My appreciation for fireplaces really went up this winter. I used it as a main source of heating and it was ridiculously cheaper than previous winters when I would rely on our ducted heating (even with solar panels installed the cost was still absurd).
Can't imagine the ongoing energy crisis (which will almost certainly get worse) is giving people confidence that their "traditional" electric heating is going to be a viable option forever. The thought of people having to ration or cut back on heating during cold winter months is pathetic in a first-world country so I won't be putting my trust in sensible energy policy keeping prices low.
Does anyone still use a fireplace, or is this like people who use house phones or dial-up internet?
What an idea, never thought of that.
I do find myself wondering whether it's even legal to harvest firewood yourself in Australia. I know in Europe they have lots of untamed forests where people go to chop up their household wood. It might be illegal but nobody stops you because it's so common.
In Australia they'd treat you like a terrorist.