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$533.80 delivered for a 6700 xt. Good value or HODL?
[Afterpay] ASUS Dual Radeon RX 6700 XT OC Edition 12GB Gaming Video Card $533.80 Delivered @ Scorptec eBay

Last edited 18/08/2022 - 21:06 by 1 other user
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HODL, awful cooler, maybe at $400.
Good for tiny ITX.
It's actually a much bigger GPU than it looks. Anyone who's considering using this in an ITX should double check the GPU clearance in their case
cooler is fine
What's wrong with it? I have this cooler, seems fine to me.
What's HODL?
It's the greatest plot twist of any story ever told. The guy was literally saying hold the door for three seasons, how poignant. What a pay off.
Not sure where you get the information that this cooler is awful, it appears to be ok.
Not bad.
3.080 roentgen
All time low ?
Previous low was 599. But this "all time low" will keep going from tomorrow.
Unless you need it urgently, it sure is hard to justify buying now.
For higher end cards, sure, but this is kind of the cusp. They might not release a card this tier or price ballpark for another year…
585 last week
Always give a slight undervolt to the 6000 series anyway, cooler is fine
At this price it's approx the same price/perf as a 6600xt @ $425 . With a bit of a premium for higher end, $400 6600xt and $535 6700xt seem about right relative to each other.
I think 6600XT has been as low as $349
Yeah I think this one (6600xt) is the value play for sure
Yeah it has a couple of times, but it's hovered around $400 much more regularly in the last 2 months.
For me to pick this one over a 6600xt @ $350 I would expect the 6700xt to be closer to $450. It's just not that much faster.
Doesn't look to beat the $350 6600xt
That one time $350 6600 XT had skewed everyone perception on price value so bad. The damage has been done.
it will happen again
Tbh, the perceived value should constantly shift, it's weird looking back at the price for my 2015 PC to today.
Whoever put that sale up is doing a service to the entire market lol, shows the consumer whats possible and hopefully we all hold out now until it drops to that price across the board.
I bought this a few days ago from the same place at $599 :(
Well i paid $640 for my RX6600XT… we all lose.. oneday these cards will be worthless like all PC parts
I would hodl out of disgust it wasn't this price sooner. Make them feel the pain
But are u enjoying your 6600 xt?
Not really tbh. Stutters in all my games and the GTX 970 didn't. Screen also flickers and driver crashes everytime when using youtube. I'm extremely glad I didn't pay more than $350 (I would've been a lot more disappointed if I had paid the $499 I was willing to at the start of the year).
The 970 honestly was good enough (I don't play cyberpunk/fs2020). Over 100fps in pubg/hell let loose on 1440p low. Compared to the 970 I now have ultra settings but also bad stutter. I noticed 5x the difference upgrading from GTX 560 to GTX 970. Barely any difference from 970 to 6600xt (but I don't play 2021/2022 games).
Damn okay, thats really off putting lol. Been going back and forth between if I should try AMD and you've pretty much confirmed my worst fears
@ozbagends: I've done a lot to try to get rid of the stutter. No good yet. Happens in HLL/pubg/overwatch and battlefield. I've noticed the card can't do dx11 Unreal 4 games well at all (970 does them better), so I'd look up your specific games before buying the card, because AMD are apparently great for cyberpunk and other games.
@ozbagends: I went from an HD7970 to a RX470 now to an RX6600.. never any issues.. stuttering or problems.. all those cards lastes me a long time too… If you try and leave Nvidia for AMD .. i swear the Nvidia driver team must include software that you cant uninstall unless you use DDU to stuff AMD up. :)
@vid_ghost: Whether intentional or not, that has been the case with a few people's machines that I fixed (not sure if I can call it that, all I did was DDU), the other times was Windows update that installed and left leftovers that clashed with the current version. For some reason Windows update really likes force installing AMD drivers.
@ozbagends: Not really. I think he didn't use DDU to clean out all his old Nvidia drivers. No issues on my end after switching from Nvidia to AMD to 6800xt. Just made sure I removed all my old NVIDIA drivers cleanly before installing AMD. Friends that were complaining about the issues above, just kept their Nvidia drivers and installed AMD without a clean install.
Did you install Display Driver Uninstaller version to clean old nvidia driver before upgrading to the latest AMD drivers that came out a few days ago?
Turn on AMD Sam in your bios if you can.
Also in the power limit slider .. set it to plus Max.. i think itd 15%… all stutters will go away if you do both. Sam isnt needed but helps
@vid_ghost: Yeah mate cheers used DDU around 10 times over the last 3 weeks. 22.5, 22.6, 22.7 and the new 22,8. Doesn't fix it closest I get is driver only (w/o adrenaline) and disabling freesync. Reflashed bios/chipset drivers etc it's burnt me out and I'm living with the stutter atm.
Games like fortnite/HLL it gets 25-30fps running dx11. It actually needs dx12 in the console to be able to run it (the 970 got 90fps lol). But yeah in the unreal games dx12 causes stutter when using ADS.
@Jimmy77: Did you max out the power limiter?.. thats all over youtube as the way to fix stuttering.
Also.. i have an 5700x B550 PCIe4.0 with Sam enabled… maybe the pci speed is an issue for the card on your system
@vid_ghost: Yeah did nothing, also changed power plan in ctrl panel, set my min clock rate to 2100mhz, tried the power slider at both 115 and 120. Followed the youtube stuttering guides tried lots of other settings in adrenaline for no gain. Apparently even changing audio quality to high in the games can fix it.. and it didn't. Only thing I haven't done is windows reinstall and I cbf doing that in the near future
I don't know why it stutters on overwatch. I attribute the U4 games to running dx12 in launch options (bad stutter especially with ADS). The bigger issue is this card can't run those in dx 11 (20-30fps) unlike nvidia cards. GTX 970 ran 90 fps using dx11. So with U4 games it's a choice between 20 fps (on lowest settings too) or bad stutter.
@Jimmy77: I've done a fair bit of browsing on reddit, some users said in the end they had to change their CPU to fix the stutter problems.
@ozbagends: Damn that would suck as my cpu is les than a year old.
Last night I was trying to open the frametime logs adrenaline saved but meh. Apparently I need to download hwinfo or some crap to read them as graphs (more goofing around). The frametimes were spiking bad from memory so I would say it's the gpu. It aint the cpu or ssd or the ram or ping lol, I've also tried capping fps and ssd is healthy.
@Jimmy77: You got afterburner or something similar to see real time graphs on GPU usage, clock, etc? Maybe see if there's something wonky there. Sounds to me like that thing is destined for RMA.
@Jimmy77: Know anyone with another AMD GPU to test.. make sure your cards not faulty.. my RX6600 and 6600xt run great.. ones on a B550 MSI Tomahawk 5600 64gb 3200Mhz CL 16 and others on a MSI Mortar B550 5700x 32gb 3600Mhz CL16
Warranty replacement may help
@Jimmy77: You sure you haven't plugged your monitor into your integrated graphics? There's no way you should be getting that framerate, even if it was faulty I couldn't imagine it.
A good lesson to show you didn’t even need to touch the system. It ran well with the 970 already
I went from a 770 to a 6600xt and get 2 to 3 times the fps in most games.
No stuttering for me.
FWIW I'm using a >4 year old ryzen 1600 system.
The two problems i've had are: i can't undervolt it at all or it becomes unstable, and the computer started having intermittent episodes where it wouldn't wake from sleep.
I fixed the sleep issue by disabling "ULPS" sleep state via reg key "EnableUlps". Hasn't reoccurred since, which is good because it's a maddening driver bug.For $400 i think it was okay, although only barely.
Damn that sucks, ive had more trouble with my 3060 than I did with my 5600XT or my R9 270.. So it can happen either way.. Problems aren't as bad as yours from the sounds of it.
When I DDU the nvidia drivers (which I have to every now and then to stop crash to desktop).. I download a full install package, disconnect pc from internet then DDU all gpu drivers and then install the driver so MS can't auto install it from Windows update. In your case you may need to try the card in another pc to figure out if it's the card or your build… I hope you figure it out.. Unfortunately gremlins can happen in both brands.
Nvidia, AMD and even the retailers have made so much money the past few years you not buying a 6000 series or a 30 series isn't' even going to be blip on their radar.
Would this card be ok on an ATX mobo?
So long as it has a PCIe slot and theres enough room inside the case it will be fine.. oh and you need a 550 to 650w power supply with PCIe8 pin. And pcie 6 pin pcie cables
My PSU is currently a 550w so it just makes it.
The connector is where I start to get stuck.
I have an old PSU but it does have an '8 pin' (or rather in 2 x 4 pins) that currently go into my RX 580. Would that work?
If I am already using the 8 pins, what are these 6 pins for? Edit : I just read the tech specs and it says as you suggested 2 x connectors for power.
Edit : I just had a look and I can see another available black and yellow cord that has a 1 x 6 tied with a 1x2, would that be it?
Most 8 pin PCIe cables are split into a 6×2 so you can use them as either a 8 or 6 pin .. i have two coming out of my 650w i can use them both for 8 or 6 .. they are labled pcie..
Some 550w power supplies only have 1x 6+2 pin cable.. if you have two.. you should be ok… if at some point your PC shuts doen during gaming.. you will know 550w will need to be upgraded to maybe a 650w4+4 pins are labled CPU they are for the motherboard
Does this need gen4?
Good upgrade from GTX1080 ?
Ballpark +50% according to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_UYSfXEU88
Usually a bit higher at lower resolutions.For sure… Hardware Unboxed recently did a comparison of the 1080 vs 6600, and the 6600 came out on top for the most part, so a 6700XT is great upgrade.
Pretty big upgrade, I think a 6600XT is 1080 Ti performance. That being said a 1080 is probably still going strong unless you need high frames at 4k.
Yeah pretty much reason why I'm still holding on my 1080 too long as I'm only playing 1440p at 165hz —- of course to maintain above or cap fps I have to do tweak video game settings. No big deal for now but drop prices is really tempting!
1080 is suffering a bit in a newer titles. Referring to the hardware unboxed 1080 vs 6600, they are equal in games released around 1080’s launch but the 6600 pulls ahead by a significant margin in most recent titles
1080 is probably fine for most people's needs
Thanks for posting this.
This is exactly the sort of performance level to cost I'd been waiting for.
I'm sure prices will get a little better but I don't see these going too far below $500 at the end.
Still undecided on whether to get this or a 6900 XT
wait a few months
But I’m only getting 100-120FPS in Tarkov on my 1080 @ 1440 :(
Everyday is a struggle and rage-inducing.
What's the actual point of this model?
Either get the 6600xt or step up to the 6800/6900xtBought this model a few weeks back at 585… wish I waited for this!
Still, it was definitely worth it at that price, great card with a lot of metal on the outside, good temps, good noise. Great performance too. Worth it at this price, especially compared to the 3060 and 3060 Ti!
Finnally pulled the trigger.
My hodling days are over. Bought one. I can see this card dropping under 500 but probably not much lower before next gen.
Finally pulled the trigger on this gpu. Building my first pc and needed a gpu now that I have picked up the last of the components. I was able to add the afterpay $30 refer a friend credit to bring it down to $503.80. Now I just need to stop looking!!!
HODL for 499, at this stage is more about the statement, gamers must not be taken lightly!