Hi All, I just turned 31 and I do not currently have private health insurance. My fiancé has had private health since she was 18.
I earn just over 90k and I'm worried I will begin paying the Medicare Levy Surcharge (1%) this financial tax year, unless I get private hospital cover. And apparently every year over 31 will begin making it more expensive for me to get private health later on. I'm in good health, I only go to the dentist for a check up and clean twice a year. No optical / chiro or anything…currently.
As far as i can tell the Medicare Levy Surcharge will be roughly $1000. Most basic private health insurance policies are around $1020-$1140.
Any advice or recommendations will be greatly appreciated.
Get the cheapest barebones insurance (that still qualifies for a surcharge exemption) https://www.privatehealth.gov.au/dynamic/search. I think Frank is the cheapest (if you don't have access to company-specific funds).
The longer you wait the higher the health insurance penalty will be and the higher the surcharge you will pay as your income grows so it's better to get it now.
One thing you can do is understate your income when applying so you get a higher subsidy but you have to pay back the difference when you do your tax return. I also use the premiums to help with the credit card churn spending.