The lowest price to date posted :)
- Smart automatic foaming
- Touchless Design
- Infrared Motion Sensor
- Excellent Moisture with Plant Essence
- Eco-friendly Material
The lowest price to date posted :)
- Smart automatic foaming
- Touchless Design
- Infrared Motion Sensor
- Excellent Moisture with Plant Essence
- Eco-friendly Material
Team player.
is this the one we need to drill / force open etc etc to refill the bottle ?
Yes it is
What's the story there? From the pictures it looks like there's a screw top cap that you can remove to refill the container?
Nevermind: search:
once you have done, its easy to be reopened again for the refill. i have mine for almost 2 years now.
You don't have to drill, just use a clamp like this and twist…
It took months to get delivered last time..But i admit they did give a binus gift and tje item itself is a mist have for a bathroom or toilet. hehe
Its so easy
lol. more than 3 months, and they send us 2 fast chargers as gifts.
We went through a ride which was not pleasant but in the end it was alright..hehe..Bought another one for my second toilet or bathroom. I just put my hand and then i get soap.. Wooo
y'all enjoyed the reply all email chains?
Can you make a custom soap with a regular soap and water mix for this thing … I do have stock of this kinda soap from amazon but just curious.Anyone tried some cheap Mixes?
I've variously seen people say that you can buy regular liquid hand soap and make a 4 or 5 to 1 mix - depending on the brand - and get OKish results.
Yes, I do it regularly. For me, about 1/4 Palmolive Antibacterial Liquid Hand Wash + 3/4 water. Shake it and mix it very well. Voila
Tried it with Dettol hand wash and didn't work for me. YMMV.
50/50 mix with water works best for me. Water first then soap to reduce amount of bubbles, then swirl around a few times.
Palmolive foaming handwash is the one i use - like for like replacement. Works well.
Why not mix your own and save money and landfill?
Having had both this Xiaomi one and this one - (option A), I'd recommend the second one any day of the week. USB-C recharge and the battery lasts ages - like a couple of months or more for me - and the reservoir just unscrews and gets filled with your favourite foaming soap.
The Xiaomi one chews batteries and has the stupid reservoir that you have to fight with.
And the second one is cheaper than this one atm too :)
I agree with you. Got 2 generic ones from Ali and they are great.
Agree. Had a couple of this model and both had a problem where it corroded the AA batteries inside the unit and caused it to fail.
I’ve replaced them with models from AliExpress too with USB-C charging and they’re going perfectly fine. Also a bonus that they’re made to be easily refilled.
Thanks for this skooter. Gave it a go instead of the Xiaomi one.
Is there a way to reduce the amount of foam (time) it outputs?
Or is it a case of just dilute the soap water mixture with more water to compensate?
It does output a good amount and you can’t change it. You could probably dilute the soap down a bit but I dunno if that’d make it too runny or what. I just use a foaming soap refill bottle from Aldi.
Coming up with the following:
Enter a valid discount code
Anyone else experiencing this?
check your total amount. The discount code gets auto added when you add item to cart.
It should be discounted automatically to $22 at checkout without the need to enter the code
It’ll show that SDSOAP code has been applied
If you miss out, will you have FOMO?
no this aint no bitcoin
This is not aging well
FOMO maybe, but definitely no foam
Ah yes, there's my joke but without the elegance
more like FOAMNO….. yeah……………
It mentions hand soap, but can you use it to put the lotion on the body?
Pretty sure it would have to be a very similar consistency to the intended soap. I am guessing it would be a lot of trouble and even if it worked it would get all gummed up and stuck.
Agree. It's very finicky with the consistency of the soap in my experience because it tries to aerate the liquid to make foam. A little too viscose and it won't dispense so I don't fancy your chances with lotion.
For those who bought the Aquila X2, print these and save yourself the hassle of having to pry open the cap for refill -
These are from 2018 and still seem to require AA batteries. I would suggest getting the usb-charging soap dispensers. There are some USB C charging models these days, too.
Agree, i dont understand why this model is still being sold when there are much better alternatives
I trust Xiaomi over some random unbranded product, and are AA batteries really that much of a deal breaker when they are rechargable?
Yeah, got heaps of rechargeable batteries from previous Ikea deals, easy to swap and recharge batteries.
Found that the soap leaked through the pump mechanism on both my units and corroded the batteries. Had to throw out 8 Eneloops :(
@unco: Thanks for the heads up, will keep an eye out for this on my units.
At least with Panmi it should be a bit easier to claim warranty, whereas with AliExpress it's a bit of a gamble.
Whilst I like internal Rechargeable batteries, if there's no easy way to access and replace the rechargable cells, then the product is effectively useless after 5 years of battery ageing. Using AAs, miigates that issue. What would be ideal is if there was an easy way to access and replace the internal lithium ion cells after they've been worn out.
This product is likely to die before my Eneloops do. Rather than chucking out the device AND the batteries.
all gone :(
you didn't miss out - the ones on Ali are better in literally all aspects: long battery, easy to refill, good aesthetics, cheaper, decent shipping time (<2 weeks for me for all Ali stuff), good sensor, easy to recharge, gives more soap etc. I got one where you can set the amount of foam that comes out, way better than the pitiful blob the mi dispenses
Could you provide a link?
I have one of the one scooter linked above^, got it for $16 on sale, and then two of this
The one in this link is a lot more expensive though ($27) so if you don't care if you want S/M/L amounts of foam then the one in other link is perfectly fine (still gives an ample big blob). Heaps of other models, colours, shapes and sizes on ali if you want to try something else out
OOS, got Ozbargained maybe
The discount only applies to a single unit, so you'll have to make multiple orders if you want more than one.