I have been waiting for a 6600 XT priced at ~$350 AUD and happened to come across this deal.
Hope it helps.
Edit: 2022-07-23 10:05 AM - sold out
I have been waiting for a 6600 XT priced at ~$350 AUD and happened to come across this deal.
Hope it helps.
Edit: 2022-07-23 10:05 AM - sold out
I'm still rocking a gtx 1060, would you recommend this card?
The 6600XT is as fast as a GTX1080ti / RTX2070 / RTX3060
If you were ever tempted to upgrade to one of those but they cost too much you have an option to now for $350
I have this exact card and it's awesome. Mine boosts to 2.7ghz and even underclocks itself to 0mhz to not use much power. Using it with SAM enabled as I have an amd cpu.
Only game I was kinda expecting better performance from was gta:online but that could be a driver problem. Every other game I'm maxing graphics @ 1080p no worries.
Are you running pcie gen 4? 6600xt and below have a bottleneck with pcie gen 3.
@reactor-au: I watched some youtube videos of other people with the same cpu (2600x) and a 6600XT with everything set to max on gta and they had much better fps, perhaps the game itself doesn't handle SAM well or a mix of SAM+pcie throughput? These videos were a couple years old so I figured maybe software/driver changes since then as well. More demanding looking games (insurgency:sandstorm) run great maxed out.
I am stuck on pcie 3.0 x8 atm as I have an Asus b450m-a. According to Hardware Unboxed youtube the performance difference is about 2-3% where as my gta shows upwards of 50% less fps on gta:online, however the videos I watched they were all playing singleplayer.
I don't play much gta:online these days, so it's not a huge problem for me I was just surprised with the difference between the youtube videos and my system.
@A-mak: Some games don't perform well on 6600xt when not pice 4.0 since it's only 8x pcie lanes. It's not known why some games requires more bandwidth
@reactor-au: The x8 only matters if you fill the 8GB vram. If you don't fill the vram it won't need to access the ram.
It's as fast as 1080ti but it only has a 1080p memory bus. Good for high fps, bad for transferring high loads of information (1440p, ultra textures, ultra aa etc)
@reactor-au: Just wanted to let you know (and anyone else who might be interested), I set in Radeon software for Anti-Aliasing to override application settings (8xEQ, supersampling, morph AA enabled) and my fps went from 15-20 to 60-80+. All settings in-game remain the same and now it's at least playable.
This might work for any other current gen AMD graphics card, it looks like gta:online / gta5 's Anti-aliasing just isn't optimized at all.
Most definitely. This card is more than 2x the power of the 1060.
Here is the reviewer that convinced me to pickit up: https://youtu.be/-JJt9U32IVA
nice. but pls stop dropping hot deals, I need to sleep.
Super good deal +++1
Will this go well with 5600G in the other ebay deal?
For 1080p hell yeah brother
Yeah but 5600X would be better.
5600 is a better deal right now… I have the 5600x but have had it for a long time now… Very happy with it 🙂
Yup. 5600G has good enough IPC to drive it, tbh anything since the 2nd gen Ryzen can. The 5600G isn't that much different from 5600X. Plus having an iGPU means easier to set-up certain tasks, cough anything involving vms.
5600G has very small cache, it's more like 3600 than 5600/5600x for gaming
The 5600G does not have PCIe 4.0. I would not be recommending pairing the 5600G with the 6600XT. The 6600XT really benefits from PCIe 4.0.
True, I forgot about the lack of PCIe 4.0. Though in a practical sense so long as you're using a gpu at >= PCIe 3.0 x8, the difference isn't significant enough to be noticeable. I would only worry about PCIe 4.0 if you pair it up with high tier cards; ie. >= RX 6900 / RTX 3090 and even then I might not be - since 4K gaming stresses the CPU less.
Ngl, I have a negative sentiment/bias towards AMD's lack of iGPU; it made sense in 2017-19. But now days the iGPU does help with workflow and some applications do take advantage of the iGPU. At the budget/entry tier, I would personally go for 5600G over 5600/X despite its cons. The APUs have gotten good enough that it's not observable unless you're a very specific type of gamer (High refresh rate >200 FPS 1080p).
Wendell from level1 explains it a bit better.
A lot of the bad rep on the APUs came from the 3000 series APUs. The 5600/5700 APUs has for most part resolved most issues and offer an experience similar to their desktop counterparts.
Hodl or not to hodl……
crazy how the next tier up has barely moved and still stuck at 600
well, finally back to normal price…….
The 7600XT which will be released later this year will be equal to Rx 6900xt performance and will be priced accordingly. HODL is the Truth
The mid range are generally released much later. We're talking about half a year to a year later. Expect the 7600xt next year, at earliest
I'm a dummy, this better than my radeon to 390 8gb ? This is about my price range for an upgrade
I'm not familiar with that card, but from some quick googling this one seems to be about twice as good.
Yes. It should roughly double your performance, and do so with significantly less power consumption and heat production. It's also 6+ years newer so you have a better chance of compatibility/performance updates etc, especially for newer titles. The 6600 XT is definitely favourable over the 390.
Yes way better, not sure but I think driver support for that class might have ended or is ending soon… I know my R9 270 isn't getting any more support. (assuming you meant R9 390) :)
equivalent to 5700XT performance for all my AMD bros :)
Caved. It's an upgrade from my old 1060 and I can still sell the 1060 for ok dollars. Why not.
Nice one. Thank-you! Amazon order goes back saving me $130!
yeah +1, should've launched at this price
+60% over my 1660 Super with +2GB, not bad. $350 is what I paid for the 1660S.
Decent price, is giving the second hand market a flogging
Would it work with PCI-E 3.0?
Yeah, it means it won't have the full bandwidth since it's running at an older PCIe version speed. Benchmarks indicate only slight (2-3%) performance impact running at 3.0 instead of 4.0
Some games are more like 30% slower with pcie 3.0
Source? 30% seems huge.
@reactor-au: Thanks. Interesting result. Bizarre that it's within 5% will the other 11 titles but 25% with DOOM
I wonder if it's an outlier or do a good number of other games suffer from it too
@FireRunner: I think probably games that near the 8gb video memory limit, just speculation because Doom eternal is more than 8gb at ultra textures I believe.
Grabbed one, replacing my RX 580 I've been using for years.
Back to what it should be aka Normal price. Hodll and starve em. It'll drop again !!
HODL for next gen.
This card combined with 5600X is great for 24" 1080P gaming. Both priced at about 50% compared to a year ago. This is how much Covid+Crypto had screwed gamers up.
Does anyone know how much RX 580 8GB is worth now? I was too lazy to sell it when it was still worth $450-$500 and missed the boat completely.
Looking at around $200-250 - sometimes a bit below or above depending on model, if box included, etc.
Thanks. Now at least I could start at $200 and take it from there.
Well, GTX 1070s go for around $250 on average and I think this is a bit less powerful IIRC, so I'm guessing you would easily get over $200 without trouble. If you have the original box etc it usually helps to sell a little higher and if you give more than just 5 words (like most sellers on Ebay do) when giving details on the card, like actually telling people how much it was used and if you overclocked, kept it cool, needs a clean, needs new paste etc, anything to give a buyer a clue, then you will most likely see more bidders imo. I have noticed this is the case for those actually bother a bit more than the people who just take a bad picture, grunt a message and expect you to buy it.
Good luck 👍
where do you get your info from?
The 6600XT is faster then a 1080ti — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZF2PANyCTA&t=73s
There's only one site where these type figures come from.
It's the first hit in google when you type gtx 1070 vs 6600xt and so on. I'm surprised AMD hasn't sued that website as it seems to influence consumers more than all youtube reviewers combined. Everyone I know thinks 1080ti is more powerful than it is.. because of userbenchmark
The 6600 XT is far better than a 1070. It’s between a 2070 and 2070 Super
Possibly the best deal i've seen in a long time.
…Just received asRock 6600xt ordered more than 2 weeks ago , too late to cancel .
Two weeks seems like a long time to wait, if they haven't shipped I wouldn't feel bad about cancelling.
He said just received, good luck cancelling a concluded sale.
If it's unopened, good to check the return policy for change of mind returns
Most likely not an option or they would charge a significant restocking fee but might be worth checking anyway
blame the upvoters and comments that encouraged you to believe it was a good deal. There were numerous better deals than it in June. You can't trust this site lately (it's full of miners and people embarrassed they paid too much)
I think it's also retail / store (and associated) employees using personal accounts.
Legit cannot browse the GPU category without some kind of banter with your username tagged. lol.
Anyone who speaks the truth about the current market keep getting met with a hard "REEEEEEE!"
Finally committed. RX 580 to 6600 XT for hopefully only $100 difference, about double the performance as well
Expecting cancellations unless they are sitting on a serious stock pile.
Will this run triples monitors in a racing sim like iracing or Assetto Corsa?
Yes 1080p, probably struggle with ACC though
So sad, had the mouse I was looking for cancelled on me yesterday, apparently $19 is a price error. They were happy to offer it to me for a once off special of $149 though…
Now I wake up to this beauty that could have cheaply replaced the wifes GTX 980, and it's sold out already. FML
There’ll be more deals.
They have the non-XT of the same card for $50 more, weird
People listing used, 2 fan variants for $350
2x 100mm fans vs 3x 70mm fans.. its all about the air flow
Bruh I got an xfx model for $419 😂 it went to 399$ a bit later after I brought it too. But still xfx model should suffice
I ordered about 1am, paid direct deposit and received paid invoice at 1pm, so I suppose I'm getting one.
Same timeline, got the invoice as well.
I picked this one up for 399 a few weeks ago. Can't complain, well except for not saving the $50. A little noisy under load but all gaming cards seem to be, silent at idle/low use.
I’m guessing 50+ of you are going to get refunds today
Your today came and went and no one had mentioned getting a refund.
I do expect some might be waiting for the next shipment though.
I guess I was a day early. They’re coming in below.
Did you have one cancelled yesterday?
Ordered while in stock, received an invoice noting payment received a few hours after.
Got contacted today informing me that they don't have enough stock and offered a refund or if i would like i could buy a different graphics cards (Like a 2060 for an additional $50).
Pretty shitty
Same. My nephew's are going to be waiting a few more months for their builds at this rate.
I would have thought bpc would at least put accepted orders on backorder.
Yeah got the same, very annoying as I went and got the rest of the component's I needed to fill my build
Yeah I also got 2 half completed builds
Same, just got the cancellation email.
Cancelled for me as well
Mine's on the way.
Mine just arrived. Installing the drivers as we speak!
Any driver issues? Last time I used AMD I had a very bad experience
Yes definitely. 22.7.1 is completely unstable. I get stutter in most my games I've found 22.5.1 with freesync disabled fixes it. Despite no freesync it's ultra smooth now. It also runs poorly in U4 dx11 games.
Those that received it, which courier was used?
Mine was sent by SF international (never heard of em) and is seemingly stuck at the Sydney depot for several days now.
SF Express - timeline for me was;
Ordered - SAT 23/07
Picked up (MEL) - TUE 26/07
Transit - WED 27/07
Hub (SYD) - FRI 29/07
Delivered - MON 01/08
So I'd say yours should come very soon.
At least it wasn't Aramex
Holy crap what a discount. Bought mine for 700 AUD several months ago. (to be fair i was able to sell my old gtx 1060 for 300)