[NSW] OzBargain 16th Birthday - Sydney CBD Meetup - Tuesday 8th November at 1pm @ Butchers Buffet Chinatown

OzBargain is turning 16!

There's been quite a few questions and interests in a city CBD meetup in central Sydney, so let's make it happen and celebrate our annual tradition!

Date: Tuesday 8th November 2022
Time: 1:00pm AEDT
Location: Butchers Buffet Chinatown
Address: Shop 34/1 Dixon St, Haymarket NSW 2000
Cap: 50

I'm happy to host this one too, and if anyone wants to help let me know.

Please vote on the poll accordingly and let me know if you are interested.

I will update the post from time to time.

We might even get some new t-shirts (TBC with @scotty), so come along for some free food and have fun!

-I Smell Pennies

Current Attendance List (Deposit Paid)



  • Thanks to everyone who voted on the poll. Massive response and demand for a CBD meetup in Sydney
  • I've reached out to Butcher's Buffet Branch Management today and they are happy to accommodate our OzBargain 16th Birthday Meetup
  • Price for lunch buffet is $33.90pp (covered by OzBargain under budget) as per their website. In addition, they are excited to provide all of the following on top to cater for everybody:
  • Free can of soft drink for each person (usually $4 each)
  • Free jug/s of homemade yakult soju (usually $15 each, # of jugs depends on attendance)
  • Special homemade personalised birthday cakeroll by a professional pastry chef to celebrate OzBargain's 16th Birthday
  • Butchers Buffet needs to confirm the approximate number attending this event ASAP so they can organise everything. As a result, to confirm your registration to the Sydney CBD (Chinatown) meet-up, I will be taking a $5 fully refundable deposit via Beemit. Please write your OzBargain username in the “for what?” field when you make the transfer. This deposit is fully refundable in cash if you show up to the meetup. Please read below update

    Beemit username: @itsmartin

  • If you cannot pay via Beemit, please pm me so I can send you bank details or PayID


  • @scotty has confirmed he will attend this meet-up, and will bring a bunch of new 2022 OzBargain t-shirts if they arrive in time. This is going to be a banger of an event.
  • Approximately 30 people have paid a $5 refundable deposit, and spots are filling fast. As a result, I have lifted the cap to 50 OzBargainers (the maximum Butchers Buffet can cater for us), which I expect to fill very soon. 70 people have expressed interest into this event. If you can no longer attend this event, please remove your vote on the poll.
  • I have to report to Butchers Buffet approximate number attending by Wed 2nd Nov, and then final numbers two days before the meetup. If you have paid a deposit and soon realise you can no longer attend, you have until Friday 4th November to let me know for a refund.
  • If you would like to attend, please make sure (1) you've voted on the poll and (2) pay a deposit as per the instructions on this post. If you would like to transfer via PayID or PayPal, please let me know via pm. Please put your OzB username in the description of the transfer. You do not need to let me know you've transferred, I will know who you are, so no need to send me a pm saying you transferred unless necessary
  • Those who cannot attend this meetup can feel free to express their interest in the 2nd Sydney CBD meetup


  • Only a week away from OzBargain's first birthday meetup for 2022
  • Officially confirmed 50 people as attending to Butchers Buffet.
  • 80 OzBargainers have now voted on the poll as 'going'
  • 45 OzBargainers have paid a $5 refundable deposit
  • I've closed the poll as we only have now only have 5 spots left
  • Effective immediately I will no longer be accepting a $5 deposit. If you don't read this update/post properly and still make a transfer, you will not be placed on the list and will not be able to attend!
  • For the 35 remaining OzBargainers who are not confirmed to be going - the first 5 of you who send me a pm will be considered to fill up the remaining spots. All pm's after that will place you on a small temporary waiting list
  • There will be no waitlist for this event, as the number of OzBargainers who voted is far too many
  • If you can no longer attend this event, please remove your vote on the poll ASAP so others from the small temporary waiting list can attend

7/11/2022 (Final)

  • Reminder: meetup is tomorrow (Tuesday 8th November) at 1pm - try to come slightly earlier around 12:45pm if possible so you can be checked in
  • Confirmed final numbers to management (50 OzBargainers, 1 infant). Only those whose username is on the attendance list on the main post (i.e. those who paid me a $5 deposit) can attend this meetup. Butchers Buffet have reached capacity so we capped at 50
  • I will hopefully be there by 12:45pm, will meet outside the venue. Address is on the main post.
  • Yes, @scotty will be bringing the new 2022 t-shirts. He's aiming to bring 50 so each OzBargainer will be getting one (hopefully, unless…)

I think that's all, let's have some fun, enjoy the food (again - thanks to OzBargain for sponsoring) and talk about all the amazing bargains you've been grabbing lately

Poll Options expired

  • 82
    Yes - I will be attending
  • 22
    No - I won’t be able to attend


  • +4

    My suggestions:

    It's a bit hard to find restaurants that can fit some 30 people during lunch hour around Barangaroo/Wynyard area.

    • +1

      Butcher's Buffet sounds good, looking at that one too.

      I'm seeing what other locations there are and are open to any other suggestions from anyone :)

      • +4

        I support butcher too

      • Seating in butcher's is tiny? You can only do 4-5 per BBQ?

        • +3

          It depends on the meet-up. For example last year, at the Strathfield event, I realised we only talk to the few people around you, no one really bothers to yell across to the other end of the long table to talk.

          But if Butcher's is too small then I'll try avoid

          • +2

            @I Smell Pennies: Some other Korean places:
            Yang San Park - set menu
            Shinara - all you can eat

            • @tlai: what are tthe prices. the plaqn will be to stick to the budget so if its over itll be sitting as reserved

              • @cerealsmok3r: Yang San Park used to be $31… now it's gone up to $38 I think, maybe strike that out.
                Shinara lunch bbq - $29. They also used to have a non-bbq version which was below $20… not sure if they still have it or current price.

                • @tlai: Yang San Park is not buffet

            • +1


              Shinara - all you can eat

              Shinara has dropped in quality though according to Google Reviews.

              I'd rather just avoid it even if it fits the budget.

      • +1

        Supporting Butcher and Shinara! Cant go wrong with AYCE!

      • Butcher is good but always busy, even alot of westerners line up there now

    • +1

      Yummy Chinese BBQ Buffet isn't bad either. Unlimited bbq buffet in Chinatown.

      Another, albeit pricier, option is Kobe Wagyu BBQ, a buffet of kobe wagyu, sashimi, and other meats. It's $100/head, but bloody good.

    • +1

      Capitol Thai buffet is $40 per person

      It's a mix between hotpot and bbq


      • good idea too

      • Capitol Thai is shit, I went there recently. Took forever for meat to cook and food was sub par quality

  • +6

    https://www.fratellifresh.com.au/venues/darling-harbour/ can take big bookings.

    Happy Hour 3-6pm Weekdays $10 PIZZA Margherita | Diavola

  • +6

    Another suggestion Wingboy https://wingboy.com.au/ - all you can eat wings Weds $30pp.

    • -2

      A bit boring if only eat wings ….

    • Second this too!

  • +4

    How about yumcha during lunch?

    $35pp is around 3-4 dishes. Considering 8 people fit on a round table, that's around 24 dishes per table. Should be filling?

    • Yumcha’s not a bad call at all.

  • +3

    Arisun korean chicken always host large groups, that may be an option

    • im good with that

  • +1

    Holy Basil has one opened at Darling Square, that might an option?

    The Cansley height mobs are going there


  • +1

    any lawyers or accountants coming? Would love to get some free legal and tax advice in person

  • Does it have to be on the 16th? That's on a Wednesday, hard to sneak out from work. I think Friday might work out best for everyone, thoughts?

    • nah, any date. that 16 is ozb age not date

      • oh right thanks, I read it wrong. Hosting on Friday will be good

    • +1

      I'm planning on making this meetup between 17th and 26th Nov, as there is so much food already for the days following

      • Keen for earlier in Nov but will see what everyone thinks

  • Has the date/time and venue been decided? Could still go pizza hut ayce for $20pp otherwise do lunch at butchers buffet for $35pp

    • +1

      Currently in contact with Butcher’s, will keep this post updated as we progress

      • top man…
        i Smell the Meat already

  • While we got Sydney CBD people here, what ya'll favourite and best eats there?

    • +1


    • +1

      Sussex centre food court

      Average dish is around $14-$16 when other restaurants nearby charge $22+

      • hunter was the best/cheapest, cheaper than sussex by farrrrrrrrr
        but not sure now post covid

        • Ive heard about hunter but they close really early and dont do dinner like sussex

  • +2

    Hey guys, quick update. I've got Butchers Buffet locked in. Not just that, the restauarant is able to provide some extras. Full details coming later today

    • thats awesome, can I bring my tinder date?

      What day is it going to be?

      • Date is currently being worked on

        can I bring my tinder date?

        As long as they have an OzB acc :)

        • is it too late to make one now

      • "can I bring my tinder date?"
        no need.

        maybe the extra is the shop provides a date for each of us.

    • when will the details be available? I'm constantly pressing f5 at work

      Will it be on a Friday?

      • omg your profile picture is soooo matching with your current situation….

      • Sorry to break the bad news, it will not be a Friday since they charge $40pp on Fridays, and I gotta help @scotty save some money. However, it won't be a wednesday either, so don't stress

        • NOOOOOOOO

        • whups… i missed out the 1pm thing…

          oh well, hopefully weekend lunch otherwise, bye2 :(

  • +6

    Update 24/10/2022

    Thanks to everyone who voted on the poll. Massive response and demand for a CBD meetup in Sydney

    I've reached out to Butcher's Buffet Branch Management today and they are happy to accommodate our OzBargain 16th Birthday Meetup.

    Price for lunch buffet is $33.90pp as per their website (covered by OzBargain under budget)

    In addition, they are excited to provide all of the following on top to cater for everybody:

    • Free can of soft drink for each person
    • Free jug/s of yakult soju (# of jugs depending on attendance)
    • Special homemade birthday cakeroll by a professional pastry chef to celebrate OzBargain's 16th Birthday

    Here are the details:

    Date: Tuesday 8th November 2022
    Time: 1:00pm AEDT
    Location: Butcher's Buffet Chinatown
    Address: Shop 34/1 Dixon St, Haymarket NSW 2000
    Cap: 40

    Butchers Buffet needs to confirm the approximate number attending this event ASAP so they can organise everything. As a result, to confirm your registration to the Sydney CBD (Chinatown) meet-up, I will be taking a $5 fully refundable deposit via Beemit. Please write your OzBargain username in the “for what?” field when you make the transfer. This deposit is fully refundable in cash if you show up to the meetup.

    Beemit username: @itsmartin

    If you cannot pay via Beemit, please pm me so I can send you bank details or PayID

    For those who cannot attend, I will be happy to organise a smaller meetup for you guys in the CBD on another date during dinner (after working hours).

    I’m so excited to make this possible! Happy Sweet 16 to OzBargain!

    • +2

      Ayyy free soju!!

      • It's going to be a great event!

        Free can of soft drink for each person (usually $4 each)
        Free jug/s of yakult soju (usually $15 each; # of jugs depending on attendance)

    • +1

      I can't attend this year but fingers crossed for next year. Thank you for the announcements and organising this events.

      • +1

        Aww, bummer to hear you can’t go this year. Thank you for your comment. Hope to see you next year :)

  • -1

    ahhh damn don't think I can make Tuesdays :(

    Is Yakult the only flavour they offer? Watermelon Soju is the best!

    Just curious why Tuesday was picked? Most people will be working right? Are you guys taking an annual leave day from work?

    • Just curious why Tuesday was picked?

      Well I could have chosen any day and people would complain. Fri-Sun is too expensive

      For those who cannot attend, I will be happy to organise a smaller meetup for you guys in the CBD on another date during dinner (after working hours).

      But it won't be as good as this one

      • I really want to attend but Tuesday & Wednesday were the only days that I couldn't come and you picked 1 of them lol :(

        How are you taking time off to attend?

        Do people here just take a casual 2.5hours lunch break?

        • duh, you should have guessed the most logical thing: people that attend are most likely are students or doesnt have to work on that day ie casual workers etc.

          well except me i guess im lucky enough. or maybe not, i may have to make up time by starting and finishing work earlier / later

          • @McMaferMur: working people like me need free lunches too :(

            • @Homr: well then maybe you can start work 1 hour earlier then ?
              that place is 16mins walk from my office - i will stay eat for just 60mins. total break is 1.5hr -ish. boss will understand. i dont do this every week anyway

              • @McMaferMur: 60mins is not enough for korean bbq mate. You need at least 1.5 hours, then add 30mins singing happy birthday, kumbaya, shirt giveaways etc etc and you're looking at around 2hrs in the restaurant. Add 15mins walking to and from which is 30mins so thats 2.5hours

                I live 2mins away from butchers but work 15mins walk away so kinda sucks I can't attend

                • @Homr: nah, like i said i will stay for 60mins i may setup my xiaomi stopwatch/timer on arrival - and yes powered by eneloop!
                  ii can multitask, receive tshirt sing talk take photo and eat at the same time

        • +4

          I don't work.

          Anyways, I don't expect way too many people to come, given it is during lunch hours. But as I said, for those who work, I'm happy to organise a separate (smaller) meetup in the CBD at another date on a Friday evening (with priority of attendance given to those who did not attend the this (Chinatown lunch) meetup. I've got some locations planned, so if @scotty approves, it will be Friday 18th Nov.

  • +2

    ok im back in~~~ just tell my boss i have important meeting possible net us $1mil so will take longer lunch

  • +1

    @I Smell Pennies: Well done for organising this. I don't plan to attend as I have booked (and paid) for the Chatswood event on the 24th. However if you end up struggling for numbers and Scotty approves multiple event attendees………….

    • +1

      Thank You. Why not come to this as well? :)
      Scotty advises to not attend many as to let others who haven’t attended have a go, however, it appears quite a lot attend multiple events anyway. Just come, lmk and I’ll put you in :)

  • Can you send payid details

  • +1

    Ayyy thank you server room air con for breaking. Gotta stay back after hours to watch the sparkies fix it and make sure they don't steal anything/knock the network offline. Now I can take the extra few hours to come to lunch!

    • looking forward to seeing you there!

  • Is this supposed to be a quick lunch break for people working in the city?

  • +1

    Hello just sent you the deposit. Yay, this place is great!! Thanks for organising

    Although I will say that it's a little wild to have buffet on a Tuesday for lunch, I ain't complaining

    • Thank you :)
      You’ll have an awesome time I hope

  • Sounds like a great lunch, sadly I can't make it. Enjoy!

    • Sorry to hear, hope you can make other events :)

  • +1

    Hi, i would like to come, also have a plusone, i'll PM you the ozb names :)

  • +1

    Thank you for organising the event. Please let me know if you need a hand on the day.

  • +5

    Update 28/10/2022

    • @scotty has confirmed he will attend this meet-up, and will bring a bunch of new 2022 OzBargain t-shirts if they arrive in time. This is going to be a banger of an event.
    • Approximately 30 people have paid a $5 refundable deposit, and spots are filling fast. As a result, I have lifted the cap to 50 OzBargainers (the maximum Butchers Buffet can cater for us), which I expect to fill very soon. 70 people have expressed interest into this event. If you can no longer attend this event, please remove your vote on the poll.
    • I have to report to Butchers Buffet approximate number attending by Wed 2nd Nov, and then final numbers two days before the meetup. If you have paid a deposit and soon realise you can no longer attend, you have until Friday 4th November to let me know for a refund.
    • If you would like to attend, please make sure (1) you've voted on the poll and (2) pay a deposit as per the instructions on this post. If you would like to transfer via PayID or PayPal, please let me know via pm. Please put your OzB username in the description of the transfer. You do not need to let me know you've transferred, I will know who you are, so no need to send me a pm saying you transferred unless necessary
    • Those who cannot attend this meetup can feel free to express their interest in the 2nd Sydney CBD meetup
    • +3

      You are doing a great job at organising this.

  • Just wondering if it's possible to show up earlier (12pm) since I have to train back and pick up my kid from school.

    • +1

      If I change the time, that may affect everyone who has already paid, so unfortunately I have to keep the 1pm timeslot

      • What I mean is, the official time remain 1pm, but I show up at 12pm for lunch, stay until 2pm and leave.

        • You're just going to eat by yourself? You could just come at 1pm and eat for an hour (usual lunch break)

          Also doubt schedule will change as OP's booking was agreed with management

          • @impostor: An hour for bbq buffet seems short and rushed, especially if you're there to socialise.
            But I understand I'm just gonna make things complicated.
            Good luck, and wish you all a good time!

            • @talismansa: Last year’s Strathfield event lasted just over an hour. I’m sure you can get a lot in within an hour. Enjoy the food and talk to some people

              Butchers Buffet has a maximum sitting time of 1.5 hours.

              Sorry I can’t help you further, but I’m happy for you to come if you still want to

  • -1

    wow if we can have the whole place for ozb (ie 50ish ppl) that would be good we can talk about bargains to everyone

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