So had a close call to which I still don't know if I did the right thing or not. Fully accept it if I'm being a goose.
I was in Blue car turning left using a slip lane, had a give way sign so I had to wait for the traffic light on the main road to turn red to be able to turn. I saw the red car stopping in the right turn lane so I knew there was a car there. However in my mind he was turning right.
As the main street light turned red, I made my left turn into the most left lane (in my direction) and almost got T-bone by the Red car doing a U turn on the right turn arrow into the most left lane as well see pic. He did yell profanity at me saying he has the right of way to which I just said "sorry didn't know you were doing a uie".
In my mind I am pretty sure he was supposed to give way since he's doing a U turn but then I am also crossing a give way sign so unsure if I'm wrong or right. Think it's pretty impractical to ensure all cars in that right turn lane was actually turning right instead of doing a uie.
So question is: was I being a goose or was the red car?
Happened in Vic
NSW traffic laws says drivers are not permitted to make a U-turn at traffic lights unless there is a U-Turn Permitted sign displayed or a green U-turn traffic light is displayed.