased, thanks!

  • if I register and pay now, would my online membership activated immediately?

    • +1


    • You can't buy online until you have been into a Costco and received your membership card. Source: I tried this back in May for a deal and was not able to purchase.

      • oh really? damn…thanks for sharing though

        • +1

          I have had an online membership since about April and haven't yet gone in and gotten my card, but I've ordered online and had things delivered - so shouldn't be an issue? Unless it's more of a recent thing?

      • you can purchase a membership online, which will be activated immediately. it is linked to costco online account. you then need to walk into a costco to get your photo taken and card printed. not sure if they're able to mail your card in.

        • my membership expired last May. If I renew now, does it restarts this month ? or when it expired ?

          • @deck_oz: having built subscription systems, i'd certainly hope it starts this month.

  • Good machine for an excellent price. A friend of mine is a pastry chef and gives the unit an absolute belting. Highly recommend this unit or the Kenwood mixers if you enjoy baking.

  • I know it's a different price point, but how it's it compared to this recent deal?

    What do I gain by going up in levels?

    • -1

      Power: 300W vs 1200W

      • That doesn’t mean kitchenaid is less powerful. It has more to do with efficiency of design aka. Where the motor is in the machine. For the kitchenaid it’s at the top so less energy needed to rotate blades, in kenwood it’s at the base.

        • +1

          It might be more efficient design, but surely not 4 x times!!
          Also checking comparison it is louder than the Kenwood and has lower bowl capacity. It does not seem to perform great when mixing pizza dough. Kenwood has built-in scale which is great feature. On the other hand KA has cool modern shape.

          • -2

            @huntabargain: I don’t think you understand. Watts are not a measure of power output, but power demand.

            • @binti33: So what is the power output for each mixer? Reviews seem to suggest that Kenwood as more powerful, less noisy, so better built quality and more feature and with 10 yr warranty, can't go wrong.

          • @huntabargain: direct drive KA versus indirect drive KW the wattage is not the be all and end all
            Direct drive way more efficient and less taxing on parts.

            • @hack: Thanks mate, with all that said, bottom line is KW is quieter, larger capacity and double the warranty of KA. Many chefs recommend it over the KA for home use, perhaps for better mixing performance. I have seen a video of KA trying to mix a pizza dough and the end product dough did not produce good enough gluten, did not stretch and lumpy. So there must be a reason for KW superior quality?

        • +3

          It very much does. The losses in a gear to change direction from a shaft is at most 5%, not 75%! It can't be wasting all that energy as it would get so hot it would melt. Saying the power is equivalent is just straight up not thinking through the statement and it's implications.

    • +1

      Personally, that kenwood chef xl is superior

      • +2


      • Nah lol

      • +2


  • My membership lapsed 3 weeks ago. Anybody know if I renew online if I can buy straight away or need to go in store for renewals too ?

    • +1

      You can do it online, it gets added to your cart if you follow the prompts.

  • Thanks.. Ordered Silver..

  • +1

    First real Costco deal i've seen.
    How many times would i use this?
    Probably never.
    But the wank value would be off the charts.

    • I mean it's not as fancy but they did drop their Instant Pot pressure cooker by $150 a few months back.. just need to keep an eye on their emails

      • Have one of those from a previous costco offer.

        Used it 3 times, was good, but just haven't had the need for it since.

        • We use ours a lot. Make Yoghurt and porridge.

    • Explain wank value??

      • +2

        Basically it's bench real estate to show your house guests that you bake enough to drop $400-$700 on a flashy red Rolls Royce mixer.

        In reality probably only use it a couple of times a year.

        • Great definition. I will add that into dictionary

  • Does costco deliver anywhere or only some cities?

    • I take it you mean in Australia, if so I cant see why not given they use AusPost

      • Lots of companies that use Aus post don't deliver to all metro areas.

  • Only 2 colours left - milkshake and black!

  • Are these sold in stores?

    • This offer is online only, today only.

  • -3

    Only 300W??? Breville Bakery Chef Hub Mixer LEM750BTR is better

    • Kitchenaid design has the motor at the top meaning less power needed to rotate blades. Its a more efficient design.

      • Is it true or not that they're using a lot more plastic vs steel inner parts these days so no longer as durable as the vintage ones that made them famous?

        • -2

          Think they are all made in China now. I'm sure there is some quality control but doubt it would be the same as when they were made in the USA, can only assume the same for materials.

          • @TheBean: Actually yea I'm in the past, they only made them in China for a stint

        • Yes that’s true

  • this or a kenwood for dough?

    • Pizza dough? and what quantity?

      • yeah maybe 750g

        • +1

          Both deals expired! For 750g total weight of dough (3 balls @250gm each), anyone would work, but the kenwood would be better option. For larger quantities some people use speciality spiral dough mixers as it mix better and it develop better gluten for perfection of pizza dough.

  • +1

    I think it is OOS

  • +2


  • +2

    Buy this and put in kitchen to take real estate photos before selling house. Guaranteed to add 10x return on investment. Dunno about using it for baking tho…

  • Stainless steel artachments worth the upgrade over the coated ones included with this? Or just wait til the stock ones start flaking, and replace with stainless then?

    Any recommendations on other attachments?

  • Will anyone price match costco? or any chance of a restock late tonight

    • Doubt with the out of stock coming up on the page but let us know 😉

  • Anyone have any idea when each deal day item goes live with discount price?

    • Seems to be around 9am when people are posting them, give or take an hour. Probably anywhere between 8am and 10am.

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