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Xbox Series X Console $749 Delivered @ Amazon AU

Last edited 14/10/2022 - 18:13 by 1 other user

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Not so fun if you're an Xbox fanbois…
So why are you here?
MS's plan is just to buy everyone out rather than make any new exclusives
I dunno. Playstation is king of movie-like rpg. But shooters, racing goes to xbox.. platformers give your opinion.. minecraft and flight simulator are league of their own. Etc etc. But then again nothing will change a fanbois mind (no matter how tiny).
From what I have seen the PS5 must have exclusives are pretty thin on the ground like the Xbox.
Not so many exclusives anymore, everything going to PC now.
@Spendmore: I know about PSX and less function PS2 emulators (plus handheld PS consoles). Are you saying there are emulators that run the other gen PS consoles?
Sony won't have exclusives now you can play them on PC :)
Whats wrong with the Xbox? Game Pass is the best value subscription out there which forced Sony to come out with one of theirs too. If it wasn't for Xbox Sony would be charging even more for their console, games and subscriptions.
nothing wrong with it its just sales favor the PS5 side of things more than xbox currently. I think thats what he is talking about.
Are you ok?
well it is true because they can get a PC and do the same games most likely for cheaper.
the Xbox is usually for streamers like me or reviewers and collectors like me :D But they are also for the people that can;t afford a proper PC so an xbox is a cheap alernative.
More like $145 as they force people into over priced bundles.…
It's a stock standard PS5 with a "voucher" to download forbidden west… None of that is going to be collectable.
So, genuinely curious and this isnt directed at OP. Why I never see downvotes on RRP deals for consoles but with gpus and cpus you always get complaints that its 'not a better deal than rrp so no deal' and we get negs? Is it just that consoles are so much cheaper than pcs that people dont complain even if it not a 'proper discount' or something?
From what I've seen most of those GPU deals are still above RRP
What do we consider as 'RRP' for gpus though? Almost all deals posted are AIBs and its not fair to measure msrp for founders, if they fall 5-10% within msrp for founders I think its reasonable, albeit I probably would never buy it unless its on a steeper discount but some people will definitely snatch it up. As for CPU deals posted here they are definitely under or at the RRP afaik.
Because even when readily available , GPU prices are still stupid and that makes people angry
I didn't get angry when I saw a $3k for a rtx4090, I LOL'd.
Yeah I agree it's really weird to see, sure it's a bargain site but it's also super handy as we've seen in the past two years of heavy stock issues for those wanting a console to be able to see when and where it's available in stock, despite being RRP.
You’ve never seen them?
Read the comments. Usually along the lines of “This isn’t OzRRP”
Yeah I dont remember seeing them but then again I guess I havent clicked on all the console deals posts unlike I have been with gpu ones because I knew theres always going to be a juicy flame war in the comment section.
That is because:
1) There is shite loads of GPU stocks yet the prices are high.
2) Next gen is out, yet prices of previous gen cards are still at previous gen RRP.
3) There is no new consoles coming out but we already have new gen cards already on the market - so its OK for consoles.
4) We want to teach GPU companies we wont budge if they price thier shite like 4080 16GB for 2200 AUD.
5) Because we dont want to fall for Fake 4070 12 GBs and call them 4080 12 GB.
6) Because MS and Sony always price thier consoles at the right price, where as nvidia will price thier GPUs whatever they want which is currently beyond reasonable.
7) There are more mining cards coming up, which will make the card price fall further - just look at the sales here - overf 50 cards sold in a day -
If people buy more mining cards, retailers will have no choice to drop prices.Others please feel free to add to this.
Osiris can answer that. Gets real mad about why console RRPs are justified and nothing else.
You mustn't have looked hard there are heaps of negged RRP "deals" on here.
Console gamers aren’t as uptight. We sit on the couch and just chill
Frequency illusion, also known as the Baader–Meinhof phenomenon or frequency bias, is a cognitive bias in which, after noticing something for the first time, there is a tendency to notice it more often, leading someone to believe that it has an increased frequency of occurrence.
if people are scalping consoles to mine coins thus creating a shortage, and the CEOs don't care who they sell to.
you'd probably understand why.Doesn't matter how the shortage occured the fact is GPU's and consoles were in short supply.
A lot of it has been global supply bottlenecks,.look at new vehicles, massive shortages still.
Why I never see downvotes on RRP deals for console
The truth is paying any attention whatsoever to imaginary made-up prices like RRP is as silly when the real price is higher as it is when the real price is lower.
Whether something is a bargain is unrelated to these arbitrary fake prices. A bargain is a price significantly cheaper than you can otherwise buy it for.
When the alternative is scalper prices or not buying it, even RRP can in fact be a bargain.
This or 4 RTX 4090's? Can't decide..
Why not 5
No fuzz setup, play on big screen on a nice sofa plus probably surround system.
This guys knows.
But the fun of sitting close to a monitor, fully active with a KB and mouse is unbeatable.
Not for Forza it ain't, I do prefer m&kB for shooters though.
You do realise it's possible to have a PC hooked up to a TV and provide much the same experience, right?
Navigating windows on controllers sucks though. That's why I'm a huge fan of steam controller and the deck. Those touchpads are freaking great.
@Wonderfool: Yeah it would suck navigating windows on a controller. I have a cheap wireless mouse and keyboard for that part. I probably wouldn't try game with them, but it does the navigation stuff I want.
Living room PC gang unite.
You think playing PC games on a monitor is great, try a projector!
I would buy all remaining stock if there were a scalping market.
No one cares. Good for the average Joe there’s more stock.
@Griffindinho: Lol that's the funny thing, no one does care. These guys are so desperate to try and impress strangers with unimpressive feats.
I think pity is probably more apt to feeling towards them.
I would scalp you if there was a market for scalps
You’re a scumbag
Lets Go Broden
Don't forget to mention the Alie- welp I better not say that word.
lol so your on minimum wage and needed to scalp to make a small amount of cash, enjoy being poor lol
Can't spell but he has a good point.
Do I need* one? Should I get a PS5 instead? No urgency so okay to wait for stock. I don't think there are any exclusives I care about for either. I have a Switch with heaps of games so maybe I don't need either.
I think I'd wait for the OzInStock notification, $799 for console + $79 for the game (that I'm not even sure I want) is only $878, but the bundle is $894, unless it comes with something else extra? I probably won't use it for at least a month and fine to wait a few months for stock.
Xbox Game pass is an absolute match winner for me especially if you're not too fussy about exclusives on PS5. Using the ozb tricks you can get access to 500 games on PC and Xbox plus cloud gaming for $50/year or less.
May be the way to go. I'm also trying to figure out if Playstation are providing more stock of the Horizon Forbidden West bundle over the standalone console. If it's just that the bundle isn't selling and that's why it's still available I can overlook it, but if they're actually pushing more stock of the bundle it's a bit of a dealbreaker when there are already stock issues, it would be a pretty shitty thing to do.
IMO Gamepass is the best deal in gaming. I haven't bought a game in at least a year.
Decided to go ahead with the Xbox. I can play my old xbox 360 digital games still, plus gamepass, plus I have friends who play Sea of Thieves.
This is the way :)
my day 1 edition still in the box.
And still worth RRP
Sell it at RRP and repurchase later once the price drop.
I don't think the brand new price will ever fall much lower than this, honestly. Maybe briefly when the next gen comes out, just before they stop selling new ones? Then brand-new-in-box prices actually start rising again not long after that.
My Halo edition still in the box, all the time tempted to swap it out with the regular one I'm using.
Admit it, it's listed on Ebay and you're trying to scalp it.
Hell no, it's mine, would rather sell the regular one
Lol same.
PS5 unopened as well.
Been rocking the OLED Switch.
Just sold one over year old for $750
Interesting. I have been struggling to sell mine.
I’d just left it on gumtree for weeks at $785 and then got an offer. My son convinced me to sell it and buy series s as I only play fortnite on it was a waste.
Just got to find a bargain series s.
Just buy used. I've seen it as low as 250 bucks.
At least it’s OzRRP instead of OzBendmeoverthebarrelPS5
there's a reason why it's in stock…
And yet here you are commenting on this thread, so what is it a troll or jealous?😂
Because there's more shipments to Australia?
Finally pulled the trigger. Cheers!
I just came here because I liked the OP's description.
Looks like both PS5 and XBOX are readily available now
Waiting for that God of war bundle.
Still an overpriced digital game that there's nothing you can do with once finished. Better off buying a standalone console and GoW physical copy.
Time for me to consider Xbox instead of PS5
Just buy both. Have a series x and will get a ps5 for God of War.
Actually you are right!
are there any series x exclusive games yet ? its been a couple of years now since it came out. So I can justify buying this. My XB1 is still going. Is the graphics really worth the upgrade ?
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$50.95 cheaper than PS5 ^_^