Come and celebrate OZBs 16th birthday.
Spreading the love and heading to Canley Heights..
Sunday 20th Nov at 530pm Holy Basil. Making it an early dinner as the restaurant gets packed and it is a school the next day!
Please vote and let me know if you will be attending.
Update 7th November
Holy Basil require large groups to have the banquet option which costs $55 per person and for us to pay a non refundable deposit.
Scotty has kindly increased the amount he is paying per person to $45 per person. This leaves $10 to be paid per person to have an amazing meal and meet other OZBargainers!
So I can make the booking for the correct number of people I am needing people to transfer me Teresa Wilson via OSKO to my mobile 0400 038 760 the amount of $10 as your deposit. This is not refundable if you are unable to attend.
Pls put your OZB name in the reference so I can keep track of who has paid. The last date for payment is Monday 14th Nov.
Any questions pls send me a PM.
Teresa (twilsoncrow)
@scotty isn’t there some rule against members making multiple events?