What Is OzBargain's Favourite Chocolate Brand?

Interested to know what is OzBargain's favourite chocolate brand.

I personally love Lindt's flavours and variety, but having tried Whittaker's recently, I think the chocolate is tasty, but the caramel is shocking. After all that Boost is still my favourite chocolate bar variety.

What's yours?
Are you brand loyal or taste loyal?

Poll Options

  • 86
    Aldi Home Brand
  • 211
  • 4
    Coles Home Brand
  • 16
    Darrell Lea
  • 20
  • 16
    Green & Black
  • 66
  • 11
  • 170
  • 2
  • 4
  • 26
  • 243
  • 2
    Woolworths Home Brand


  • +9

    Green and Black dark choc

    • +4

      This one just tastes like Vegemite to me

    • The 70% is so good

    • +1

      Love the 85%

    • -1

      What's green Choc??

  • +4


  • +14

    Don't eat much chocolate, but Aldi's Choceur is good.

    • +4

      The salted pretzel. Lawd.

      • Dark hazelnut, and the dark salted caramel

  • +15

    What? No "all of the above" poll option?

    • +9

      Whatever is half price at the time šŸ˜œ

  • +18

    Ferrero Rocher's - those little crack balls are the epitome of hyper palatability.

    • +3

      Though technically praline.

  • +8

    any choc with psilocybin

  • +17

    I'm glad Herhsey's is not an option, that tastes like dog puke.

    • +7

      how do you know what dog puke tastes like?

      • +2

        it's the vibe of how things smell and how they might taste. like when you get dog food jelly beans etc

        • +3

          it's the vibe, it's Mabo, it's justice…

    • +4

      Hershey's does taste like vomit, no idea how anybody likes it

    • +1

      Yes it does, and grainy too.

      • Grainy means they didn't grind the cocao beans properly. The more you grind the finer the particles become however it takes more time and more electricity

        For our tongue to see it as smooth the particles need to be smaller than the distance between two receptors on our tongue

        • +1

          Ok, they grind it well then. I'll give them that. It still tastes like crap.

    • I think it's because they use high fructose corn syrup as the sugar

  • Lindt I suppose. I like those little gold bunnies.

  • +7



    • +1



  • +4

    Torn between Haighs and Whittakers.

    • Amen, Koko Black is pretty solid too, their caramelised coconut is amazing

  • +4

    Who Is OzBargain's Favourite

    and no Willy Wonka option…

  • +34

    Whatever is on 50% special that week.

    If you're paying full-price then it doesn't taste as good tbh.

  • +3


  • +1


  • Love Melbaā€™s chocolate

  • +2

    Ferrero or Nutella out of the Jar usually when im tried or had a bad day

    • +5

      Nutella isn't chocolate šŸ™‰

    • Nutella out of the Jar usually when im tried or had a bad day

      And that's how you make a bad day worse.

  • +8

    If cost wasn't a factor - Lindt

    Best value to taste ratio - Aldi Choceur

    • +1

      Need to check the clearance section at woolies, always got blocks for $1.80, lindt and woolies seem to discontinue flavours every month

    • +1

      Last time I went to grab some Lindt chocolate, it felt like a seige. And before you get offended at that joke, just note it was Dark (chocolate).

    • Lindt at a half price is expensive too but not absurd.

    • Lindt in the last few years has got very greasy.

      They've replaced the expensive cocoa butter with a coconut palm oil blend.

      • +1

        Unless Lindt are making bars that are not labelled "Chocolate" anymore (news to me).
        If it's labelled "Chocolate" in Australia it can ONLY be made with Cocoa Butter. Any hint of Palm Oil and the label MUST NOT use the word "chocolate".

        If you're importing bars, different story maybe depending on the country's laws.

  • +2


  • I make my own chocolate since there aren't very many good keto options.

  • +3


  • +2

    No option for Easter Bunny chocolate? It always tastes better.

  • +1

    Aldi Home Brand and Darrell Lea.

  • +13

    Why the hell is cadbury so popular?
    It's made with milk scum and tastes like sugar not sweet (there is a difference).
    It's the worst chocolate I have had in my life.

    Between woolies and coles Lindt is almost always half price.

    • +2

      I donā€™t find the fancier chocolates taste any better, Iā€™d rather have a more milky taste. I also like the varieties they offer that arenā€™t just combinations of the same flavours across the other brands.

    • +2

      Many moons ago when I worked for a cocoa trading firm, the EU threatened Cadbury they'd have to rebrand their "chocolate bars" as chocolate flavoured confectionary as the cocoa content was below 25%, They upped it to qualify, but for sure milk and sugar is cheaper ingredient than cocoa. Many people think Cadbury when they think chocolate. I suspect it's because we relate things to what we're familiar with and we tend to like what we're familiar/grown up with - the acquired taste.

    • +1

      I loved the dark choc rum and raisens are a kid and teen, but the sugar content put me off as I got older. Block has as much calories as a large pizza.

    • Ditto.. Wouldn't buy Cadbury at any price if I have an option to buy Lindt at a half price. There's no comparison.. why are we even comparing? Only Cadbury's I liked in recent times was this when I travelled abroad. It's not available here.

  • +1

    Coles white chocolate. I love it.

  • +3

    Favourite of the supermarket chocolates is Lindt 85%. Which happens to be the highest I can get in the supermarket that doesn't use alkalized cocoa.

    Lindt is probably the best of the supermarket brands that are available everywhere, but they do make some absolute shockers.

    I'm a little surprised at the current poll results.

    • I couldn't find anything about alkalized cocoa on the 90% dark packaging. Is the Australian version different?

  • +1

    Kirkland Signature Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips 2KG around $18 at Costco last time I was a member. I bake with it. Last night made chocolate coated nuts.

    • teabagging ?

  • +1

    ALDI dairy fine

  • Cadbury my vote but Darrell Lea rocky road is tops

  • +2

    I think we buy Cadbury mainly out of routine. Itā€™s not the best product. I mean it used to be rock hard and we didnā€™t even notice it gradually change. We buy it because we watched the ads.

  • +3

    Moser-Roth from Aldi.

  • +1

    Dark Toblerone

  • Haigh's, but Lindt I also enjoy.

  • +3

    Ritter Sport hands down.

    Cadbury is revolting hey

    • I like the one with the marzipan.

    • +3

      Ritter Sport is a no-brainer. Went to the Ritter museum in Berlin and gained 5kg just walking through the door.

      • +1

        Yeah absolute no-brainer if you like quality. Not a big chocolate eater but I like my odd little square choc treat a couple times a week.

        Normally I get Ritter Sport , but once saw Cadbury half price, got that one instead. Thought I got a bargain and saved some bucks, ended up spending more cos I threw it in the bin and went and back to buy Ritter.

        • Where do you get Ritter sport from?

          • @baldur: What makes it sport? Can I eat it in place of exercise?

            Sorry, replied to the wrong comment

          • @baldur: Many IGA's and small grocery shops sell it

            • @liongalahad: Why don't ColesWorth stock them if they are so good? Shame.

              • @virhlpool: They are a bit of a niche brand here in Oz (very popular in Europe though). More expensive than aussie chocolate and, looking at the poll above, Aussies are pretty happy with their horrid chocolate anyway lol

  • +2

    honestly Lindt is on special often enough that I don't get anything else.

  • Voted Nestle but only for the Yorkie bar.

  • +1

    Im a chocolate snob but recently I am addicted to Aldi's Choceur Crunchy Salted Caramel and Salted Pretzel.

  • +2

    Moser Roth Aldi, Frey

  • +2

    why arenā€™t Milka & Toblerone , Godiva , GuyLian, Ritter Sport on that list ? šŸ‘€

  • +3

    Aussi chocolate shelves are disappointing. I find OZ made chocolates are less creamy and more sugary flavoured.
    Whittekers is the best one I tried so far. Also Aldi has a decent range too. Technically not a chocolate but "Knoppers" are really good as well. plus one for Ritter sport too. Well, any Schokolade from Germany.

    • +3

      Spot on, Aussie chocolate is generally pure sugar, no real flavour, just sweet af.

    • I feel the Aldi chocolate is too sugary tasting as well. I don't usually go for plain milk chocolate but comparing that variety per 100g, Aldi is at 51g whereas cadbury is at 56. Whittakers and Lindt have 44g per 100g. Aldi's dark chocolate has 41g whereas Lindt's 70% has only 29g.

    • Whittakers is a Kiwi brand though.. I wish we had some equally good Aussie brand in our supermarkets.

  • Bacı

  • +5

    Royce Nama is king

  • Iā€™m old school. Kitkat and Toblerones for me āœŒļø. Hazelnut variants of Cadbury / Lindt / Whittakers I enjoy too.

  • I can't tell the difference.

  • Whichever ha sbest dark choccies

  • Whichever of those options is cheapest

  • +1

    Aldi's Choceur is both delicious and cheap. A winning combination.

  • +1

    Lindt 95% for the pre-diabetic,

  • I miss Wonka.

  • +1

    Can't stand Cadbury, so sweet. Whittakers is where it's at. Aldi Choceur is hard to beat for the price though.

  • Darrell Lea for day to day and Whittakers for when you want premium and its in special.

  • Godiva if price is no object. Guylian for plain chocolate. I donā€™t mind Cadbury but itā€™s not that special really.

    • I don't see Godiva in supermarkets.. which stores sell them apart from Godiva company outlets/ cafes?

  • Hershey's

    jk jk

    I like all of them equally except for Lindt. Not a fan of Lindt.
    Haven't tried Cole's or Woolworths' chocolate.

    • Interesting.. Among the list, I find Lindt to have the best combination of what I look for in chocolates.. softness, creamy/ smooth texture and cocoa %. Most other brands are too hard and bland (less creamy/ smooth) for my liking.

  • I chose Whittaker's because it sounds a bit posh and I love their Coconut Slab.

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