This was posted 2 years 3 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Gigabyte Radeon RX 6700 XT Eagle 12GB Graphics Card $599 Delivered @ PC Case Gear


Free shipping on this one from PC Case Gear so one less excuse to hold.

Seems to be the going price for a 6700 XT on special lately, BPC have the same deal. (

I've found PC Case Gear to be reliable suppliers in the past. People do often complain about delivery prices but this one is free shipping. It's a weekly deal so don't hang around too long if you want it.

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closed Comments

  • +35

    Hopefully this is closer to 500 for black friday

  • +31

    Not a bad deal, but doesn't compete with previous ones. The $900 6900 XT deal that isn't OOS is arguably also a better deal than this (~50% more for ~50% more performance).

    Also, you know the item is overstocked when PCCG is offering free shipping lol.

    • +3

      Just a few years ago you'd pay a massive premium to get 20-30% more performance at the high end. You would be crazy not to drop an extra $300 and get a 6900 XT with 50-60% more performance.

      • +21

        Unless you don't want to spend another $300, which is a very good reason

        • Sure, but $600 isn't cheap either and if that's your budget I would say wait a couple more weeks and this will probably drop below $500.

        • or dont have an extra 300….

      • For a 2K monitor this is plenty.

    • +1

      Comparing the 6700xt to the 6900xt made me chuckle

      • Even more reason to drop a bit extra on a card that blows this away in price/performance.

      • +3

        Odd thing to laugh at.

  • +2

    hope so too. the shops seam to be really reluctant to finally drop those prices. definitely waiting for black Friday. if there aren't any deals it will be second hand for me for Warzone 2. also that card can't be $599 if I can get a 6900xt from Amazon for 909 delivered.

    • +1

      big difference in 600 and 900 for many peoples.

  • How does this compare to a 5700xt?

    Wondering if it's worth upgrade

    • +2

      About 30% faster.

    • +2

      I'd hold out, at least for lower prices. I upgraded from a 570 which is much slower and am very pleased. Still some time left in your card :)

    • +1

      Last year I went from a Gigabyte Aorus 5700XT to a PowerColor Hellhound 6700XT, I saw between 20-30% FPS increase in a few games I benchmarked at 1440p.

      • Same for me going from 5700 XT to 6700 XT. Funnily enough, 6700 XT performs near identical to the 5700 XT when you match them clock for clock. The 6700 XT can basically sip power at those clocks, less than 100W, while the 5700 XT is at 200W+.

  • +24

    It is a staring contest at the moment, everyone knows $499 6700 XT will be the floor for Black Friday and Cyber Monday

    To the retailers and AIB's monitoring OzBargain, you will clear a truckload of cards if you get the jump on your competition and hit this price before Black Friday

    • +1

      username checks out?

  • +4

    Just saw a used and very dusty 3060Ti Gigabyte (no receipt) go for $510 plus $30 shipping on ebay an hour ago. Why?
    Still crazy times.

    • +14

      Some members of a market are unaware of what other markets are doing.

  • +1

    Just bought 6900xt for $873 shipped 💪

    Doubt BF will offer better deals

    • +8


      • +9

        Not sure why so many downvotes rofl.

        $909 on Amazon + ~4% discounted gift cards from NIB rewards equals $873 delivered.

    • +2

      Yeah, link or it didn’t happen.. perhaps it was used?

    • +1

      i also drank wine made from water for free.

      doubt any winery will offer better deals.

    • -3

      Absolute rubbish flex. No way on this planet was it either new…. or if it was, stolen/dodgy. But I'm guessing it never happened any way.

      • +2

        It’s about $910 from Amazon US. Not too much of a stretch that they got it at $870
        Lack of reply isn’t reassuring though

      • +4

        Check post above. $909 on Amazon plus NIB rewards ~4% gift cards. Not sure why it seems so farfetched. Brand new, shipped by Amazon with 30 day return

        • +1


          all the doubters installing their heads in their arses LMAO!

    • +1

      It's been that price for weeks now. Not sure why everyone is downvoting you. I thought it was common knowledge

  • +15

    6700XT has been this price since June…. Wouldn’t call this a deal 5 months later

  • +5

    If 2nd hand isn't an issue for you, they are selling for under $400 on eBay.

    • +2

      Ask for receipts, many will still have years of manufacturer warranty left too.

    • Yeah, saw them a few times and been tempted. I'm wondering should I upgrade from my rx 6600, it's basically double the 1% low for same price I paid for the 6600.

      • +1

        I'd personally stick with 6600 until the mid range cards for next gen are released and then maybe upgrade… I have a single fan 3060 I paid a lot more than this for 😂… Being patient and waiting to see what we can get next gen and if it's worth the jump… Was hoping AMD would release a 7800XT and 7700XT along with 7900 but yeh didn't happen…

  • +2

    It's got more RAM than the MBA deal earlier today :)

  • +2

    Tempted by a 6800XT these days but maybe a ~500 6700XT could be the way to go.

    • +1

      It's a very nice card, performs well.

      • +1

        Nice, might actually grab one on sale.

  • +2

    Yeah waiting for the deals so I can score a 6800 xt for less than 700

  • +5

    Just bought a used rtx 3070 for $470.
    Like new and not mined. Checked thermals and its excellent. Got it from FB. Not sure the new gen gpu with rtx 3070 performance can be bought in similar price range when they release it.

    • +1

      remember 3070 was released about $900, $1070 about $600, so 4060 should be at least $500-$600 given the weak AUD. Cryto and covid had disrupted the price, otherwise middle tier card is always around $600 released.

      • +3

        Actually GTX 1000 series was considered very pricey at the time, all previous gens were quite a bit less, even considering inflation.

        The insane GPU crisis is still not quite over yet, and 2000 and 3000 series started from a base of very high prices to begin with.

        Healthy competition (and maybe further miners dumping) could well bring GPU prices all the way back down to a level where PC hardware is cheaper than equivalent consoles for all but the first year of the console's release. Like the good old days.

    • +1

      I a bit surprised that $600 Gigabyte brand 6700XT is getting upvoted so much. I was really hoping for way cheaper prices by now. Guess I'm waiting even longer and possibly going with next gen…..

      EDIT: kisshell9 - How do you know your card wasn't used for mining ?

      • +1

        It doesn't matter, as long as a card works as good as a new one.

        Afaik if the seller said it wasn't mined on, and u checked doing benchmarks and tests and found out its working as a non mined one would then it essentially means he's saying the truth or at the very least didn't mine heavily/extensively on it.

        Another way would be to check thermals and fan health.. but usually this option would be voided due to the reason I said above, not enough wear and tear to appear

        • Had no idea you could check if a card has been used as a mining rig.

          • @Noobist45: Is that sarcasm or for real? XD

            • +1

              @LuslecGrace: I build computers and play games but GPU's and mining have always evaded me (or me them). I assumed there was some type of test for wear and tear but not enough to really know how much it had been used or how hard it had been used.

              • @Noobist45: Ah i see. I dont blame u, these kinda things u will just pick up by being in the computer/gpu space. The more u know the better!

      • Well, the guy just bought an RTX 4090 and showed me pics with it.
        That doesn't prove that he didn't mine but the thermal looks good so I am assuming it hasn't been mined.
        The model was Gigabyte Vision which doesn't look to be a too expensive model but glad it has 3 Fans.

        • +3

          No way I find the person that beat me on that gpu. I was keen and had been chatting with him and offered $450 early sunday arvo and he never got back to me, now i know why 😭😭😭

      • +1

        It won't be foolproof, but a thorough test involves testing a 5% overclock on the RAM, looking for artifacts or crashing on an intensive benchmark - typically the point of failure.

        • Thanks mate. Will try it straight after work. Now after two year i will be oc'ing something after a long time..

  • +1

    Is this sufficient for smooth Adobe CC use?

    • +2

      It would be fine, but if you can get an NVIDIA card it will perform better in Adobe applications because of CUDA being more widely optimised compared to OpenCL. Biggest difference would be in Premiere Pro. So if you can, get a 3060Ti (same price here).

      This is said without bias, I own a 6700XT and for gaming it is perfect for 1440p 165Hz.

  • +1

    Its quite tempting but ill wait for black friday. Just 19 days left

  • imo not a deal. not when 6900xt is just 300 more. and definitely not with rdna3 low-mid range cards from amd around the corner

    • i get the 6900xt tuf was 909 earlier, does anyone know if it's still available anywhere now?

    • +1

      Agree with the price not being a deal, but I really don't expect mid-range RDNA 3 to be available for another 3-ish months. So should be a good buy on Black Friday sales :)

  • +6

    Still need to beat a 6600xt for $349.

  • +2

    Man a lot of shit deals since buying my $349 6600xt in July. I expected to see the 6700xt for $480-$510 by now. Especially being the 192 bit memory gimped trash that it is.

    There were XFX/powercolor 6600xt models for $390-$420 before July. It's as though retailers doubled down and consumers didn't hodl in response.

  • There will surely be better deals come through on Black Friday / Cyber Monday imho. Great card though. Solid performer and one can't go wrong with PCCG. Really good customer service.

    Also maybe upgrade GPU this year if you need to before the inevitable happens between China & Taiwan. Once that happens prices will soar to ATH levels, no doubt. Just think how much any working GPU will be worth should TMSC facilities be damaged.

  • +3

    Still waiting for the <$500 6800xt on the used market… Soon

  • +3

    hodl brothers

  • +1

    $539 here atm with the 10% off but only one available

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